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Posts posted by ryguy

  1. Nighttime in Arma 2 is much too dark. You only get absolutely pitch black indoors, if there are no windows. With no moon and a cloud cover you may not be able to see very far, but in spite of the expression, it never gets so dark outside that you "can't see your hand in front of you".

    Lol, you don't get outdoors much, do you?

  2. If you know how to be as effective at taking planes/helis down from ground on BluFor as on OpFor team I'm glad to learn, but so far haven't found out and I have been trying to find out on many games already.

    Mainly you just need to get the right angle. Shooting at a plane while its 1.5km out and making a turn won't get you results. Shooting while it's 500m out flying right at you to you will. Also, shoot two or more of them one after another with a team and you'll get it.

    I agree with laquesha, BLUFOR doesn't need AA because they always have air superiority.

    And @Beagle, are you f***ing kidding?!?! This is Arma, you don't sacrifice realism for "fair gameplay" because "OMG planes are cheep u nooob! M203 is for noobs! M107 is for pussies! unfair advantagez0rz!"

  3. This really shows how lazy community members are/have become. :(

    Please, saying you guys have no time etc, then stay away from the editor, you dont have time, play missions already made, the editor is not suppose to be a goddamn template where people go in, select some GUI options and the mission gets done by itself, and actually works without issues. Please...

    If you dont have time to learn, then stay away from editor editing instead of making a fool of youselves sayin "I work 60 hours a week, cant learn etc" and then ask stupid/dumb features that more likely seem to be a template then a mission editor.


    That post really is bollocks.
