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Everything posted by Dosenmais

  1. Dosenmais

    Bin Laden Is Dead

    Business? Do you realy belive you can make big money with that stuff? When People like Jones spread their work for free? Moreover the personal risking and the tons of work you have to do for a relatively small group of listeners/readers. Business my ass. People that would make business would go to CNN or FOX or one other major news network and sell you total BS the hole day. "It's a business to them". What Bullshit. But the War on Terror is for Freedom and bla bla bla, of course the War on Terror has nothing to do with Business. But the conspiracy theorists do. Damn this makes me angry. Do people like you forgett that the official 9/11 version is also just a conspiracy theory? That 19 Arabs conspire with the Genius Mastermind Bin Laden, that could NORAD stand down, to attack the USA. Thats not proven and also a theory.
  2. Dosenmais

    Pakistan Taliban/Al Qaeda War

    Man, you can dumb this Al Quaida History BS in the trashcan. :rolleyes: Al Quaida is an tool for destabilasation, and they show up everywhere the High ruling gangsters need them. First Afghanistan to bring the soviets their vietnam(quote Zbigniew Brzeziński) then Serbia that wouldn't join the European Union but now did and now they are in Lybia. Gaddafi is an alkoholic despot but hes absolutly right when he says, that the "Rebells" are CIA backed up Al Quaida and the jerusalem post and the telegraph wrote about that. Ive linked to the official FBI Most Wanted Page of Osama Bin Laden and even the FBI says, that Al Qaida means "Base". It was/it is a Database for CIA Mercenaries. Now they use them against Gaddafi, becaus he gets double crossed now. Nearly the same thing they did in Serbia to split that country off. First the freedom fighters came in and do some war crimes, than the Nation strikes back and gets brandmarked as tyrannical massmurder. Al-Qaeda 100% Pentagon Run How comes Al Ciada to Pakistan? US Planes bring them there. Afghanistan has a tousands of years old structure of tribes and their political system, the Shura. There are just the elder man involved, not woman and children, but thats exact that system that was called democratie in greek. But the Soviets, than the Taliban and now the Allies try their best to destroy this system. Ahmad Shah Massoud has fought the taliban after the russians run off and later he has fought against the americans. But then he got killed, maybee because the russians and the chinese put to much work in the northern alliance.
  3. Dosenmais

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Why should iranian hackers attack an video game web portal? Is there any proof that iranian hackers did this, or is it just a conclusion because they call themself "persian black hat boys" ? Where is the motive?
  4. Dosenmais

    Bin Laden Is Dead

    Rust has flight an smal Cessna 172 under the radar, not an Boening 747 that differs from the official airway. And yeah, this could be staged for some reason. Maybee because some soviet generals wanted more buget for their air defence. Rust is an fucked-up loser that could never done anything by himself, i don't think he could do that without any help. @Baz you got it bro.
  5. Dosenmais

    Bin Laden Is Dead

    :D don't make me laughting again pal. Do you really thinking what you trying to tell me? :cool: Yeah, shooting him in the head and than dispose the body in the sea. Sounds like a Mafia Story. Come on guys. Hes dead for at least 10 years. Steve Pieczenik reported that 2001 and Benazir Bhutto also reported that 2007 before she was murderd by Al-Ciada. This man was seriously ill, he needed a dialysis every three days. You can't make such things in a cave in afghanistan. He couldn't even survive "his escape from tora bora", where he was surrounded by Delta force and marines, but in a magical way he could escape.
  6. Dosenmais

    Bin Laden Is Dead

    :D Saudi Arabia is own by two families. The Sauds and the Bin Ladens. They are not "subjects", they are the same. :rolleyes: Look at the official FBI website, Bin Laden is not even wanted for 9/11. There is no link between 9/11 and Bin Laden! And FBI officiers that wouldnt back off these things get fired!
  7. Dosenmais

    Bin Laden Is Dead

    Nooo, the government would never ever lie to us. :D Hey, you need an ID Card for those living areas. The higher middle class lives there, also some military and ISI officers in their a little bit rotten official residence, no way Bin Laden lives there for 5 years. No Way. These People in these countrys don't live like we live. We living in this oversized cities and even don't know our neighbors, but they know each other. They know their neighbors, what they are doing and in most cases even their families. So, their is no way Osama could live their for 5 years and nobody would notice this. No way man, no way. Stupid propaganda circus.
  8. Dosenmais

    Bin Laden Is Dead

    Bin Laden is dead for 10 years :rolleyes:. Imagine the old Bin Laden with all his liver and kidney diseases, carries a dialysis machine in on hand, an AK in the other and had his final showdown with the Navy Seal Hitteam. This story will save obamas re-election. If you want to know whats going on: Bin Laden Family Evacuated FBI 'was told to back off bin Laden family' FBI.gov : Most wanted : Usama Bin Laden If you want to take the blue pill: Yeah, Team america, we got them, yeaaah
  9. Does not matter. Most people don't even know whats behinde their idols. It does not matter if these people know the hole game as long as they do what the propaganda machine is telling them. Ofcourse most people do not care about occult nazi stuff, but if they support people they do, it does not matter.
  10. Heinrich Harrer? 1938 sendet Heinrich Himmler an expedition to Tibet, their Mission was a mix of race research and occult nazi stuff. And everybody knows, that the nazis and especialy SS Head Himmer were obsessed with occult witchcraft stuff. And this is still very strong in the higher classes of our society. Yeah, sounds strange, but most newspappers still publish horoscope at least once in a month. And ofcourse they can use this feudalistic monk, which cult is similar to the sun worshipping cults all over the planet(Aztecs, Germanic Tribes, modern freemaisonry, old Egypt), as an agitator against China. Dalai Lama is an modern sun priest, and he has still many influence on the peasant slaves in tibet and some usefull idiots in the western world. I would advise you a book about that stuff, but its written in german and i didn't find a book like this in english.
  11. CNN is reporting that an NATO Airstrike killed Gaddafis Son Saif al-Arab and probably two of this grand children. Maybee this is a cover story because some people run off. Meanwhile Gaddafis forces arrange Weapons and basic training to civilians. Looks like hes building some kind of Volkssturm for the final stand. Forgett this Tibet Bullcrap. They just support this "free Tibet" stuff in the western world for some occult reasons. Before the Chinese "invaded" Tibet, it was an feudalic shithole and a Hell of a Place. But there are enough other examples. There are a lot of peasant riots on the countryside where peasants attack the communist goons with tools. And the CIA is instigate the Uyghurs to rebel. This was a rhetorical question. I know that the saudi Wahhabites are the actual pet child of the globalist gangsters, because they can use these people as mercs and mischief-maker in other countrys. But they double cross the arabs by inflation the dollar, the arabs invested in the dollar.
  12. Dosenmais

    Am i the only one sick of the royal wedding?

    "Hey the queen has still formal power" "hey the queen can suspend the canadian parlament" Peasant : "Oaah, stop talking crazy, just wave your flage and celebrate our masters and owners."
  13. Dosenmais

    Am i the only one sick of the royal wedding?

    Yeah, like a 15 year old facebook user. :rolleyes: Make a stupid joke and than put the earplugs back in. See how irrational people can act? "Keep Calm and Carry On" is a slogan that was prevalent by the english Gov. during the secound world war, in the event of an german invasion. xD England was invaded decades ago.
  14. Dosenmais

    Am i the only one sick of the royal wedding?

    I speak three languages. How many do you speak? And can you write all of them without mistakes? And my spelling shouldn't be the point in this case.
  15. Dosenmais

    Am i the only one sick of the royal wedding?

    You wanna act like stupid peasants? Fine. But these are the reasons iam got sick about this ritual wedding circus. Let these people fuck your kind, but they don't wind me with this circus. BBC .: Whose hand is on the button?
  16. Dosenmais

    Am i the only one sick of the royal wedding?

    Grow up. Can't believe that so many people in the age of adults acting like children. The english royals are german royals. They are nazi supporters. They are criminals. They own big business and robbing the taxpayer. They push eco-facism. They overthrone other Governments like this one in Iran 1953. They still hold their colonies under royal dictatorship. They make big insider deals what is illegal. They are still formal Leader of the State and the Military. They don't give a fuck about stupid peasants, waving flags and think they are part of something special. Sorry that i can't laugh about this. At least i forgett.: Randy Andy(Battenberg, also german) made deals with Saif al-Islam al-Gaddafi. And now the stupid peasant canon fodder can risk his life to kill other poor peasants.
  17. Dosenmais

    Am i the only one sick of the royal wedding?

    I'am talking about the poor people on both sides! The nobility staged the first world war and they staged the secound one, trying to bomb us back in the middel ages. I lost Family Members in this wars, murderd by german aristocrates on the top of both sides, and i don't wanna be the next one! The british Royals, the german Royals, the russian Royals, the netherland Royals, they are all the same Bastards! Saxon-Coburg Gotha, Hesse-Kassel, Lippe-Biesterfeld and so on. They stage wars to destroy our life and our productivity. They are hardcore gangsters and own the biggest Banks and Corporations, but still getting taxpayer money. Hey, Prince Philipp says he wanna be reborn as a deadly virus. Hes a grandson of Queen Victoria and married to the Queen. They own Royal dutch shell, they own the WWF, they own the Bank of England, they own nearly everything! And Albert II. (King of Belgium and also Sachson-Coburg Gotha) was involved in the Marc Dutroux Coverup. Goddamn read something! Read a f****g book and than tell me again i'am getting mad without a reason. This is not a game. edit.: Mistake-
  18. Dosenmais

    Am i the only one sick of the royal wedding?

    For no reason?!! How many of your Family Members died in Wars that were staged by the aristocrats on both sides? You call this no reason? I have enough reasons to hate these murderous incest bastards.
  19. Dosenmais

    Am i the only one sick of the royal wedding?

    Hey, i know somebody who married also on the 29. April. Well, these sick freaks will use this stupid poor girl as a breeder for the next generation of sick freaks, like they did with dianna.
  20. Dosenmais

    Am i the only one sick of the royal wedding?

    Stupid Girl, get the hell out of there or you can end like dianna. :rolleyes:
  21. Dosenmais

    Am i the only one sick of the royal wedding?

    They keep it in the Family. Does not matter if you go back 500 or 600 or 700 years. These People think in the unit of generations. Aristocratics always intermarry. Queen Victoria was called the Mother of Europe because their Bastards sit on nearly every throne in europe, and they intermarried again!
  22. Dosenmais

    Am i the only one sick of the royal wedding?

    Guess what i found out. A common ancestor from william and kate is Sir Thomas Leighton. The establishment always intermarry, keep it in the family.
  23. Dosenmais

    Am i the only one sick of the royal wedding?

    I'am just trying to give you guys some facts about what happens.
  24. Dosenmais

    Am i the only one sick of the royal wedding?

    So you can't wait to live in a hut like a peasant during the feudal age? Hey, parliamentary monarchy is prevalent form of government in western europa! The netherlands, spain, sweden, denmark, england, luxembourg, norway, belgium. These people never leaved.
  25. Dosenmais

    Am i the only one sick of the royal wedding?

    No, you are not the only one that is sick of these facist punks. -I3l7wYmUyU I can't believe how could people worship stupid Kings and Queens untill the 21 century. Does anyone of these stupid morrons, that watching this shit on the TV, know what this royals have done in the past? They should get locked in prison or beheaded right in townsquare.