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About Lollis25

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  1. Thanks for the reply, twp. :) No error ever pops up if I wait. I've played the mission for 30 minutes with the problem, and nothing ever pops up. The strange thing is, sometimes the enemies will have spawned, and things will be working fine (I think), but other times there will be no enemies (none that I can find, anyways). :confused: Like I said, it's very inconsistent. I think the one in the SIX updater is an old version. I just tried it, and it didn't include configs for the OA Takistani units. And yeah, I was looking at earlier posts about the "_setSpeed", and it looked like someone else had the same problem... but no one gave them a working answer.
  2. Hello, everyone! I've been using DAC for a few days, but I have a couple of problems and a few questions. :D Question one Why does this happen? As you can see, it's like initialization occurs twice. :confused: Also, no "=== Result ===" shows up at the end... that window just fades away. The strange thing is, this doesn't happen in the demo missions provided! Question two I'm using the following mods @cba;@ace;@acex;@acex_sm;@acex_ru;@acex_usnavy;@dac;@jtd;@mma;@mma_xeh;@zeusai;@hifi_air;@hifi_vehical_weapons;@rhweapons;@mrm-addons but downloaded the DAC provided from this thread. Should I use the DAC provided by the SIX updater instead? Question three I'm using a DAC_Extern game logic in my mission, and in the DAC_Config_Behavior.sqf file I've edited the _setSpeed to only use limited... BUT the civilians still run around! I tried setting every case to setSpeed limited, but it's as if no changes have taken place. :( What could be causing this problem? Notes -I have named my player S1 -Sometimes I do get a === Result === , but usually I don't... the results are very inconsistent. -I get problems with both the intern & extern game logics.
  3. Hey, guys! I've been using ACE for a long while (on ARMA II), but just got Operation Arrowhead for Christmas. I've used SpiritedMachine's launcher to combine the two into Combined Operation. But I have a question. When using the Six Updater, should I be using the "A.C.E. Mod ( Vanilla)" preset, or the "A2 OA - A.C.E." preset? I looked at the install guides, and got the idea that I should be using the "A.C.E. Mod ( Vanilla)" preset, but went out on a limb and tried out the "A2 OA - A.C.E." preset, and things seem to be working. (All I've really done so far is spawn a character in the editor, though. :D) So did I chose the right one? Or should I be using the "A.C.E. Mod ( Vanilla)" option? Sorry if this is a silly question, but I've searched google and the install guides, and none are very specific about which preset to use. :confused:
  4. Nice video! I really enjoyed it. :D
  5. Hey, guys! I'm sorry for bumping this thread, but I just wanted to let anyone else who had the same questions as me know that I found a solution to my first question! The solution is is Kronzky's Urban Patrol Script. It's very easy to use, and it has allowed me to simulate off-duty soldiers that just walk around villages! :D
  6. Lollis25

    Isla Duala

    Hey, everyone! First, let me say that this is a very impressive and pretty island. After playing nothing but Chernarus, this is really nice. But, like a few others, I'm having trouble with the ambient civilians. If I put this in the module initialization field, BIS_alice_mainscope setvariable ["civilianCount","round (240 * (%1))"]; BIS_loc_acityc_kozlovka setvariable ["ALICE_populationCoef",1]; then some civilians spawn.... BUT most of them spawn on top buildings. When that happens, they go back inside shortly after, or they walk off of the rooftops. :D I'm not sure why this is happening, but it's very weird. http://img338.imageshack.us/img338/6156/rooftops.jpg Nevertheless, I'll still use this island. :) Thank you very much for it! It really freshens up ARMA II. Edit: Also, when civilians do happen to spawn outside, most don't walk around or react to gunfire. They just stand by their front door for some reason.
  7. Thank you very much for the help!!! I got it working! I'm going to post what I did in case anyone needs help in the future. Alright, here's what I did. I have three triggers, and one "Game Logic" thingy. Game Logic : This is my variable. At first I thought you used a trigger for a variable, but it turns out you need to place a unit on the map! So just place a unit on the map, and in the initialization field put variable name = 0 My variable is called missioncondition, so I put missioncondition = 0 This initializes the variable so that it may be used later. Trigger 1: This trigger searched for BLUFOR. When BLUFOR is present, it increases the variable by one. It also sends a hint saying "Present" (I just put that there for testing.) Trigger 2: This trigger increases the variable by one when the OPFOR inside are dead. It also sends a hint saying "Enemy Down" (I just put that there for testing.) Trigger 3: This trigger sends a hint that says "Success" when missioncondition == 2. Missioncondition equals 2 when Trigger 1 and Trigger 2 have been satisfied. Thanks again, Franze!!! This really helped. I still don't know how the solution to my first question, but for now I'll just use "Move" waypoints instead of "Dismissed" waypoints... It won't make too much of a difference, I guess.
  8. Hey, everyone! I'm currently creating a mission, which involves a BLUFOR squad, the player's squad, searching for insurgents in many villages. Before I start, I'd just like to say that I have searched the forums for an answer, I have looked at the FAQ, I have read this page, and I've watched many youtube tutorials. I learned a lot, but there's still two things that I just can't figure out. The first thing I'm trying to do is get an AI enemy group act like they're off duty/dismissed, but remain within a village. I know about the dismissed waypoint, but when I use it the AI wander off uncontrollably... sometimes to other villages! So my question is, is there any way to limit the area they wander around in? The second thing I'm trying to do is get one trigger to activate only after two other triggers have activated. Right now I have three triggers. The first trigger, named present, determines when BLUFOR present. The second trigger, named enemy, determines when OPFOR are NOT present. The third trigger is supposed to, when the first two are true/finished/done, play a hint. The third trigger is the one I'm having trouble with.... I tried to put many things into the "Conditions" field, but nothing works! For example, I tried if (present AND enemy) then this and nothing happens... the hint never appears. If I try if ((present AND enemy)=true) then this then it won't even let me input that... it just says "Missing )", and if I correct that, it'll give me more problems.... What's wrong with my script/logic? Here's what the third trigger looks like. The reason I'm trying to do this is to, while playing the mission, confirm that there are no enemies in a village... but only while I'm inside of of them. That way there's mystery! I never know if there's enemies inside until I look... and if there are enemies, I won't miss them! Thank you very much in advance, everyone! :)
  9. Hey, Nazul. Try playing with only the reinforcement one disabled. I re-enabled the airstrike request one and everything still works fine, so I think that the only thing causing trouble was the reinforcements one. I'm not sure how to fix the "Go! I'm covering" thing, though. Sometimes the AI spams it, and it's kinda funny. :D "Go! I'm covering... GO! I'm covering... GO!!!... Go! I'm covering"
  10. Yeah :) I've been playing for about 2 hours now with the reinforcement requests disabled, and have not had one freeze! I guess that fixed it! I'm very happy. I've been trying to fix this for a whole week, and now it's fixed!!! :bounce3: Love the mod, guys. I couldn't play without it! I love the chatter amongst units, and the effects, and the enemies surrender feature, and the suppression feature, and it's all just so cool!:D
  11. Hey, guys. I feel kinda dumb for not trying this earlier, but after disabling some features in GL4_Global.sqf I am now able to play through an entire map without any freezing! I was disabling things in clumps (because one at a time would take way too long :p), but after disabling one of these two the freezes have ceased! I am pretty sure it's the reinforcement one, because there are no airplanes in some of the maps I was testing.. So I'm going to play for awhile with only the reinforcement requests disabled, then report back.
  12. Thanks for the help so far, guys. Mrcash2009: I made a map without ACE2 activated in the editor. It didn't crash while playing without ACE2 activated. It didn't crash while playing with ACE2 activated. I played a map I made in the editor with ACE2 activated while using ACE2, and it froze after like 2 minutes with the Enemy A.I. Enhancement of GL4 on. And yeah, I've defragged very recently. I'm pretty sure CBA is up to date. I do get an initialization pause after a couple of seconds of starting a map (which lasts for like 3 seconds), but after that everything's smooth.. Just to be safe, I'll reinstall CBA. jasonnoguchi: I don't get any slowdowns at all. Everything seems to be running smoothly, but then at some point while playing the game just stops responding and I have to end the process. And using or not using the ACE2 version of Zeus AI doesn't seem to change anything. malibu.stacey: I'm not sure, but I think it only crashes while playing in the editor. I tried playing a scenario with -noSplash -cpuCount=4 -mod=@CBA;@ACE;@ACEX;@ACEX_PLA;@ACEX_SM;@GL4;@zcommon_ace;@GDT with the Enemy A.I. enhancement on, but no freezes occurred. I think I'll just try to disable Enemy A.I. features one at a time and hope I figure out how to fix the problem.. Sorry if I sound confusing, guys. I have been testing for 3 hours to try and answer all of your questions. :D
  13. Hello, everyone. This is my first post on these forums, but I've been reading them for about a month. :) I love this mod, but I seem to have a problem.. I use these mods -mod=@CBA;@ACE;@ACEX;@ACEX_PLA;@ACEX_SM;@GL4;@GDT and about 90% of the time when I play with the "GL4 Enemy A.I. Enhancement" on my game freezes... usually it freezes after 2-15 minutes. When the game freezes I can still hear some background sounds (like birds chirping, or a tank engine if there's a tank around), but it doesn't unfreeze... which means I have to end the process. And because I have to end the game this way, no errors shows up in the Arma2.RPT file. This problem started when I got ACE 2, but I have read through the ACE 2 thread and no one else seems to have this problem. :( That's why I'm posting here. Does anyone know what's going on? I've tried everything, and the only thing that gets rid of the crashes is disabling the Enemy A.I. Enhancement. I've honestly spent five days trying to resolve this problem. I tried three different video card drivers, setting my CPU to stock speed, changing all the video settings in the options, reinstalling GL4 (with the SIX updater, and by just downloading and installing manually), and some other stuff. And the only thing that fixes it is disabling the Enemy A.I. Enhancement.. Thanks in advance, guys. Here's my specs Q6600 processor at 2.8 Ghz Nvidia GTX 280 (stock speeds) 4 GB of RAM Two 500GB Seagate hard drives in RAID0 Razer HC-1 Soundcard Low temperatures (antec 900 case) So it's not a temperature problem.. I'm 80% sure it's related to the Enemy A.I. Enhancement. I'll keep on playing without the Enemy A.I. Enhancement to make sure that that's what's causing the crashes and not something else. Thanks again! Edit: Just played for an hour and a half (too tired to play any longer) without any problems. Only difference was that the Enemy A.I. Enhancement was disabled.. so now I'm 95% sure that that is the problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated. :)