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Everything posted by Pillord

  1. I don't understand, why nobody of BI don't answer this question. With Hexed I can see the -Client startoption in the Linux server bin-file. I hope you create such funktion, cause we don't want to use wine and some serial-numbers.
  2. Hi, we start our own projectpage. You can find this here: http://www.openmodprojects.net/projects/123neyb bud it's only in german. I'm so sorry!
  3. And I hope I'm not the last one, cause now you can export your Arma2 O2 Models to Belnder, working on LOD's and details needed in Amra3 or TOH. And I don't saw any model with more than 15 Lod's in Arma2. I build one german chopper and now the C-160 in Blender an it's very helpfuly to export them to Blender. It's one click to separate parts of the model to create a engine hood, door or other parts, that are used in TOH or VBS2 and I think in Arma3 and after that I feel it easy to create the new UV-Maps in Blender. In all BIS Models are 6-8 Distancelods, 2 Shadowlods, 1 Memorylod, 2-3 geometrylods, Hitpoints and Landcontactlod. This names are allways used and I think the most important Lodnames.
  4. Sorry I wan't to tell all people that Blender with that importer/exporter ist the best 3D-Editor. The tools to edit mashs are more than great! Leopotam your work open a great possibility to create the hole 3D-Model in Blender with all Lod's. This work with proxys too, but only with 40 letters, cause Blender don't allow more. All UV-Maps can be created in Blender in exported by your tool, many thx to Leopotam, caues with that tool you can create 3D-Models in one month. The last think for me, is to name the Lod's with the Lod_type names. I hope it's possible with this description: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/P3D_Model_Info
  5. Hi Leopotam, i checked the importer. and i got errors that the script can´t assign vertices to the vertexGroups. so i wrote me a fix and i want to share it with you. You can fix that by using replacing this line 79 > obj.vertex_groups.assign(vert, vg, 1, 'ADD') < with > vg.add([vert.index], 1.0, 'ADD') <. Greets Pillord. EDIT: I changed the script. Now all LOD's an selections will be displayed in Blender and each LOD is in one Layer. This only works with .p3d Files <= 20 LOD cause Blender have only 20 selection fields. Here the link to the .py file. I hope you will use and publish this. (This was my first phyton script)
  6. Okay at last it will be take some more time, cause I will change the mash of the Tiger and we want to create a new CH-53gs. Here is a picture: I hope it will be released at Q3/2012.
  7. Thx for your help eddieck! The Linuxserver shows green now. This is needed for our events. The last issue was some old V1 keys in the mainfolder /keys . We created our own new keys for mods with old V1 keys. Now we can use verifySignatures = 2 in server.cfg with other mods.
  8. I was sick yesterday, so I do it today. I start it up and wait for your answer. Thx!
  9. Hi eddieck, Python V2.6 and V2.7 and nfqueue-bindings-python is installed. I can set the Iptables rule with Webmin. How do you named your script and into wich folder did you saved this script? I think Iptables start the NFQUEUE module and this module start your script and all scripts needs to be in one folder. I read to many english manuals and it will be nice to get a quickinfo. Some informations where to read more is nice too. Thx. New: I saved your script and start this script with this line: python2.6 ./checksumadjuster 1 Iptables -L shows Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT) target prot opt source destination NFQUEUE udp -- anywhere anywhere udp spt:2020 STRING match "da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709" ALGO name bm TO 65535 NFQUEUE num 1 I hope that's right. But the Server will be show red. Is there anybody who can check my hashs postet above? Thx....
  10. Thx guys! It's my mistake with that bad english! I will try it and will post the result. But I think this is my solution too! Thx!
  11. Thx for your answers! I start my Arma2CO client 1.60 without any mods today and browse the serverlist. I found only 1 "green" Linux DS (TeamDeadly.com). All other green Servers are Windows Server and all other Linux DS Servers are yellow or red or locked. Our Server ist red, but we can connect and start missions. Here our hash-lists. Sorry I don't know how to create hash with subdirs, so I created 1 file for any folder. Addons common dta expansion/addons expansion/dta expansion/keys server.cfg startupline: CONFIG="server.cfg -cpuCount=4 -cfg=basic.cfg -name=player" (NO MODS to find errors!)
  12. Hi! I use this Version 1.60.87589 as Arma CO install. Allways our server was shown with a red dot. So i try many thinks, one think was to move the Linux Arma2 1.11.87389 into this folder and this Version will be show green. I removed the startupparameter -world=takistan and now the Server will be shown yellow with 1.60.87589. My Windowsclient show other Server with green dot in Serverlist, and I used the .pbo files from this PC for the expansion folder. Are there suggestions how I can fix that? Thx!
  13. Pillord

    Script Hackers (Need Help)

    I think you talk about that: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=96228 But since Arma2 Free you need only a new Mail-Address for getting a new Account.
  14. Pillord

    Script Hackers (Need Help)

    Nice answer thx! But now I think to ban the ID don't help. Did you see the Arma2_hacking.dll? This guy can change his ID every time and since Arma2 Free you need only differend mailadr. for creating new ID's. And you are right, if we want to stop that hacker only Bohemia can do somethink, cause they use the scriptfunktions like Createvehicle and this function can be called in missions on clients. The hacker use that too and create many vehicles on the server. I hope there will be a solution in short time, cause we lost the fun to play Arma2 if we will be hacked at all time.
  15. Pillord

    Hacking Arma2 Server

    Now I found out that I can't do anythink against that hackingtools. Here is the reason: If I want to hack Armaserver i need only knowledge about Arma-scripting and some c or c++ knowledge. The only think I need to do is to create a small mission. First i need to place a character in missioneditor and save that mission. Than I use AddAction and let create a Vehicle. Now I start this Mission on an dedected Server and Log some UPD-packet while creating Vehilcles. Now I create a .dll with Userinput-Windows and bind that .dll with Arma2.exe. Than I'm starting Arma2 and connect to a public dedected Server. Now the .dll need to send the same createvehicle packet like logged with my own mission. I think the only protection can be done by BIS. My suggestion is: 1. Change scriptshandling! In future use two scripts. One for server one for client and only the serverscript can create vehicles. 2. Remove all adminfunctions from dedecated server and let them use only lokal. Then all admins needs an admin-tool, but this tool can have differend ports and manage all Arma2-Servers lokal. Thx Pillord
  16. Hi! First sorry for my bad english. I'm admin of the JgBtl533 Arma2 server and I saw some guys using sidechat for hacking-attacks like described as PHP hacks on this webpage: http://www.acunetix.com/websitesecurity/php-security-1.htm They used signs like '/^.+@.+\..{2,3}$/',$_POST' with funktion-names. Now we have a hacker and he let rain vehicles and other stuff in base and crash the server. I hope thats helpfully. Greetings Pillord
  17. Pillord

    Hacking Arma2 Server

    My problem is, if i start the sniffing-tool it takes a lot of diskspace after some minutes, so i can't run this tool round about the clock. The hacker use his tool only if I'm not online. So i havn't any results. Be sure I use other ingamenames! Thx Pillord.
  18. Pillord

    Hacking Arma2 Server

    Our running Version is 1.10.80666, I can't see any higher version, I try any betaversion If I can see one. Thx Pillord.
  19. Pillord

    Script Hackers (Need Help)

    Hi, I'm looking for anti-hacking tools for Arma2. Now I found this Page: Lets not post links to crap which we do not want to share, link removed This guys are using there time for creating hacking tools. I don't know why, I think they can't hack other games, but I think someone needs to do somethink. My knowlege is there are 2 optional tools: battleye dooacs Did someone know if it is possible to defend Arma2 server with an firewall-tool? I think to defend the hackers in the servercode is to close. If there is a external software (on linux sonethink like iptables) it is much better. I know arma2 use UDP. Is there more information about the communication between server and clients? I think it is possible to blocking clients with bad packets, before they arrive the Arma2 software. Somethink like sentinal or tripwire should be nice. Thx Pillord.
  20. Pillord

    Hacking Arma2 Server

    The attacks are continues. Our serverconfig is: There is no mod started with -mod= and we are using bi2.bikey only. DooACS is installed. But sometimes there is a guy who can create 1000 of vehicles in base. Are we the only Arma2-server guys with a hacker? Thx Pillord.
  21. Hi! Yes, I will create a last Version. I think it will be released at the end of October 2011. I spend many time for the Tiger, the original is createt by HEXAgon. I changed the wight of the model and the chopper drop the flares at the right point, but the annimation of the rotor don't work any more. So I will change only the config files and release the last Version! We don't create models! We only changed the look of that models and uses other config-files! Pillord.
  22. Hi! I have some knowledge in program c and c++. I have a question about memallocation in Arma2. If I create a object in Arma2 and I add a eventhandler or I use setVariable on an object and I want to delete that objekt for example with "deleteVehicle", do I need to remove the eventhandler for unblock memory or will that removed by Arma2? Thx. Pillord
  23. Pillord

    Hacking Arma2 Server

    Very nice.... Thx. I transfer the output.pcap to my Win7 lokal PC and use wireshark for analyse the UPD packets. I tryed to use rpcapd on linux-server an wireshark as clienet on the Windows PC but allways I have errors to start sniffing on eth0. The connection will be establised, but I can only select: etwork adapter 'USB bus number 1' on remote node rpcap://[]:1551/usb1 as device. If I use this I get the error: Unable to set data link type (EN10MB is not one of the DLTs supported by this device). if I change the device to rpcap:// it shows The capture session could not be initiated (). /eth0" is the proper interface. Can you help me? Thx Pillord.
  24. Pillord

    Hacking Arma2 Server

    Thx for your support. I used ->ngrep -I output.pcap -i disableuserinput but it only shows tons of # singns. Do you konw more? Thx-
  25. Pillord

    Hacking Arma2 Server

    I installed Wireshark, but our Server is running on a serverfarm and I can't look to a monitor to see resaults. I don't know how to run Wireshark as server on linux and connect to this server with a Windows-Tool. I will try to use ngrep and tcpdump. Thx for helping....