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Everything posted by bummer

  1. bummer

    Gameplay Questions

    i have many more but this is my list so far. 1 why is there no sticky " faq's " for these types of questions? 2 why does my night vision quit working? 3 i have a base and supply trucks all over but cannot re arm , i have to steal it from the dearly departed? 4 is there any way to change the bindings for commands? 5 how do you pick individuals not in your sight lines? the commands always go to the entire team? 6 why do squad mates exit a vehicle even though you didnt tell them to? im enjoying the game but trying to get past some of the bugs / problems encountered . Just to make it more fun and less work!!
  2. bummer

    Gameplay Questions

    #2 i am in the middle of dogs of war and the night vision is gone. Its not in my gear thus it doesnt work ! where did it go and where can i get it back? #3 I can get gear from the dead guys but the supply trucks and strong points dont have ammo to rearm with ? #5 thanks for the tip , helped out a bunch! #6 this could be it , i will watch and see ! #7 is there a way to stop the auto saves? It gets a little annoying the screen stops and saves in the middle of action! thanks for the response , this game is starting to grow on me , slowly and frustratingly ! :-)
  3. bummer

    Why is this game not more popular?

    i figured out the real reason this game is not more popular: Its this community! It appears from all the posts ive read you dont want it to be popular! You tell the people with reasonable complaints that there stupid and if they just did this or that its the best game ever invented! But you dont want the casual gamer to play because all he wants is a run and gun shooter and we dont want " those " kind of people playing "our" game! ive playe cod ,moh , ofp , dr , arma , arma2 , there all just games that cater to a certain type of player with good points and bad points but here there are no bad points , and if there are , there arent - its the users fault he's not smart enough to figure out how to make the complex simple! some complain about clunky controls , response is what you want a bunny hop button! some complain about a complex order menu , response is its not hard your just not smart enough to figure it out! Some complain the graphics are hard on the system , response is well you should by a top of the line computer because your just to cheap to have whats needed to play "our" game! Now i know there are some helpful people here who try to help but the overwhelming feeling I get from reading these is the above attitude. I know there is no cure for this but this is the opinion i get from what i read. Its a good game with a lot of promise but too many bugs for the average player but the average player isnt who you want , so thats why this game isnt more popular. let the bashing begin! :-)
  4. you can only drag walking backwards , scroll your mouse when close and choose the command with enter...using the left mouse somtimes makes you shoot him instead!
  5. bummer

    Why is this game not more popular?

    hes running by default because thats the way the game ships. as lapa said keymapping and the numerous options are great but daunting to the newcomer to the game. I looked at both games side by side and to be real honest they both have pluses and minuses. Dr is more photo realistic in its look but kind of bland in its colors. Arma2 is more colorful but lacks the realistic feel. I guess this is just my opinion but i have been playing both games and compared my visuals with press release photos of arma2 and i see the same as in game. as far as movement its hard to explain clunky! Ive rid the motion blur and most of the mouse lag and play it on normal settings but the movment just doesnt feel fluid. I dont want a cod experience but the movement in cod is fluid as well as dr but i guess this is just one point in the game thats unchangeable. I guess we just have to accept the fact this is a niche game and the hardcore players will love it and the casual gamer wont want to spend the time learning it. Hopefully bis can improve the graphics and movement at some point to match up but hey , its still a good game and im glad there still sticking wit the pc instead of the cm debacle!
  6. bummer

    Why is this game not more popular?

    Bulldogs , thanks for all the pointers. I will give them a go and see i f it makes a better experience for me Nice pic of the difference there zip but im guessing this is not the view most are seeing just based on the youtube videos ive seen. I will reserve final judgement until ive given it some more tweaks. I never said dr was a good game just that " i " like the way its rendered and the fluid movement. I hate the limited fov , no lean , no lookaround , and all the other bugs but visually, while not optimum it looks pretty good to me. Arma just has a clunky feel to the movement , i cant really explain what it is but its there. ( and yes i play DR too! ) I only posted in response to the question why the game wasnt more popular and although im good at pc tinkering if you have to jump through hoops just to get it to play decent many people will just shelve it and move on to something else. looks like ive got a nickle in it now! :-)
  7. bummer

    Why is this game not more popular?

    My opinion why its not more popular: Still looks like ofp , graphics arent that good looking on medium computers or its just not playable. Motion blur , it just sucks , you cant see worth beans as you swing to meet a threat! Mouse lag , when you do swing its not very fluid since the delay causes over movement. it can be adjusted down but it's still there. I didnt play arma because i was burnt out on ofp and thought this would be an upgrade , i really dont see it though. not sure if this is safe to say here but if this game looked like dr and had its fluid movement i think it would be much more popular. these are the things keeping me from really getting into this game. ps i wouldnt even try online due to these limitations since it would just be an exercise in futility anyway. My 2 cents!