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Everything posted by mia389

  1. shk, You rock. Thanks for helping me once again. This worked perfect for me.
  2. Sweet. Thank you much for the fast reply. Made my day :-) ---------- Post added at 12:19 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:06 AM ---------- One other question. I have not done the whole JIP thing. If guys join after the task is completed would the next task be assigned for them? Do I need to make the "evidencecollected" trigger set to repeateldy? Guess that was two questions. ---------- Post added at 01:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:19 AM ---------- Edit: I found my anwser. Just waiting for a reply on the last poster because I have the same question. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=100679
  3. Here is my problem. I have evidence that once you collect it completes a task and gives you a new one. When the player collects it, it is giving only him the new task. Well actually I should say the script is running for him only. How do I make it so it runs for everyone? deletevehicle evi1; "obj1" objStatus "Done"; obj1 setTaskState "SUCCEEDED"; obj1=true; "Camp2" setmarkeralpha 1; "Camp" setmarkeralpha 0; obj2 = player createSimpleTask ["Second Objective"]; obj2 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Find Phillip and bring him home. We hope he is still alive. Enemy in that area is unknown. Good luck <br /><marker name=""Camp2"">Camp2</marker> ", "Second Objective", "Camp2"]; player setCurrentTask obj2; obj2 setTaskState "Assigned"; titleText ["Good work! Map and Task updated", "PLAIN"];
  4. Did you try to add this to your init.sqf line? ace_wounds_prevtime = 600; I have never tried 600 myself. I usually have it at 350
  5. Have you tried it? When I put the class name in the bonus array for domination it does not work
  6. Well I cant seem to do this. When I unpack the config I get a config.hpp. When I try to pack it back I get all kinds of errors and the pbo doesnt work. Its a bit over my head. I was using unRap to unrap it and BinPBO to pack it back up. Im not to sure how to use teh BinPBO though
  7. All the above links to sample missions no longer work :-(
  8. I have five markers on the map. I am trying to make the markers only visable to certain players. I have tryed hiding them all useing this in the init file "alpha" setMarkerAlpha 0; "bravo" setMarkerAlpha 0; "charlie" setMarkerAlpha 0; "delta" setMarkerAlpha 0; "echo" setMarkerAlpha 0; That works but how do I make them appear for certain units. I tryed the "alpha" setMarkerAlpha 1; in the init line of the soldier. That didnt work. Is there a way to trigger them to appear to only certain players? As of now my trigger shows them all to everyone.
  9. Sweet. Works perfect. Just hope it works on dedicated server now. Thanks for your help shk
  10. How do I trigger it to only fire for a group? Do I put setmarkeralphalocal in the trigger or in the the init of unit?
  11. mia389

    co30 Domination! One Team

    I have the GLT F16 addon and I can not get the wreck chopper to lift it. I am running ACE. I edited this in the i_common.sqf #ifndef TT x_heli_wreck_lift_types = sm_bonus_vehicle_array + mt_bonus_vehicle_array + rip_vehicle_array + ["GLT_Falcon_AGM"]; Am I missing something? I have searched lots of forums and I can't figure out what I am doing wrong. Please help
  12. Works on our dedicated server. And _vec should do the trick. Not sure about the hint command. I did not make the script, I just copied it from our domi map. I should say that this only works for me on our dedicated server. So if you try it out in preview mode it wont work.
  13. _vc=[this,0] execVM "pilotonly.sqf"; Put this in init line of vehicle. make a .sqf file called pilotonly.sqf Add this _vec = _this select 0; private [ "_vec","_was_engineon", "_name", "_narray","_letter0","_letter1","_letter2","_letter3","_letter4","_letter5","_cnt"]; if (!isServer) then { while {true} do { _was_engineon = isEngineOn _vec; //check driver if (player == driver _vec) then { if (!(player isKindOf "USMC_Soldier_Pilot")) then { player action ["Eject",_vec]; player commandChat "Only pilot can fly"; if (isEngineOn _vec) then {_vec engineOn false}; }; }; sleep 3; }; };
  14. Nice base. I had some issues installing. I had to download the island. For the island to work you had to have 2 additional addons. It works with the razmisc.pbo but the opx pbos didnt work for me. I read alittle farther and see they are not compateable with Arma2. So I just put the 2 files below to my addon folder and it worked. I am going to use this map and base in my next mission. Thanks alot. You saved me lots of time :-) razmisc.pbo villa_afgana.pbo
  15. Still having this problem. Bumping
  16. No, They are blue like the first picture. I run the mission in veteran mode. The second picture is how I had the module synced to the groups. I dont have them synced anymore. I tryed the module not synced and also tryed to put ace_sys_tracking_markers_enabled = false; in my init.sqf file.
  17. Think I found my problem. The ai I put in my mission are tailiban and that is not ace. I will try to change them and see id that works Well that didnt work. So far I have tried using the module and put the above in the init. Just put the init line. Just use the module. Change all my ai to ACE ai and repeated. Still have them dam blue Markers. Any other suggestions?
  18. Do I have to snyc the ace module to anything? ---------- Post added at 04:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:38 PM ---------- Ok I put the Ace froce group markers off module in my mission. I then synced it to all my groups. I also put this in my init file ace_sys_tracking_markers_enabled = false; I am still seeing enemy marked on the map :-( Any other ideas? ---------- Post added at 04:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:12 PM ---------- ---------- Post added at 04:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:21 PM ---------- Here is my init.sqf execVM "briefing.sqf"; server execVM "revive_init.sqf"; ace_sys_tracking_markers_enabled = false; //adapt to your own path. VehicleRespawn = Compile PreprocessFile "funcVehicleRespawn.sqf"; //modify the _vehicleRespawnLocation variable and the _vehicle one. Call Compile Format ["_vehicle addEventHandler [""Killed"",{[_this select 0,%1]Spawn VehicleRespawn}];",_vehicleRespawnLocation]; "camp" setMarkerAlpha 0; if (!isDedicated) then { null = execVM "sand.sqf"; null = execVM "sound.sqf"; }; // GeneralCarver's Vehicle Rearming Script Init Scripting // Define variables gcvrspv = "none"; gcvrsactionid = 0; gcvrsservicescriptactive = "false"; gcvrsrespawnnotescript = "none"; //delete other sides markers for service areas if (playerside == west) then { deleteMarker "gcvrs_lvrp2_marker"; deleteMarker "gcvrs_lvrp3_marker"; deleteMarker "gcvrs_lvrp5_marker"; deleteMarker "gcvrs_lvrp6_marker"; deleteMarker "gcvrs_lvrp8_marker"; deleteMarker "gcvrs_lvrp9_marker"; deleteMarker "gcvrs_lvrp11_marker"; deleteMarker "gcvrs_lvrp12_marker"; }; if (playerside == east) then { deleteMarker "gcvrs_lvrp1_marker"; deleteMarker "gcvrs_lvrp3_marker"; deleteMarker "gcvrs_lvrp4_marker"; deleteMarker "gcvrs_lvrp6_marker"; deleteMarker "gcvrs_lvrp7_marker"; deleteMarker "gcvrs_lvrp9_marker"; deleteMarker "gcvrs_lvrp10_marker"; deleteMarker "gcvrs_lvrp12_marker"; }; if (playerside == guer) then { deleteMarker "gcvrs_lvrp1_marker"; deleteMarker "gcvrs_lvrp2_marker"; deleteMarker "gcvrs_lvrp4_marker"; deleteMarker "gcvrs_lvrp5_marker"; deleteMarker "gcvrs_lvrp7_marker"; deleteMarker "gcvrs_lvrp8_marker"; deleteMarker "gcvrs_lvrp10_marker"; deleteMarker "gcvrs_lvrp11_marker"; }; if (player iskindof "Civilian") then { deleteMarker "gcvrs_lvrp1_marker"; deleteMarker "gcvrs_lvrp2_marker"; deleteMarker "gcvrs_lvrp3_marker"; deleteMarker "gcvrs_lvrp4_marker"; deleteMarker "gcvrs_lvrp5_marker"; deleteMarker "gcvrs_lvrp6_marker"; deleteMarker "gcvrs_lvrp7_marker"; deleteMarker "gcvrs_lvrp8_marker"; deleteMarker "gcvrs_lvrp9_marker"; deleteMarker "gcvrs_lvrp10_marker"; deleteMarker "gcvrs_lvrp11_marker"; deleteMarker "gcvrs_lvrp12_marker"; }; // End GeneralCarver's Vehicle Rearming Script Init Scripting
  19. I’m also using a gtx275 but I run with v-sync. If i turn it off I get weird effects or tearing when I turn my character fast. The reason you get more frames is because V-sync will limit your frames to your monitor. My monitors refresh rate is 60 so my frames will only go up to 60. You said you seen 75fps. That means your monitor refresh rate was at 75. Arma runs good for me with V sync.
  20. I am having problems with this revive. I really want this in my mission. I have went through the pdf 3 times now. I dont know what I am missing. I think its in the markers somewhere. I put the west_revive, logic, center, and boot_hill markers in my mission. I also added one at the base called FOB. In my revive init i put: _no_respawn_points = 1; _Base_1 = "FOB"; Sorry dont know how to put it in code like the other shown in the thread. It seems like some of it is working. When I click on respawn my guy is on the ground yelling and I get the respawn dialog but no option to respawn. I also named all of my soilders. This is my first mission and I really want the revive in it. If anyone can help I posted my mission below. Take a look at it and see what you can find. Im sure there is errors in that mission file as I have been trying everything to get this to work. http://www.mediafire.com/file/tyogmdyeakg/AllenDesert.GNT_Sands.pbo ---------- Post added at 12:58 AM ---------- Previous post was Yesterday at 11:52 PM ---------- OH my. Well after posting I decided to give it one more try. I was only trying to get a spawn point at base. So I was skipping the mobile spawn section. 5th time was a charm. Its working now. I feel like an idiot
  21. mia389

    endless "wait for host"

    Same problem here. I have been playing in a server for the last three days now and I had a CTD while playing and I get the error when trying to rejoin. Others join and some have same problem I do. I found if I put my pc on DMZ in my router it works. So something in my router is blocking it from connecting after I had my CTD in game. I use a Dlink router and have these ports forwarded 2302-2305 UDP. Are these the right ports?
  22. I am new to Arma2 and I love this ACE mod. I am getting alot of CTDs with it though. I get one about every hour. I also get messages of files not loading when playing. I used six shooter to install and update it. Is this common? This is happening in multiplayer. My system is good. EDIT: I found my problem I think. I went back and tryed to update the game with sixshooter and noticed there is a beta option now. I click on that and when the update ran it replaced some files. I also had it create a new shortcut. I will try it out tomorrow.