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Everything posted by ryguy

  1. ryguy

    Has OFP/ARMA put you off the Army ?

    This is total bullshit. Just because you choose one path in life doesn't mean the other one is worse.
  2. ryguy

    USS Nimitz

    He didn't give up... he's just easily distracted :)
  3. ryguy

    Has OFP/ARMA put you off the Army ?

    I don't believe so at all. Good tactics are rewarded in that game. Especially against real people. It hasn't put me off to the idea.
  4. ryguy

    Airport Template

    Would it be cool for me to make an airport diagram of this?
  5. TOW's are really f'ed up in game.... I can never hit the target no matter what vehicle I'm in.
  6. Halp anyone? It's only happening with some servers...
  7. USEC Maule Flyin' http://i574.photobucket.com/albums/ss184/ryguy41495/arma2OA2011-04-0214-15-44-32.png http://i574.photobucket.com/albums/ss184/ryguy41495/arma2OA2011-04-0214-15-34-48.png
  8. I'm super confused... I'm getting this problem on the DAO server except I don't even have steam! :confused:
  9. ryguy

    sooo.... its 1st of april

    Someone needs to post up the original... I can't find it. Also what font are you using
  10. ryguy

    sooo.... its 1st of april

    check... check. Seriously, 80x80 or 9kb limit? Jesus people, you make it hard.
  11. Hey dude PM me with your e-mail and I can send it to you. I got it in a 4 second loop.
  12. How about allowing it to also work as one of those high-intensity, focused loudspeakers that can disable enemies by being incredibly loud? It could work so that anyone close enough and within the right azimuth would get their screen blurred or make them do something crazy like that. That would be awesome :D Anyway, nice job with this. Very original.
  13. Yea stalls are screwy in Arma2. I've brought it up before but seemed to come to some disagreement for some reason.
  14. Sound mods are client side, but still most servers reject them. Many servers reject ACE_SM and VOP. Doesn't even matter how many people use them.
  15. ryguy

    Emita City

    Lookin' sweet! maybe you should connect those 3 hotels in the middle so it looks more like a complex. oh and is that stadium gonna have a soccer field? Seriously I can't wait for this map.
  16. I think the waypoint is anchored to the player no matter what.
  17. Use the waypoint "join" or "join and lead"
  18. Wannabe??! Are you forgetting that they were books first and that the first one came out before Casino Royale?! Nothing about bourne is similar to bond except for the fact they are both agents. Literally everything else is different.
  19. Yea dude this doesn't even mention CGI!
  20. ryguy

    User mission requests!

    Any campaign that is based off of solely being a pilot, even if you get shot down? Like top gun? That would be cool.
  21. ryguy

    Post pictures of yourselves

    Took this one last year (me on the left): And here's I on the right (why does it look like I'm about to cry?):
  22. ryguy

    arma 2 oa question

    I think he's asking about side and direct chat.