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Everything posted by ryguy

  1. That's the thing. It shouldn't be reloadable at all.
  2. ryguy

    Where is everybody?

    Central air FTW :nener:
  3. ryguy

    How to use GBU bombs

    In reality with dumb-bombs that can't track anything, the CCIDP on the HUD would tell the pilot almost exactly where to land. Unfortunately in Arma it's pretty much hit or miss, and most of the time the CCIP is just for show. One thing I can tell you is to practice bombing targets on a flat, long surface and notice where they impact at different altitudes and speeds. That may help.
  4. ryguy

    Gun laws in the United States

    He said "it's better than wearing ear protection in public" so I said "just don't wear ear protection", not "don't practice with ear protection". The fact that you are pointing out very minute details is very pointless, as if you can't admit to anything anybody is saying so that you are constantly right.
  5. ryguy

    Gun laws in the United States

    Wtf? So we're OK with blacks being shot, as long as they're black? Orly and @Baff1 If you only plan on using a gun in emergencies then you don't need ear protection at all. [/color]
  6. ryguy

    Where is everybody?

    Maybe people don't like playing the missions that servers tend to run and the lack of variety.
  7. ryguy

    Gun laws in the United States

    The problem is as of date gun control does very very little at reducing homicides, but whether or not you support guns the fact is that if nobody had a gun there would be fewer homicides.
  8. Hm. Maybe we should see the link...
  9. Hey could we have a before and after picture?
  10. ryguy

    Gun laws in the United States

    I guess the first sentence is sarcasm, it's pretty hard to figure that out in unformatted text. I wouldn't be so sure to say that, although not related to murder, suicide rates globally are highest on Wednesday (farthest away from the weekends, most depressing day of the week). If people could just wait until saturday maybe things would be different. Same with guns, if you know you can kill someone instantly and from a distance you'll do it more readily than if you have to stab them repeatedly. ---------- Post added at 05:10 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:02 AM ---------- Sure it's against my cause, but I'll cite it anyway just for the sake of education: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/06/29/weekinreview/29liptak.html
  11. 1) Using the scroll menu (with your scroll wheel) just select the position. If you are at a lower rank, you can't "kick" someone out of their position. Same with MP, if the position is already being used. 2)Make sure you are in the gunner's seat, switch to the cannon, and if you want to switch ammo-type use the scroll menu. 3)Press M for map, then press space, and click on the map where you want them to go. Or you can just do it visually, using ALT look (freelook) and pressing "Move". 4) They will by default follow you, but if not, click "regroup" if you want them to come closer press space to bring up the menu, then 8, then select a new formation. You'll get used to controlling AI in time :)
  12. ryguy

    Gun laws in the United States

    In 2006, there were 10,170 homicides (not crimes, homicides) using guns. There were 1800 homicides involving knives.
  13. ryguy

    Gun laws in the United States

    Guns are an enabler. Without guns it becomes quite hard indeed to kill them. If you don't have a gun, what are you gonna do, stab them? Most likely not.
  14. ryguy

    Pictures Request: "Aimpoint M4S"

    I've used a red dot sight in real life and it looks different but is quite hard to replicate in real life. It doesn't look like anything is on the glass but rather it looks like there is a red dot being aimed at your target a far distance away. Pretty cool actually.
  15. ryguy

    Arma 2 OA 1.53 Suggestions

    And then you'd end up with a downloadable expansion, which some servers would have and some wouldn't. I want what I paid for, which is Combined Operations. That means every unit should have at least a proper thermal map. And preferably we soon get marines in Desert.
  16. Hi all, I'd like to make a script that works by continuously unlocking parts of the Simple Support Module one at a time on every kill the player gets. Basically CoD style. You get 2 kills you get mortar strike, you get 4 kills you get air support etc. How would I go about doing this? Thanks!
  17. ryguy

    Big Problem in Multiplayer

    Probably server lag. Bad server lag. Or it could be client-side (you). Try another server, it may be in another country or something.
  18. ryguy

    Arma 2 OA 1.53 Suggestions

    Noooo! My worst fear... It can't truly be called "combined operations" If it's not Marines and Army working together!!!
  19. ryguy

    Knife proposal

    This has been implemented in some games like Dom where you can spawn a trench :P Somewhat simpler but gets the job done. Can you be pleased with anything? FLIR is an incredibly effective killing machine, now you complain about it? You can choose between convenience for MP games or realism, but you can't have both. But I guess I'm just a sheeple following everyone else, you not liking FLIR makes you higher than everyone else!
  20. ryguy


    This is nice! In the updated one you should also include more constantino wire.
  21. Many servers play Warfare, and about 3 or 4 servers play the new Zargabad Life... most of them usually have at least 6 people on at a time. Berzerk is less popular but can still be found.
  22. ryguy

    Change Faction Name

    This actually always kind of bugged me... I go for a "yes" in the next patch.
  23. ryguy

    Town generator

    How many towns does the module make?
  24. Hi all, I know this has been asked before but my search was to no avail. My question is how do I force a plane to do a bomb run on a neutral building? I tried placing a "Destroy" waypoint but unfortunately that doesn't work. Thanks!