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Everything posted by lightspeed_aust

  1. lightspeed_aust

    Jungle Wars: Island of Lingor

    i have been editing on this map for a while now - i get no freeze/lock up issues at all.
  2. lightspeed_aust

    Ghost Recon:Island Thunder Campaign

    i will definitely look into that loadout setup - if i can keep the loadouts per class restricted then it would be gr8 to give players the choice of several different weapons to use. for example, choice of 2 or 3 AT Launchers, choice of SD weapons, machinegunner can choose from 3 or 4 heavy weapons, etc would be very cool...and add a little more replayability too. mission 5 update - finished placing all of those objects and the bambo hut villages have come to life.
  3. lightspeed_aust

    Taviana Island for ArmA 2!

    this is screaming Original Ghost Recon campaign!!!
  4. lightspeed_aust

    Jungle Wars: Island of Lingor

    @ Nikiforos have a box of tissues on standby ;)
  5. lightspeed_aust

    Jungle Wars: Island of Lingor

    awesome addon - and i hear there is a snake addon too? perfect for this map
  6. lightspeed_aust

    Ghost Recon:Island Thunder Campaign

    quick update - still working on the new mission 5 - placing a few 100 objects to try to bring some bamboo villages to life - extremely boring but necessary lol. fortunately, nearly finished or i would shoot myself - i try to do blocks of half hour of placing, small break, another half hour. if i could just dump them in would be great but many of them are off the ground in houses and need to be rotated. how i miss the crysis editor at times like these... :(
  7. lightspeed_aust

    Ghost Recon:Island Thunder Campaign

    - ive never seen any fps issues with upsmon - will see how house patrol affects. - i won't spawn any enemy - they will all be in the map. - some missions will have SD weapons while others will "be loud n proud". - i will include OA weapons but the weapons are pre-selected for each class and definitely no thermal. some weapons will have flashlights for night ops. - ACE may come after i've done the vanilla version, however, given the style of missions and pre-loaded kits etc i dont think ACE will really be necessary for this (there would not be enough ACE stuff required to be implemented to make it noticably different from not having it - if that makes sense).
  8. wow that is fantastic modelling work - cant wait to try the final version
  9. lightspeed_aust

    Jungle Wars: Island of Lingor

    i have to disagree there - i noticed a few pointy areas here n there (very few) but to say that they are unnatural is to say that they would not be found in nature and in nature we can find every shape possible - shapes that defy what we would consider natural. http://img.xcitefun.net/users/2009/07/96359,xcitefun-arizona-wave-rock-formation-1.jpg http://good-times.webshots.com/photo/1478530495079928893oyBLnu http://www.flickr.com/photos/lightcliff/3792817851/ http://travel.webshots.com/photo/1521896704080468184OxFdOw http://www.hutter1.net/australia/olgas.htm let's not presume to know how nature "should look" ;)
  10. lightspeed_aust

    Ghost Recon:Island Thunder Campaign

    quick update - well Icebreakr gave me a newer version of Lingor to explore and as suspected the new area he was working on was much more suitable for mission 5 - a Search and Rescue mission which took place at night on a map called Bridges in the original. in this version, it takes place in a swampy area with bamboo huts and bridges of a different sort (the man made water bridges of Arma2). it still has the feel of the open expansive map of the original but with a slightly different play area - and your approach in this mission could be from many different angles. this also leaves me with the extra mission (mentioned in an earlier thread) which i had already constructed for mission 5 - and will now become a bonus 9th mission for this campaign. i have also had a look at some of the units that will be present in Lingor (excellent units) and will also use stock Arma2 guerillas as opfor who fit beautifully into this environment. i have also decided that besides using UPSMON scripts, i will also blend the urban regions with the Random House patrol scripts that should really bring the AI alive and make for some excellent replayability a la GR.
  11. I was thinking as a method of preventing AI from killing themselves b4 you get to them is to start with the UPSMON "fortified" script so they are occupying the building when you get to the building and at that point trigger this script so they then start patrolling and then defending the building b4 they have actually killed themselves. its a workaround - ill test it out in the near future.
  12. here is the eventhandler - fired place this into init line of leader of each group you to trigger the fired eventhandler in this case 'group4' - {_x addEventHandler['Fired',{shotIsFired = true}]} forEach (units patrol4) in your trigger the condition is - shotIsFired Activation: Sound the alarm. I'm pretty sure that's all you need - if any member of the groups who have the code in the init line fire their weapon - then you are detected in a realistic way (if they know you are there they fire at you) and the alarm sounds.
  13. lightspeed_aust

    Jungle Wars: Island of Lingor

    well ive had a look at new release and although i thought it impossible - it is in fact better then before lol. ive looked at a few islands now and there are none better - all the experience Ice has gained along the way and this is the masterpiece imo. while he has filled the world with incredibly well-placed infrastructure - he has also left free space in all the right places to allow the mission makers and game players to play their part in this creation. we owe a huge debt to modders of this calibre who give thousands of hours to creating and giving such attention to detail as Ice has done here and producing what could only be described as an incredible piece of artwork. Ice's opening thread talked about his inspiration for this map - and his inspiration and skills have seen the dream become reality. thanx Ice for giving me not only an early preview but the incredible gift of Lingor Island. (and thanx to the other modders who supported Ice along the way - your efforts have not been in vain - Ice has done you proud). Lighty.
  14. "detected" is shyte - i dont know what detected means to AI exactly but they will "detect" you from 400 meters away running crouched while walking in the opposite direction. you are better off to use a "Fired" eventhandler - I'll dig the code up later or do a search for it. it means that unless the groups linked to this event fire their weapon the trigger will not activate. much better for stealth ops. ---------- Post added at 07:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:53 PM ---------- while im here - is there a way to make AI not follow - 'nofollow' dont seem to work so well - i dont want all the patrolling AI to abandon their patrols everytime - just hold patrol zone until the action gets closer. ty
  15. lightspeed_aust

    Jungle Wars: Island of Lingor

    I can hear it whistling.......
  16. lightspeed_aust

    Ghost Recon:Island Thunder Campaign

    i'll look at the save function later - it really would be a last option. i would rather players focus on team preservation and complete the mission without a save - i wont make mission too hard but just enough so player feels like they achieved it with skill.
  17. lightspeed_aust

    Ghost Recon:Island Thunder Campaign

    i told you i wasnt going to use Save and now you're telling me it's buggy - you're not helping your case for a Save feature. :p i will look into it for you ;)
  18. lightspeed_aust

    Jungle Wars: Island of Lingor

    my specs and results: E6600 DuoCore, 2 gig ram, ATI 4890 512mb ram, 1920x1080 32" tv screen (wicked!! :)), object detail set to high, shadow low, post process disabled. (note: i see no difference between very high and high object detail but see a fps hit of 5 fps) view distance - 2000+ meters performance: min fps 33 - max 60+ fps.
  19. lightspeed_aust

    Ghost Recon:Island Thunder Campaign

    its automatic but "AI will clear an enemy units it is aware of before auto reviving" again i think in most cases, the right group is going to move to revive and also protect their downed man and with popped smoke its quite effective. bare in mind too that Ghost Recon offered no revive at all - so i consider the revive to be an enhancement and more realistic then GR. if it turns out not to be the best scenario, however, i could always disable this option but then it would be up to you the player to head over to carry out the revive or switch to another player to move to revive. i dont think you can tell your squad members to go and revive (so this auto-revive takes the hassle out of it for the most part).
  20. just_use_underscores_not spaces (that is standard naming convention) and for versioning use a hyphen - my_greatest_mission_of_all_time_v1-1.chanadrus ;)
  21. lightspeed_aust

    Ghost Recon:Island Thunder Campaign

    i dont consider anything that followed Island Thunder on PC to be GR - all linear Hollywood crap. Revive/respawn Update for SP - this is all looking solid now and i think SP players will be happy with results. (This is to allow HCS to run properly of course). All squad members of the squad have up to 3 respawns (this can be adjusted for final version - either 0, 1, 2, or 3). All squad members can heal themselves twice. All can heal other squad members twice - except medic who has 10 revives available. All can bandage other squad members three times to stop bleeding. If the Leader is revived/respawns he will retain control of the squad but will have to split the squad again using Hybrid High Command - takes about 10 seconds. (The squad members will hold position at current location for new orders - except the Revivers*) *Revivers - the closest 2 members of the squad will move to revive a downed squad member - one will provide cover while the other performs the heal. The downed squad member will also pop smoke for cover if he has smoke in his possession. I think this is quite a realistic simulation of what would happen - and it means if you keep putting your team leader in harms way you will lose him (will the mission end if he dies? or do you play on without him? im not sure yet).
  22. lightspeed_aust

    Zeus AI Combat Skills

    im not sure if this has been asked yet - is it possible to incorporate zeus AI into my mission folder like i would UPSMON for example - that way its not a required addon but built into the mission? thanx in advance
  23. lightspeed_aust

    Ghost Recon:Island Thunder Campaign

    no degradation noticeable from the patch in terms of HCC and waypoint control. the map is unaffected and runs smooth as silk - just a stunning environment. and from what Ice tells me he has made several changes which make a brilliant map even better. i will make sure to fine tune the revive (ill think about it first) so that you still have to be aware of the value of life in the mission which one of the essences of GR - protecting your life and the life of your team members is critical to success. (so many shooters out there have just abandoned that simple concept to their detriment).
  24. lightspeed_aust

    Ghost Recon:Island Thunder Campaign

    ok this is what i have done so far - i use the Hybrid High Command system so i can form smaller groups and regroup them on leader and also provide Norrins Revive. what happens now is....if i split off the groups and die i can either get a revive or respawn at a position. i will still keep command of all the units but they do lose their groups and i need to reassign them. in addition, if though they all join my group again they dont come running back to the leader - they wait for further orders. so easy to reassign groups quickly and resume. not perfect but its a bandaid. for sp, i would prolly give all players revive - perhaps i could give team leader lots of revives/respawns so he is always in the game.
  25. HI guys I had a pretty good search but could not find thread but I'm sure that someone may have tried to sort this out. I am building some missions to run on coop and sp - for sp you get the benefit of team switch but no revive. MP lan you get the benefit of the revive but lose the team switch. I'm sure you can build revive/respawn into sp but I'm more interested in seeing Team Switch built into MP. Has it been done? Can it be done? thanx in advance Lighty.