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Everything posted by Dosenmais

  1. Dosenmais

    Tax the 1%ers and banks to pay for austerity?

    6,600 Million Acres value £17,600,000,000,000 How Much Is Queen Elizabeth Worth? But hey, no one talks about these people. This is so silly it isn't even gallows humor.
  2. Dosenmais

    Tax the 1%ers and banks to pay for austerity?

    The 1% are the one in a million. When leftis spoke about rich people, they mean millionars which own companies and they pay a lot of taxes, but these aren't the 1%. Wanna know which is the biggest landowner on the planet? The british Queen. Royality for example, they are the mega rich 1% without produce anything. Talks occupy about taxing them? No, they just wanna end the evil capitalism.
  3. Dosenmais

    Tax the 1%ers and banks to pay for austerity?

    Jezzz... The 1% are the Superclass and they can't be taxed. Most leftis and dummy which running around occupy dont even know who the 1% are. David Rothkopf:: Superclass: The Global Power Elite and the World They Are Making And everyone knows how they get rid of the taxes that they should pay. They found foundations. Thats the way they get tax exemptions, foundations which finance their manager mills as the Rockefeller foundation financed the University of Chicago. This reminded me of Gerald Celente which said: This isn't about iam mad as hell, this is about i'am broke as hell. Yeah, Socialism and thievery always sounds like a simple solution while people just parrot the latest bullshit that they heard. This fake Robin Hood Tax is this, what IWF and european politics demanded a long time and now its one of the main talking points of occupy this and that. Its FRAUD. Robin Hood never demanded taxes, he has stolen taxes! This Tax will nearly taxing everything which makes every banking activities oversee able. And how should "(ie financing the economy)" work? This money was sucked out of the economy! Its like a guy which shears sheeps and than makes them way smaller sweaters. Seriosly, how many books about economy did you read in your life? And i mean the real economy stuff and don't Marx and this bunk. Wanna steal from me? Come and take it punk. Here is a guy which runs around whit a Ludwig v. Mises Banner, and LvM said 1920 that our fiat money system will collaps. He said that 1920 but i guess nearly non of the alightend trendily socialsts here read his books. Maybee some of these college commies should read his books because its also about legalize drugs!
  4. Damn i knew it! I had always a big suspect against things as steam and online registration.
  5. Dosenmais

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    There is a difference between different opinions and slander.
  6. Dosenmais

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    What Bullshit are you talking? He would end the war on drugs which brings thousands of non-violent young people, mostly minorities, behinde bars. This creates gangs among the minorities and freak up their communities. So whats racist about that? And to all these hate crime bullshit.: Crime is Crime, there is no different in crime against negros by white people or crime by white people against white people. We are all equal before the law. You dumbass don't even know what you talking about. :rolleyes: Ron Paul racist... bull man, bull.
  7. Dosenmais

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    @walker All i hear from you is this nonsense "raceism, raceism, raceism". For godssake read a book, Freak.
  8. Government profits from crises.
  9. Dosenmais

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Cartmans Silly Hate Crime I think even he would try, he couldn't.
  10. Dosenmais

    9/11 10th Anniversary

    Don't worry, TSA strangers grab your genitals now or cook you with radiation and this will never happen again. Here is my idea. Take a small pocket knife and try to force some adult people to follow your orders. First responders decry exclusion from 9/11 ceremony The first responders are not invited to this year's September 11 memorial ceremony at ground zero,
  11. Dosenmais

    9/11 10th Anniversary

    And don't forgett the first responders which died on sicknesses the years after 9/11 beause the Air was toxic and the gov. told them that it would be safe. Absolutly. To think Ali baba aaahm Bin Laden and 19 Raiders from a cave could conspire to do such a massive crime is something for people which are mentaly retarded. Whise words, but most time it is a big difference if you die in NY during a Terrorattack or you die in a nameless village somewhere in eastern congo.
  12. Dosenmais

    9/11 Ten Year Anniversary

    And when Carlie Sheen eats a steak that makes me the same kind like him because i eat steaks too? And better be in company with Sheen than with Rumsfeld, Darth Cheney, Bush and these other murderous scumbags.
  13. Dosenmais

    Libyan Revolution Helmet Cam

    Than why do woman serve in the libyan Military? Ever see a woman among the rebels? First of all libya was a socialist state. And sure you could travel before. At least in 2007 they start a big tourist program. It wouldn't be possible to buy some liquor, but hey, do think these screaming and in the air shooting rebels would let you drink alcohol? But i wouldn't travel there becaus i wouldn't support any of these corrupt governments with by currency. This country will end up fucked up like a mixture between lebanon 1984 and iraq today. And than the NATO would gain a secound strike to stop Al Quaida, which they put in charge, and get whats left.
  14. Dosenmais

    Libyan Revolution Helmet Cam

    Life must be so much easier beeing dumb as a box of rocks. :j: You could go libya beaches before. But know, when the sharia law comes in charge, i guess that wouldn't be possible anymore. LINK REMOVED - explicit content But hey, here is my offer: YOU PAY! I don't wanna pay taxmoney for that war, you do from now on!
  15. Dosenmais

    A Brave Man

    Okay, and something REALY strange. Whiteskin snipers on syrian rooftops. So, whats about that. You can also see some guys with Combat boots in battledress. I guess these guys are security forces, but in other case that would mean, the "protesters" are armed and equipped. So it looks so that the western forces are already active in syria and try to escalade the situation. By the way, did this brave man see which people shoot at him? In Lybia the Al Quaida forces shoot at reporters which where not part of the NATO propaganda warfare campaign such as that guy. And there was also a video from another guy which also did a video interview on russia today the day after they shoot him in front of the hotel. He showed the bullet which was operatet out of his leg. If he would be hit by automatic fire, that would be one thing. But the rebells have snipers which looking for people which could document the crimes that they comittet. Look these guys like democrats or peacefull opposition to you? They had arms even before the western media was reporting about the "arabic spring". The protesters in lybia had tanks and arms even before the western media reportet.And now the double thinking idiots, which jerking off killing brown people in afghanistan when Bush was telling his Al Quaida tales, supporting this admited Al Quaida in Lybia and Syria? Seriosly?
  16. Dosenmais

    Libyan Revolution Helmet Cam

    I said it before, i don't have a Dog in this fight. I don't like guys like Gaddafi. But do you know what i like even less? The Military-industrial Complex. And they lied about lybia like they lied about serbia. And i don't like getting lied to.
  17. Dosenmais

    Possible Terrorist Attack in SoCal/Arizona

    Do you know how many people die every year by false medicamentation or mistakes made by doctors? I guess you don't. Just in germany, where the gov. force the people to buy the public healthcare, died almost 17.000 people just in 2010. And i should getting scared by terrorists?
  18. Dosenmais

    Possible Terrorist Attack in SoCal/Arizona

    People running scared by such things but not from their doctor, swimming pool or cigaretts which all kill way more people than terrorists. :rolleyes:
  19. Dosenmais

    Libyan Revolution Helmet Cam

    Who cares? Maybee they make that up again. :rolleyes:
  20. Dosenmais

    Libyan Revolution Helmet Cam

    Makes sense for the traitors which were posing with firefighters and first responders. Because the FR are very angry, most of them are sick, many died because they were lied to about the toxic air on ground zero and don't get health care. Hell, they were lied to about everything. Looks like the Terrorist won already. They get NATO supplies and the American People lost nearly almost their freedom.
  21. Dosenmais

    Libyan Revolution Helmet Cam

    Careful Man, i get banned last time i persist on facts. But by the way. Now Al Quaida, Bandits and royalists are good while first responders are not welcome at the 911 ceremony. I don't have a dog in this fight, i don't care for ghaddafi or his hooker beating bastards. But i hope those "Rebells" get slaughtered to a man. I have no interessts for an Al Quaida base in Lybia.
  22. Dosenmais

    Pakistan Taliban/Al Qaeda War

    Thats total BS. CIA agent alleged to have met Bin Laden in July Hospital Worker: I Saw Osama I guess he died on kidney failure in the ending of 2001. Also he had given an interview to Al jazeera where he said, that he wasn't behinde 9/11 on the 17. September. Bin Laden says he wasn't behind attacks So why should Al CIAda brag about their 9/11 plot? Also we saw a video with a guy that poses as Bin Laden but was way to fat to be him. And he weared golden rings and wrote with the wrong hand.
  23. Dosenmais

    Bin Laden Is Dead

    Oh yeah, you can see Bin Laden from Behinde. Its just an old man with a blanket. But now that "Al Quaida" confirmed his dead, thats the ultimat evidence. Even when all Bin Laden Tapes since 2000 were fakes. Give me a break. Books. Try some. :rolleyes: Hell yeah. Even this Al Quaida Hoax would be real, they could never take so many freedoms away as the government. The People lost more Liberty through the Government than by Al Quaida actions. And how stupid would be Al Quaida or every other Terrorist Group to Attack the mightist Nation on Earth, the only left that could bring an hole invasion army to every point on the planet in 24 Hours, and provocate a war against themself.
  24. Dosenmais

    Pakistan Taliban/Al Qaeda War

    But Marines were on demand. They could intervene, but for some reason, the Pentagon choose the Northern Alliance to capture him. I'am absolutly not interesstet in arguing with a bunch of pointless bullshit. There is no sense in endless discussions, ive just link the articles that show you the other perspektive. If you wanna believe that the Pentagon, a trillion dollar funded organisation, is just to stupid to catch a old, sick Man in a Cave, you can believe that as long you do not vote for some Bastard who use this kind of fairy tales to take my freedoms away. :D oh come on. You could show an articel for this claim. Maybee that thing belongs to Big Foot who should also live there. Together with Elvis and the Legion of Doom in their Tora Bora super mountain fortress. ... they found a dialysis machine in a cave. :rolleyes:
  25. Dosenmais

    Pakistan Taliban/Al Qaeda War

    The NY Times reported that an US drone almost killed Anwar al-Awlaki. But CBS news reported in October 2010 that Qaeda-Linked Imam Dined at Pentagon after 9/11. Another Puppet, another CIA Asset to fool us and sell us this Al CIAda international terrorism BS. Oooh, he was surrounded by Delta Forces and Marines but in some magical way, he could escape. Because the Pentagon was sadly to stupid to gauge that. Oh, we are sorry. It was just disability. Move on, nothing to see here. I mean, how dumb must a man be to believe this total nonsense? Bin Laden needed a dialysis every three days, you couldn't make such things in a cave.