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Everything posted by papanowel

  1. I'll not play Arma2 anymore when my team will install an Arma 3 server. I voted 3
  2. Track Ir 5 seems to be too sensitive with default settings (compare too other sims).
  3. Anyway, you have to buy arma 2, just for Chernaruss ! Sorry for the off-topic post!
  4. USMC==> usec unit (don't forget to create a new folder and sub-folder "addons") By the way, your models are awesome.
  5. papanowel

    Gamespot Reader's Choice, vote for ARMA 3

    Best RTS, I vote for Gaia ;) and seems to be first until now
  6. papanowel

    Will you buy ARMAIII?

    Blasphemy, you must say: "I'm pre-ordering the retail version as soon as Sprocket let me :)"
  7. Very impressive works. :) Especially the Unimog. Maybe this one would be good to :p
  8. papanowel

    Will you buy ARMAIII?

    Maybe not.. it's the wrong section, he must post on the TOH section of this forum :D
  9. papanowel

    Helicopter flight model from TakeOnHelis

    OMG... it's nice :)
  10. papanowel

    What do you think off the "future" setting

    "It feels interesting with new wehicles and weapons" Nothing more to say :)
  11. papanowel

    Will you buy ARMAIII?

    Of course and even all DLC's & Expansions for It! I'll upgrade my computer when Arma 3 come's out.
  12. papanowel

    Czech magazine in studio

    Thanks for the links Hurby. I may be finish a campain this time, the last I get trough was Resistance... ^^
  13. papanowel

    Lennard's WIP thread

    Didn't know that you guys were testing a new pattern, sound's interesting. I wish you the best for this project and the Mariners.
  14. I'd like to see the Tiger, it's a nice chopper.
  15. papanowel


    Very good news :)
  16. papanowel

    E3 - Arma 3?

    Very nice, I'm very happy :)
  17. papanowel

    E3 - Arma 3?

    Gaia then ToH and maybe arma...
  18. papanowel

    E3 - Arma 3?

    Just when I was going to see Arma :/
  19. papanowel


    I'd like to know, how high was the view distance.
  20. papanowel

    What is your hallucination of ArmA3?

    It will be great because it will be different. :) Edit: Scubadiving, new techs, etc.
  21. Thanks for the info ;)
  22. Blufor are using Fennek and KTO Rosomak.