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Everything posted by papanowel

  1. papanowel

    Mi-28 WIP

    Very nice pictures :)
  2. papanowel

    Rhodesy's Projects

    Wouah, very nice unit and weapons. Are you planning to make an ACE config for your lovely HK?
  3. papanowel

    UH-72 Lakota

    Simply superb!
  4. papanowel

    MRAP Cougar

    It's getting better and better :) Keep up the good work.
  5. X3-albion prelude (or Terran Conflict) is nice but it takes times before getting in. The terran campaign is very hard. Unfortunately, it is not possible to play on first person and you don't have any cockpit (mods can fix that).
  6. papanowel

    VBS2/3 Discussion thread - the one and only

    End of october for the discount and the 111 first buyer of a PE edition get it for half the normal price. Correct me if I'm wrong. source: http://products.bisimulations.com/bohemia-interactive-simulations-anniversary
  7. papanowel

    game support ?

    After reading all your statements, I won't buy this even if it's 15€.
  8. I though it would be the same price, Gigabyte is also making good MOBO.
  9. For the mobo it's maybe better to get a P8Z77 instead of the old P8H61.
  10. Very nice units! Is it possible to have a screenshot with HDR off? :)
  11. papanowel

    Carrier Command: Gaea Mission

    Singleplayer only (for now) You should look here for more informations: http://forums.bistudio.com/forumdisplay.php?141-CARRIER-COMMAND-GAEA-MISSION-GENERAL
  12. A bit cheaper than Polish one: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_0_7?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=windows+7&sprefix=windows%2Caps%2C120 http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows/shop
  13. Are you sure that the Win 7 OEM version is locked? I'm not that sure. 550W must be enough. If you really want to be OK you might take a 600+ W
  14. For the GPU it is definitely good for A3 but I don't know about the CPU. It must be all right anyway.
  15. Is it possible for you to buy your computer spare parts in Germany? It will be cheaper for you (if shipping is possible and not expensive). Like this: http://www.alternate.de/html/product/listing.html?navId=1346&tk=7&lk=1935 The GTX 650 is a lower mid-range gpu, I presume it is better to buy the 560 ti instead.
  16. papanowel

    VBS2/3 Discussion thread - the one and only

    You will get an answer very quickly (couple of days) ;) For the community, I know that all the player from the FTS27 team are waiting for the big update before getting back to the game.
  17. papanowel

    Mi-28 WIP

    Superb piece of technology :) This is a nice addition for the OPFOR side.
  18. papanowel

    VBS2/3 Discussion thread - the one and only

    I think Vandrel is talking about this.
  19. papanowel

    MRAP Cougar

    Nice beast :)
  20. papanowel

    VBS2/3 Discussion thread - the one and only

    You are right, it is not VBS 2 (at least not v1.60). US army Humvee in VBS2:
  21. Album on photobucket addons: - TF86 temp - Clafghan - Raven RQ 11
  22. Our last coop video author: aKa alias 0SUPERaKa
  23. papanowel

    RQ-11 Raven A

    Did you try with the new one (TF86temp)? It works fine.