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Everything posted by davincy81

  1. this exec "myfile.sqf" in any objects/units init line but you have to change all the "this" into the name of the unit Edit: Oh . yes its a .sqf not .sqs
  2. so as i Know sometimes the word "damage" should be written with double "m". > "dammage" im not sure but i think i saw it at mr murrays editing guide. Edit: found it: was another context in the editing guide. getDammage or setDammage codes for example. "simple repair script" should help ! or another script which setDamage 0 the camo net all few seconds http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=78117&highlight=simple+repair Edit2: "this allowDammage false" could work! i cannot test atm. Edit3: you could protect your camo net with some sandbags anyway
  3. Hello and moin moin, im looking for a script that delete all the dead bodys on map. I tried a few things from ArmA 1, but it seems that dont work for ArmA2 MP. Thanks a lot for any ideas davincy
  4. @ zapat i tried your code and i saw all explosion same time without delay. btw , i like your code. i ever try to write my codes like this. but it is still difficult for me.
  5. are you sure the delay is working this way?
  6. ah ok i think i understand. so you can use the skript you wrote in first post. (just Bo_FAB_250 instead "Aqu_FuelExplosion" for example) Do you want to set off more than one time? If not, you could delete the marker after create the bomb at the marker position.
  7. You could describe the situation if you want, may be there is a better way to realize what you want to do in your mission.
  8. Ah ok. I dont know that mod class names. I would use invisible H as position for spawn the bomb , not a marker.
  9. Hi Soap UAL, you want kind of Bomb impacts when trigger is started right? You should create a bombs at your marker positions. "Aqu_FuelExplosion" is not right in that case i think edit: where did you found "Aqu_FuelExplosion"?
  10. :bounce3: this is a MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING forum i think. Im not sure if this is right place to find the inspiration for your mission-scenario. May be should start with one map first. not three at same time. Or you could make one map with all three objectives as sidemissions. And u have to know what type of mission u want! Singleplayer/ Multiplayer? PvP? CooP? ...
  11. dont care about the name mate :rolleyes: the mission is important not the name. anyway u will find the best name for the mission when its finished. whats your plan? 1 mission (map) with that 3 operations? or do you mean 3 different maps?
  12. Did i understand right? You have two marker? whats name of second marker? EDIT: ah ok i know what you mean. sry :j: hm.. im not sure how to handle the mission objective marker do the marker have a name?
  13. i think shk´s way should be the better solution! ( if its working , i did not try) just an idea: You could set a "waypoint" on him also?!
  14. yes , you have to write a file which set the marker on him every second for example. in init line of man1 for example marker.sqs
  15. hm... i think this should solve the problem. I used similar at a script for minethrower vehicle. so first your code and afterwards this one.
  16. davincy81

    Weird thing

    is one of the sides ( u or enemy ) resistance side? ma be you fogot to set resistance side enemy to other side. Or did u use vehicles of enemy side?
  17. Hi Logitrust, Im not expert for this, but im sure 800 units are much to much for all kind of PC. May be pentagon has appropriate one :). compute 800x AI, 800x shadows/ light effects ... i think its to much. So i think you should create most of enemy units when player/playerside is reaching a "trigger defined area". for example: you could share the hole map with... 4 or 8 trigger. in trigger where no one of player side is present , you could delete all AI/units. I all trigger where playerside is present, you could create unts with or without waypoints.
  18. makernames need "" sometimes i think. anyway, i would bind the trigger to the farmwife. when fm1 "Not present" then: activation: setup: - one flag (american) hidden somewhere on map name "flag2" - one invisible H (H1) exactely position of "flag1" (russian flag) - Marker "respawn_west" somewhere on map wherever u want atm the spawn-marker dont move in your example because there is no deley between create/move flag2 and move respawn-marker You could change just texture of flag also...
  19. Hi NGagedFX Im not sure if i understand right. try this: 1. set global trigger next to "flag1" ( 0/0 ) 2. sync trigger to farmwife! (groups!) 3. now you start a script from trigger when farmwife is NOT PRESENT 4. - create a HeliHemty at position of flag1 - delete flag1 - create new american flag (flag2) at position of the invisible "H" - delete invisible "H" - move respawn marker to new flag - "respawn_West" setMarkerPos getPos flag2 dont forget delay between the commands. is that what u want? let me know if u need exact explanation!
  20. Hi, i made some modifications at the minelayer-file. Now it creates: - a minefield ~60m² (49 mines ) - a mark on map Now its possible to lay mines on bumpy terrain without "hovering" mines. Next days i will work on a really big layable minefield for desert- maps. This will work with triggers not with objects. mcv_1 removeAction minethrowerAct; mcv_1 setFuel 0; deleteVehicle minePos1 ~2 minePos1="HeliHEmpty" createVehicle position mcv_1 ~0.1 minePos1 setpos getPos mcv_1 ~0.1 minePos1 setDir getDir mcv_1 ~1 mcv_1 vehicleChat "position locked!" deleteVehicle mineA ~5 mineA="Mine" createVehicle position minePos1 ~0.1 mineA setDir getDir minePos1 ~2 deleteVehicle mineB ~1 mineB="Mine" createVehicle position mineA ~0.1 _Pos= mineA modelToWorld [0,10,0]; ~0.1 mineB setPos _Pos; ~0.1 mineB setPos [(getPos mineB select 0),(getPos mineB select 1),0]; ~0.1 deleteVehicle mineC ~1 mineC="Mine" createVehicle position mineA ~0.1 _Pos= mineA modelToWorld [10,10,0]; ~0.1 mineC setPos _Pos; ~0.1 mineC setPos [(getPos mineC select 0),(getPos mineC select 1),0]; ~0.1 deleteVehicle mineD ~1 mineD="Mine" createVehicle position mineA ~0.1 _Pos= mineA modelToWorld [10,0,0]; ~0.1 mineD setPos _Pos; ~0.1 mineD setPos [(getPos mineD select 0),(getPos mineD select 1),0]; ~0.1 deleteVehicle mineE ~1 mineE="Mine" createVehicle position mineA ~0.1 _Pos= mineA modelToWorld [10,-10,0]; ~0.1 mineE setPos _Pos; ~0.1 mineE setPos [(getPos mineE select 0),(getPos mineE select 1),0]; ~0.1 deleteVehicle mineF ~1 mineF="Mine" createVehicle position mineA ~0.1 _Pos= mineA modelToWorld [0,-10,0]; ~0.1 mineF setPos _Pos; ~0.1 mineF setPos [(getPos mineF select 0),(getPos mineF select 1),0]; ~0.1 deleteVehicle mineG ~1 mineG="Mine" createVehicle position mineA ~0.1 _Pos= mineA modelToWorld [-10,-10,0]; ~0.1 mineG setPos _Pos; ~0.1 mineG setPos [(getPos mineG select 0),(getPos mineG select 1),0]; ~0.1 deleteVehicle mineH ~1 mineH="Mine" createVehicle position mineA ~0.1 _Pos= mineA modelToWorld [-10,0,0]; ~0.1 mineH setPos _Pos; ~0.1 mineH setPos [(getPos mineH select 0),(getPos mineH select 1),0]; ~0.1 deleteVehicle mineI ~1 mineI="Mine" createVehicle position mineA ~0.1 _Pos= mineA modelToWorld [-10,10,0]; ~0.1 mineI setPos _Pos; ~0.1 mineI setPos [(getPos mineI select 0),(getPos mineI select 1),0]; ~0.1 deleteVehicle mineJ ~1 mineJ="Mine" createVehicle position mineA ~0.1 _Pos= mineA modelToWorld [0,20,0]; ~0.1 mineJ setPos _Pos; ~0.1 mineJ setPos [(getPos mineJ select 0),(getPos mineJ select 1),0]; ~0.1 deleteVehicle mineK ~1 mineK="Mine" createVehicle position mineA ~0.1 _Pos= mineA modelToWorld [10,20,0]; ~0.1 mineK setPos _Pos; ~0.1 mineK setPos [(getPos mineK select 0),(getPos mineK select 1),0]; ~0.1 deleteVehicle mineL ~1 mineL="Mine" createVehicle position mineA ~0.1 _Pos= mineA modelToWorld [20,20,0]; ~0.1 mineL setPos _Pos; ~0.1 mineL setPos [(getPos mineL select 0),(getPos mineL select 1),0]; ~0.1 deleteVehicle mineM ~1 mineM="Mine" createVehicle position mineA ~0.1 _Pos= mineA modelToWorld [20,10,0]; ~0.1 mineM setPos _Pos; ~0.1 mineM setPos [(getPos mineM select 0),(getPos mineM select 1),0]; ~0.1 deleteVehicle mineN ~1 mineN="Mine" createVehicle position mineA ~0.1 _Pos= mineA modelToWorld [20,0,0]; ~0.1 mineN setPos _Pos; ~0.1 mineN setPos [(getPos mineN select 0),(getPos mineN select 1),0]; ~0.1 deleteVehicle mineO ~1 mineO="Mine" createVehicle position mineA ~0.1 _Pos= mineA modelToWorld [20,-10,0]; ~0.1 mineO setPos _Pos; ~0.1 mineO setPos [(getPos mineO select 0),(getPos mineO select 1),0]; ~0.1 deleteVehicle mineP ~1 mineP="Mine" createVehicle position mineA ~0.1 _Pos= mineA modelToWorld [20,-20,0]; ~0.1 mineP setPos _Pos; ~0.1 mineP setPos [(getPos mineP select 0),(getPos mineP select 1),0]; ~0.1 deleteVehicle mineQ ~1 mineQ="Mine" createVehicle position mineA ~0.1 _Pos= mineA modelToWorld [10,-20,0]; ~0.1 mineQ setPos _Pos; ~0.1 mineQ setPos [(getPos mineQ select 0),(getPos mineQ select 1),0]; ~0.1 deleteVehicle mineR ~1 mineR="Mine" createVehicle position mineA ~0.1 _Pos= mineA modelToWorld [0,-20,0]; ~0.1 mineR setPos _Pos; ~0.1 mineR setPos [(getPos mineR select 0),(getPos mineR select 1),0]; ~0.1 deleteVehicle mineS ~1 mineS="Mine" createVehicle position mineA ~0.1 _Pos= mineA modelToWorld [-10,-20,0]; ~0.1 mineS setPos _Pos; ~0.1 mineS setPos [(getPos mineS select 0),(getPos mineS select 1),0]; ~0.1 deleteVehicle mineT ~1 mineT="Mine" createVehicle position mineA ~0.1 _Pos= mineA modelToWorld [-20,-20,0]; ~0.1 mineT setPos _Pos; ~0.1 mineT setPos [(getPos mineT select 0),(getPos mineT select 1),0]; ~0.1 deleteVehicle mineU ~1 mineU="Mine" createVehicle position mineA ~0.1 _Pos= mineA modelToWorld [-20,-10,0]; ~0.1 mineU setPos _Pos; ~0.1 mineU setPos [(getPos mineU select 0),(getPos mineU select 1),0]; ~0.1 deleteVehicle mineV ~1 mineV="Mine" createVehicle position mineA ~0.1 _Pos= mineA modelToWorld [-20,0,0]; ~0.1 mineV setPos _Pos; ~0.1 mineV setPos [(getPos mineV select 0),(getPos mineV select 1),0]; ~0.1 deleteVehicle mineW ~1 mineW="Mine" createVehicle position mineA ~0.1 _Pos= mineA modelToWorld [-20,10,0]; ~0.1 mineW setPos _Pos; ~0.1 mineW setPos [(getPos mineW select 0),(getPos mineW select 1),0]; ~0.1 deleteVehicle mineX ~1 mineX="Mine" createVehicle position mineA ~0.1 _Pos= mineA modelToWorld [-20,20,0]; ~0.1 mineX setPos _Pos; ~0.1 mineX setPos [(getPos mineX select 0),(getPos mineX select 1),0]; ~0.1 deleteVehicle mineY ~1 mineY="Mine" createVehicle position mineA ~0.1 _Pos= mineA modelToWorld [-10,20,0]; ~0.1 mineY setPos _Pos; ~0.1 mineY setPos [(getPos mineY select 0),(getPos mineY select 1),0]; ~0.1 deleteVehicle mineA1 ~1 mineA1="Mine" createVehicle position mineA ~0.1 _Pos= mineA modelToWorld [5,30,0]; ~0.1 mineA1 setPos _Pos; ~0.1 mineA1 setPos [(getPos mineA1 select 0),(getPos mineA1 select 1),0]; ~0.1 deleteVehicle mineB1 ~1 mineB1="Mine" createVehicle position mineA ~0.1 _Pos= mineA modelToWorld [15,30,0]; ~0.1 mineB1 setPos _Pos; ~0.1 mineB1 setPos [(getPos mineB1 select 0),(getPos mineB1 select 1),0]; ~0.1 deleteVehicle mineC1 ~1 mineC1="Mine" createVehicle position mineA ~0.1 _Pos= mineA modelToWorld [25,30,0]; ~0.1 mineC1 setPos _Pos; ~0.1 mineC1 setPos [(getPos mineC1 select 0),(getPos mineC1 select 1),0]; ~0.1 deleteVehicle mineD1 ~1 mineD1="Mine" createVehicle position mineA ~0.1 _Pos= mineA modelToWorld [30,25,0]; ~0.1 mineD1 setPos _Pos; ~0.1 mineD1 setPos [(getPos mineD1 select 0),(getPos mineD1 select 1),0]; ~0.1 deleteVehicle mineE1 ~1 mineE1="Mine" createVehicle position mineA ~0.1 _Pos= mineA modelToWorld [30,15,0]; ~0.1 mineE1 setPos _Pos; ~0.1 mineE1 setPos [(getPos mineE1 select 0),(getPos mineE1 select 1),0]; ~0.1 deleteVehicle mineF1 ~1 mineF1="Mine" createVehicle position mineA ~0.1 _Pos= mineA modelToWorld [30,5,0]; ~0.1 mineF1 setPos _Pos; ~0.1 mineF1 setPos [(getPos mineF1 select 0),(getPos mineF1 select 1),0]; ~0.1 deleteVehicle mineG1 ~1 mineG1="Mine" createVehicle position mineA ~0.1 _Pos= mineA modelToWorld [30,-5,0]; ~0.1 mineG1 setPos _Pos; ~0.1 mineG1 setPos [(getPos mineG1 select 0),(getPos mineG1 select 1),0]; ~0.1 deleteVehicle mineH1 ~1 mineH1="Mine" createVehicle position mineA ~0.1 _Pos= mineA modelToWorld [30,-15,0]; ~0.1 mineH1 setPos _Pos; ~0.1 mineH1 setPos [(getPos mineH1 select 0),(getPos mineH1 select 1),0]; ~0.1 deleteVehicle mineI1 ~1 mineI1="Mine" createVehicle position mineA ~0.1 _Pos= mineA modelToWorld [30,-25,0]; ~0.1 mineI1 setPos _Pos; ~0.1 mineI1 setPos [(getPos mineI1 select 0),(getPos mineI1 select 1),0]; ~0.1 deleteVehicle mineJ1 ~1 mineJ1="Mine" createVehicle position mineA ~0.1 _Pos= mineA modelToWorld [25,-30,0]; ~0.1 mineJ1 setPos _Pos; ~0.1 mineJ1 setPos [(getPos mineJ1 select 0),(getPos mineJ1 select 1),0]; ~0.1 deleteVehicle mineK1 ~1 mineK1="Mine" createVehicle position mineA ~0.1 _Pos= mineA modelToWorld [15,-30,0]; ~0.1 mineK1 setPos _Pos; ~0.1 mineK1 setPos [(getPos mineK1 select 0),(getPos mineK1 select 1),0]; ~0.1 deleteVehicle mineL1 ~1 mineL1="Mine" createVehicle position mineA ~0.1 _Pos= mineA modelToWorld [5,-30,0]; ~0.1 mineL1 setPos _Pos; ~0.1 mineL1 setPos [(getPos mineL1 select 0),(getPos mineL1 select 1),0]; ~0.1 deleteVehicle mineM1 ~1 mineM1="Mine" createVehicle position mineA ~0.1 _Pos= mineA modelToWorld [-5,-30,0]; ~0.1 mineM1 setPos _Pos; ~0.1 mineM1 setPos [(getPos mineM1 select 0),(getPos mineM1 select 1),0]; ~0.1 deleteVehicle mineN1 ~1 mineN1="Mine" createVehicle position mineA ~0.1 _Pos= mineA modelToWorld [-15,-30,0]; ~0.1 mineN1 setPos _Pos; ~0.1 mineN1 setPos [(getPos mineN1 select 0),(getPos mineN1 select 1),0]; ~0.1 deleteVehicle mineO1 ~1 mineO1="Mine" createVehicle position mineA ~0.1 _Pos= mineA modelToWorld [-25,-30,0]; ~0.1 mineO1 setPos _Pos; ~0.1 mineO1 setPos [(getPos mineO1 select 0),(getPos mineO1 select 1),0]; ~0.1 deleteVehicle mineP1 ~1 mineP1="Mine" createVehicle position mineA ~0.1 _Pos= mineA modelToWorld [-30,-25,0]; ~0.1 mineP1 setPos _Pos; ~0.1 mineP1 setPos [(getPos mineP1 select 0),(getPos mineP1 select 1),0]; ~0.1 deleteVehicle mineQ1 ~1 mineQ1="Mine" createVehicle position mineA ~0.1 _Pos= mineA modelToWorld [-30,-15,0]; ~0.1 mineQ1 setPos _Pos; ~0.1 mineQ1 setPos [(getPos mineQ1 select 0),(getPos mineQ1 select 1),0]; ~0.1 deleteVehicle mineR1 ~1 mineR1="Mine" createVehicle position mineA ~0.1 _Pos= mineA modelToWorld [-30,-5,0]; ~0.1 mineR1 setPos _Pos; ~0.1 mineR1 setPos [(getPos mineR1 select 0),(getPos mineR1 select 1),0]; ~0.1 deleteVehicle mineS1 ~1 mineS1="Mine" createVehicle position mineA ~0.1 _Pos= mineA modelToWorld [-30,5,0]; ~0.1 mineS1 setPos _Pos; ~0.1 mineS1 setPos [(getPos mineS1 select 0),(getPos mineS1 select 1),0]; ~0.1 deleteVehicle mineT1 ~1 mineT1="Mine" createVehicle position mineA ~0.1 _Pos= mineA modelToWorld [-30,15,0]; ~0.1 mineT1 setPos _Pos; ~0.1 mineT1 setPos [(getPos mineT1 select 0),(getPos mineT1 select 1),0]; ~0.1 deleteVehicle mineU1 ~1 mineU1="Mine" createVehicle position mineA ~0.1 _Pos= mineA modelToWorld [-30,25,0]; ~0.1 mineU1 setPos _Pos; ~0.1 mineU1 setPos [(getPos mineU1 select 0),(getPos mineU1 select 1),0]; ~0.1 deleteVehicle mineV1 ~1 mineV1="Mine" createVehicle position mineA ~0.1 _Pos= mineA modelToWorld [-25,30,0]; ~0.1 mineV1 setPos _Pos; ~0.1 mineV1 setPos [(getPos mineV1 select 0),(getPos mineV1 select 1),0]; ~0.1 deleteVehicle mineW1 ~1 mineW1="Mine" createVehicle position mineA ~0.1 _Pos= mineA modelToWorld [-15,30,0]; ~0.1 mineW1 setPos _Pos; ~0.1 mineW1 setPos [(getPos mineW1 select 0),(getPos mineW1 select 1),0]; ~0.1 deleteVehicle mineX1 ~1 mineX1="Mine" createVehicle position mineA ~0.1 _Pos= mineA modelToWorld [-5,30,0]; ~0.1 mineX1 setPos _Pos; ~0.1 mineX1 setPos [(getPos mineX1 select 0),(getPos mineX1 select 1),0]; ~1 deleteMarker "M1" ~1 _Marker1 = createMarker ["M1", position mineA]; ~1 "M1" setMarkerShape "RECTANGLE" ~1 "M1" setMarkerColor "ColorRed" ~1 "M1" setMarkerSize [70, 70] ~1 mcv_1 setFuel 1 ~150 minethrowerAct = mcv_1 addAction ["minethrower","scripts\mcv1\minethrower.sqs"] I will try to create a kind of minethrower-animation also next days.
  21. davincy81

    Wings of Russia: IL-76

    you can find under russian\wings of russia in editor.
  22. davincy81

    Wings of Russia: IL-76

    i was waiting long time for this addOn ! Thanks ! Great work !!
  23. you could use "setPos getMarkerPos" to beam all other team member to the respawn marker?!
  24. Great Work! thank you! whats next project? FENNEK??
  25. davincy81

    Protect target

    Its explained already. you could attach the waypoint (type guard) to the terrorist leader. this waypoint is waypoint from leaders guard group. So the group will follow the leader and protect.