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Everything posted by lightspeed_aust

  1. lightspeed_aust

    Team Switch - script for MP?

    mate i have scripted 6 missions for coop on dedicated servers so far and they all work so im going back the other way if you like to sp. it looks like Norrins Revive works in sp so i will try to configure that - if necessary i will create a sp version, a co7 and a co14 version. the scripts all run the same its just numbers of ai to be tweaked.
  2. lightspeed_aust

    Team Switch - script for MP?

    ok so i should turn to respawn.revive for sp instead.
  3. lightspeed_aust

    problem with team swicth

    how can you teamswitch in mp? have you got a mission i can look at? i can only get it to work in sp.
  4. lightspeed_aust

    Hybrid Commanding System

    there are demo missions - check page 10.
  5. lightspeed_aust

    Ghost Recon:Island Thunder Campaign

    @ mrcash - yes i am getting used to HHC and the way the men react. - the losing HC is a major problem so im having a rethink about this and how to implement it successfully. - i will never use autosave in my missions...ever. :) - i was using GameLogic (its the logical thing to use) - not sure about the relevance of the whole hc subordinate thing. - im sure there is a way to resync the HC to the next player - i will see if someone can figure it out.
  6. lightspeed_aust

    W.i.P. Island Cicada

    beautifl work mate - looks very real - not overcrafted.
  7. Hi folks Download link version 1.1 - http://www.filefront.com/17422078/GRmissionsArma2_6packpbos.rar i have just been advised that when i pbo'd flamepillar i did not copy in the other files so only mission.sqm inside - sorry here is the file fix - http://www.filefront.com/17426043/co7_GR_flamepillar_v1-4.Zargabad.pbo Update log - -fixed spawn error (spawning in no mans land) -changed the versioning numbers -got rid of the BAF to US Special Forces only -changed a few weapons -added another mission on Chernarus - remake of original castle_day mission from Ghost Recon -AI enabled by default - can be disabled at pre-launch screen (you can play SP through MP Lan) Additional notes - Norrins Revive - all players have 2 revives but Medic has 10 available. Respawning - Squad Leader has a mobile respawn unit at his disposal which when deployed provides the addtional spawn closer to team, otherwise you respawn near insertion zone. UPSMON script used and loved :-) No ammoboxes at insertion - kits are preset so that your class selection matters - you may find enemy ammoboxes along the way which can be raided and of course enemy weapons can be picked up. It's been a while since I released missions here but I have produced several missions now for coop dedicated servers which have been tested to varying degrees and seem to work well. Here are 6 missions, all 7 man coop across Chernarus, Takistan, Zargabad and Shapur and are in the Ghost Recon vein of mission (GR was my addiction for years) - quite a lot of variation. It is vanilla OA/Arma2, I dint want to complicate things. I have given the teams revive script with all men able to preform 2 revives except for medic who can do 10. Everyone has 2 respawns as well which are either at a designated position on map or at the leader if he deploys this mobile respawn unit. The kits are preset so that all players have their primary responsibilities on the mission. Read the briefs guys so you know what's going on - my biggest gripe when hosting lol. Players just want to blow shit up and shoot stuff - there is a time and a place for that! Not much else to say except I hope you enjoy them and plz report bugs if you find any but should all work at this stage. Lightspeed from ghostrecon.net
  8. lightspeed_aust

    co07 mission pack for dedicated servers

    @ Gnarly - ok i will look at update to the backpack issue. @ BF2 Trooper - the d30s can be destroyed with sustained machine gun fire or rpgs or satchels - but i will look at adding second demolitions dude.
  9. http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=12165&n=last#bottom this is for up to 7 players - 2 would be a major challenge but you can join in progress and come back if you had to. it is vanilla Arma2/OA.
  10. lightspeed_aust

    Ghost Recon:Island Thunder Campaign

    ok i have built in the Hybrid High Command to test it on first mission - seems pretty solid and there are tricks to make the AI behave properly. for example, if you want them to go somewhere in Aware state then i set the waypoint and combat mode to danger (that holds them still) then i set speed to "limited" and state "aware" and they will move to waypoint cautiously. a little practice and it could be set up easily each time. in addition, you can hold Ctrl and issue multiple waypoints to each squad while they sit in Danger or Stealth mode and then release them to carry out their paths. but the issue of losing the High Command subgroups if leader dies - that is a pain in the ass! definitely needs a fix!! if they sort that out then it is almost as good as OGR (original ghost recon) if not as good, better in some ways bcoz you can group everyone together if required, and other little things. plus you can switch player in game in sp by pressing "T" which again is right on par with our beloved GR. things progressing positively all round!!
  11. ive been modding for years now mainly in Ghost Recon and now here - so here are my two cents from a personal point of view - i mod bcoz i love it - it is almost addictive at times even though you hit the wall occasionally and need a break from it. as long as ppl give credit for using other ppls ideas then that should be sufficient - if creators dont want ppl using their stuff (knowing that it can be unpboed) then they should make it very clear!!! otherwise, they should harden the f* up and be happy that ppl would use their work and ideas in the first place. this is a community - this community wouldnt be what it is unless thousands of ppl had shared their modifications and scripts and thousands more ppl wouldnt be able to enjoy the fruits of our labour. you're not getting paid for it - you do it for the love of modding - so enjoy it or dont do it...period.
  12. lightspeed_aust

    Hybrid Commanding System

    maybe this isnt technically the right spot for this but here i go - 1. can you issue more then one waypoint to a group in one go? move here at normal speed aware, then move limited in stealth mode? 2. currently, when i break off groups and issue waypoints and try to set the combat and speed conditions, they seem slow to respond or dont do anything they are ordered to do - they just run along acting safe. if i then switch them to stealth, they just go prone and will not move at all. is this something wrong on my end? there are no opfor present - im just testing the behaviour. cheers Lighty
  13. lightspeed_aust

    Ghost Recon:Island Thunder Campaign

    quick update - i have all objectives working for mission 5 and 7 although i may decide to redo mission 5 at a new location when Ice releases final version of the map. in this case, the current mission 5 would be tweaked and become a mission 9! don't say i dont look after you ;) i have tried to create that classic GR feel with the open objectives (complete tasks in any order) also adding triggers that depending on which order you complete an objective may result in something else happening at the other objective. work continues.....
  14. lightspeed_aust

    Emita City

    gr8 work buddy - always like some more cqb - by the way while i think of it - this should be recommend addon for your city to improve movement through buildings and cqb in general - http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=109628
  15. lightspeed_aust

    Jungle Wars: Island of Lingor

    now that is sexy - i will def use that in Island Thunder mission - the swampy bit. and glad you're adding back some of the mangroves - they add so much to the waterways.
  16. lightspeed_aust

    Jungle Wars: Island of Lingor

    that looks like a tiger stripe colour combination - is it real or custom skin? i like it.
  17. lightspeed_aust

    Jungle Wars: Island of Lingor

    sounds interesting for sure.
  18. lightspeed_aust

    Controlling AI in SP

    I only play coop usually but for the purpose of making missions for coop and sp i have a question. In Ghost Recon you had 3 teams (Alpha, Bravo and Charlie) within one platoon and you could split these teams up and control their behaviour and movement to waypoints individually. Can you do this in Arma2 or are they all stuck together? Can you split them off into groups from one main group? Thanks in advance Lightspeed
  19. lightspeed_aust

    Ghost Recon:Island Thunder Campaign

    very informative thanx Cash i will doing some testing of this.
  20. lightspeed_aust

    Ghost Recon:Island Thunder Campaign

    quick update - mission4 aka swamp airfield is done and dusted - just waiting on those enemy units.
  21. lightspeed_aust

    Ghost Recon:Island Thunder Campaign

    checked out the demo mission for this - easy to set up ---------- Post added at 07:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:02 PM ---------- mrcash2009 - what would be nice to know is how adjusting the groups conditions affects how they move and react. for example, when i switch them to "Aware" how will they behave and if I add movement "Limited" + "Aware" how that changes things. Will they move at all if I switch them to "Stealth". Can you post that here if you know and I can build it into the readme so players know when they start using Hybrid. cheers.
  22. lightspeed_aust

    Ghost Recon:Island Thunder Campaign

    by the way, it's Lightspeed not Ice ;) ---------- Post added at 11:58 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:45 AM ---------- i just did a quick check and Hybrid does work in MP mode - and if teamleader dies there is a line of code that you can use to ensure that the HC switches over to the teamleader of the next group. i have never built this but i will make sure that this is incorporated in this campaign - its logical for GR.
  23. lightspeed_aust

    Taviana Island for ArmA 2!

    aaaaahhh yes a motorbike!!! cool!!
  24. lightspeed_aust

    Ghost Recon:Island Thunder Campaign

    ill have a look at it thanks - you know what the mission is called?
  25. lightspeed_aust

    Ghost Recon:Island Thunder Campaign

    not familiar with this and couldn't get the AI switch happening ingame but i was in MP Lan so maybe it's a SP only function. i will look into the Hybrid Command script. ah i think maybe you're referring to High Command - which i believe would allow you to move units using map and waypoints - a la Ghost Recon. well if it's not buggy it will have to be in there for the true GR experience. ;) thanks.