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Everything posted by papanowel

  1. papanowel

    New update, worse FPS?

    It's solving the server crash issue, thanks for your quick fix Bis! Edit: Prof was too fast :)
  2. They are working on that issue. We have to give proper information to the devs.
  3. papanowel

    New STEAM patch update 25th March 2013

    I got a strange bug once I start a mission at night time (I'm not using the dev build): To get it normal again, I have to put my nvg on. An other person had the same issue.
  4. papanowel

    New STEAM patch update 25th March 2013

    It may be a mission issue because of some change in the new patch.
  5. papanowel

    Development Blog & Reveals

    You might be right :) Thank you.
  6. papanowel

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Read this post in particularly: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?149636-Development-branch-changelog&p=2350192&viewfull=1#post2350192
  7. papanowel

    New STEAM patch update 25th March 2013

    Normal if they are not up to date. The ifrit classname has changed.
  8. papanowel

    Development Blog & Reveals

    We just have to wait a little longer to get the changelog, it will be avalaible here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?149636-Development-branch-changelog
  9. papanowel

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Update for the non -dev build is here :)
  10. papanowel

    Battlefield 4

    I won't buy it, I can't believe this series is going that way... I was really disappointed with the third.
  11. papanowel

    Real Life Photography/Photo Editing II - NO IMAGES >100kb

    Iguazu waterfall, Argentina, I took it last month. Torres del Paine, Patagonia, Chili I was hiking in this lovely place.
  12. papanowel

    Frustrating experience

    It's only 3 weeks now since the Alpha came out for us. I can't believe that they are already dropping that after such a short time. Give them (devs) more time to fix and tweak the game.
  13. papanowel

    astast: WIP Thread

    It is completely normal that you have to slow down and not showing as much as you want :) Take your time, we will still following your project!
  14. papanowel

    5,5Gb Update on DEV Branch?

    Perfect then, I'll use it in my future mission.
  15. papanowel

    5,5Gb Update on DEV Branch?

    Sweet, is it MP compatible right now?
  16. I wonder what titan launcher is (kind of Javelin)? No sign of Blackhawkt6.
  17. papanowel

    Teamspeak Overlay -vs- VAC Concerns

    VAC doesn't work for A3 (at last not yet). I never heard such a story before.
  18. I was thinking about it too, would be a nice addition into the game and an awesome gift from Bis.
  19. papanowel

    Streetlamp upgrade - alpha I

    I don't have any problem and I'm not running the dev build ;)
  20. papanowel

    astast: WIP Thread

    Thanks for the quick answer.
  21. papanowel

    astast: WIP Thread

    I love it. One quick question. Do you know if it's possible to show the squad xml image on a helmet patch? If yes, it would be good to see that on some of your work :)
  22. papanowel

    Media Coverage | No discussion here!

    Community Guide: Basic Infantry Combat This second video takes a closer look at infantry combat - providing insights on the principles of situational awareness, positioning, enemy contact and shooting.
  23. papanowel

    Streetlamp upgrade - alpha I

    Superb work, I just tried and it's way better for early morning/evening :)
  24. papanowel

    Briefing Problem

    Hello, I hope you don't mind if I post my own problem here (no double post). I wrote 3 different tasks in my briefing but only the 2 first are showed in-game (doesn't matter which one is first or last, it's always the same result). waitUntil {!isNull player && isPlayer player}; // ----- Notes ----- player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", [ "Renseignements", "Nous savons de source sure qu'en detruisant la <marker name='obj1'>tour radio</marker>, l'ennmi sera dans l'impossibilite de communiquer ou d'appeler des renforts. <br/>Faites très attention lors de votre approche en vue de sa destruction." ]]; player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", [ "Civil", "On nous signale que des civils sont toujours en <marker name='ville'>ville</marker>, evitez tout dommage collaterale.<br/><br/>" ]]; // ----- Objectifs ----- //Objective 1 obj1 = player createSimpleTask["Destroy the radio tower"]; obj1 setSimpleTaskDescription["Destroy the radio tower <br/><br/> Vous devez impérativement détruire la <marker name='obj1'>tour radio</marker>. Ceci évitera l'arriver de renforts ennemis.", "Destroy the radio tower", "Destroy the radio tower"]; obj1 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "obj1"); //Objective 2 obj2 = player createSimpleTask["Destroy all armoured vehicle"]; obj2 setSimpleTaskDescription["Destroy all armoured vehicle <br/><br/> Prendre d'assaut la <marker name='obj2'>base</marker> et detruire tous les Ifrits. Utilisez les charges explosives pour les detruire, deux suffisent.", "Destroy all armoured vehicle", "Destroy all armoured vehicle"]; obj2 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "obj2"); //Objective 3 [i][color="#FF0000"]This one doesn't appear in the game briefing[/color][/i] obj3 = player createSimpleTask["Destroy the mortar"]; obj3 setSimpleTaskDescription["Destroy the mortar <br/><br/> Les mortiers ont ete localises dans le <marker name='obj3'>campement avance</marker>.", "Destroy the mortar", "Destroy the mortar"]; obj3 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "obj3"); Thanks in advance. Edit: I invert Objective 2 & 3 and now it's working, I really don't get it :) Thanks for your help.
  25. Nice, are we able to move the ramp like the OA version?