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Posts posted by Craig_VG

  1. If you make the trigger in the beginning of the mission it will trigger right away. So I made it later.

    First I created the trigger

    nul=execvm "triggermake.sqf"

    The contents of triggermake.sqf:

    trg1 = createTrigger["EmptyDetector", getMarkerPos "mrkr1"];

    trg1 setTriggerArea[0,0,197.352,true];

    trg1 setTriggerActivation["none","PRESENT",false];

    trg1 setTriggerStatements["CHN_UNDEAD_ZEDCNT==0","task1 settaskstate 'SUCCEEDED';",""];

    The trigger should be made a few seconds into the mission.

  2. I just want to say congrats to Charon on this awesome mod and the popularity it has received as it has reached the 1000 post mark.

    This is one of my favorite mods for A2. When you get bored of fighting middle eastern terrorists or spetznaz it is always possible to go back to shooting/bombing/nuking hordes of zombies.

    Thanks Charon! I think I speak for many people on this.

    Good luck with .90

  3. namalskzombies.jpg


    You are one of the last elite soldiers left on the island of Namalsk. You need to defend the northern part of the island with your life. You start at the border of the unzombified lands...

    Some features

    2 player coop

    Many, Many infected

    Both linear and free roam fighting

    New weapons released with PMC that may be good for killing zombies (AA12)

    City infection

    Gives you choice of either a linear short mission or an everlasting free roam mission.

    Free roam functionality increased

    Required Addons

    Undead mod


    ArmA 2: CO






    Read before downloading!

    The team leader must be played by a human, or else the mission will not work.

    Download Version 1.3


    Namalsk Zombies Co-02 (@) v1.3

    Any and all feedback is highly appreciated!


    Charon Productions


    F2 team for their handy readme template

    and Bohemia interactive of course!

    Change Log

  4. Name: Craig

    Age: 15, but mature for my age

    Location: United States

    Microphone & Teamspeak: I have Headset and teamspeak

    Language: English and some spanish

    Ready to pay for a server?: No.

    Games: Every game and expansion pack since cold war crisis.

    User codename: Craig/ bobtom

    ACE: Yes

    Roles preferred: I can do any role proficiently

    Time spent with Arma2 and skill/experience: I have had ArmA II since soon after its release.

    What I'm looking for: A multiplayer experience. I have mainly just played SP missions and made SP/ coop missions for me and some friends, but now I want to branch out from that.

  5. Now, I've read this the other day and couldn't reply sooner.

    This is looking like something I always wanted, similar to Domi or Evo, but both of those had some huge drawbacks and weren't what I was looking for. Still haven't read whole post (but I will now) and I am more than willing to help. Not much of a scripting expert, usually (at best) I edit some script and that's all. Simple stuff... I'm familiar with editor, and although I'm not an expert there either I'm sure I could help in some way... Please, let me know if there is anything I can do, even testing, I'm down with that.

    Also, do not give up on this one, it might be a good refresh in community, Xeno (afaik) doesn't work on Domi anymore, Evo is dead since A1, it died when "teleporter" was introduced since that mission was all about transport and coop, really, this could be a fresh breeze.

    I am huge fan of ACE, I honestly can't play Arma without it, I also love Mando's work (missile mod), it is nice to hear thah this mission is/will be ACE compatible.

    Exactly my thoughts. Domi and evo are fun but this sounds like it will open up a whole new aspect of the game.

  6. Umm, I seem to have a problem here.

    I can't get the spawn module to not spawn.

    I took Charon's UND_spawnmoduledemo.chernarus mission and just added: john setvariable ["CHN_UNDEAD_SM_ACTIVE",false,true]; to the init parameters of the spawn module and changed the name of the module to john. It kept spawning. I tried doing it by trigger and by init.sqf.

    I tried it on CO and plain arma 2.

    Am I doing something obvious wrong? Thanks!

  7. Is there any technique recommended in setting up base distances, currently i see that both sides in my missions are spawning and engaging but im not sure if they are actively looking to take bases, or if they are just patrolling their zone... im still experimenting but maybe someone has a better idea.

    Just make 100% m1a2 tusks and 100% t55s on the other side, then you will find out if they are actively taking bases. :cool:
