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Everything posted by papanowel

  1. Very nice weapon. Do you plan to add a model with double magazine or heavy one?
  2. You have to try again, I had the same problem, I tried it a couple of time and it was launching after all.
  3. Awesome IceBreakr. The airport terminal looks big.
  4. papanowel

    Belgian Army Mod - WIP

    Great news Loïck, I'll maybe play as a Belgian SF in the near future :p
  5. @PurePassion, in wich part of the forum did you get this message? :confused:
  6. papanowel

    ACE for OA 1.12

    Great news, I'm glad to hear that you will continue on Arma 3.
  7. papanowel

    VBS2/3 Discussion thread - the one and only

    We don't know. You can find all infos on their website and ask there. ;)
  8. papanowel

    Hazar-Kot Valley

    Sounds great :)
  9. Very impressive, must be hard to improve that kind of stuff with RV3 engine.
  10. Squad name - Sons of Exiled Timezone/location - GMT +1 Squad gamemode preference - Coop (with ACE stable version and ACRE) Website address - http://www.sonsofexiled.fr
  11. papanowel

    VBS2/3 Discussion thread - the one and only

    Very impressive! Edit: New stuff (lhd model wip) on their facebook page
  12. Hi, you are in the wrong section of the forum. You must post your wishes here. Best regards Papanowel
  13. papanowel

    Mass evac mission

    I was playing with three people yesterday and it was working properly.
  14. papanowel

    Mass evac mission

    You have to land next to the civilian and then they're going inside alone... co-pilot seems to be useless :(
  15. Looks like a camera beneath the noose. ;)
  16. A dev said that it will come soon as possible ;) You just have to be patient.
  17. Us mirror is better for me aswell :)
  18. Great news if you're back to business :)
  19. This mod is not released yet.
  20. papanowel

    Binkowski's WIP thread

    I like the idea of Max and Usrangers but if you're bored about us soldier you can do Belgian Special forces :D