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Everything posted by lightspeed_aust

  1. lightspeed_aust

    Cameraman - observer not player

    you sure thats going to do it - does not seem like a free cam - you are still attached to the object and cant free roam the whole map can you? i just had a quick test of it.
  2. lightspeed_aust

    Working spectate script finally

    does this script make the player who selects it an observer - so they can pan camera and film the whole map/mission? cos thats what Im looking for. a friend of mine wants to record coop missions from all angles including overhead. is this what i need or is there something else? thanx
  3. hmm - will have a look into that - looking for a point system though and detailed briefs so its not just a matter of place objectives and a few AI and off you go.
  4. I think it could be time for a Ghost Recon-style coop tournament Back in the day when I was creating missions for Ghost Recon I produced and ran 3 tournaments aimed at testing the skills of the coop players. Each tournament would contain between 5 and about 10 missions. All missions would contain multiple objectives with points attached to each objective. The missions would have no respawns - you die and your toast. You couldn't even spectate so you could not assist the remaining players with what was going on in the mission. You could only keep your points if you successfully extracted - so in effect you had a serious risk versus reward situation. Do you go for the extra points but risk dying and failing to secure any points? Or do you take the points you have and extract hoping that it would be enough to be the best Ghost Team on the block? Now I don't know if this has been done before in Arma2 or earlier versions of this glorious game but you'd better prepare yourselves for some seriously intense and enjoyable coop. ------------- This above is from a post I just placed in User Missions. But I need to get some stuff preferably to make this as authentic as possible - maybe the appropriate addons exist, maybe someone wants a job. I want to use some real GR looking characters in woodland camo - Im thinking about 8 characters I'll need for this. Just throwing it out there now and I can focus on the rest of the stuff.
  5. thanx for your input DG - no probs with assisting - help is always good. in respect to map limiting - its completely unnecessary to do the GRAW "you are leaving the combat area and will die magically" scenario. the fact is, if your objectives for a mission are at A, B, & C then by all means head to X, Y & Z but you will not complete any objectives, and wonder why you bothered playing the mission at all. by default, players will/must be drawn into your mission zone and so the other 60km2 becomes irrelevant anyway - no force fields needed. i am in the process of finding a suitable map (something fresh) for the missions and from there will try to figure out a good campaign of sorts - happy to involve you and AS and MS and anyone else in that process. and then we begin mission making. also, need to figure out the addons for this - straight up i am thinking special forces units, and fast rope, i think ACE has to be part of this, and a limited revive or medic function. any other suggestions?
  6. i dpboed a mission recently and found virtually nothing in there which was interesting - i will find the name of it and show it here - not sure how it was done exactly but obviously a lot of scripts generating stuff at launch. but here's the thing - we are not playing for sheep stations as they say (in Australia anyway) - it is for fun but with a serious gameplay. i am confident that i can produce missions that despite being known are still tricky bcoz of unpredictable AI - i am confident that we can produce missions that are virtually the same each time despite AI going one way or the other. hell - even knowing all the GR Tournament missions inside and out - they were still f'n hard. and realistically, players should expect the unexpected. i think this will be a gr8 initiative for the Arma2 COOP community - to bring them what was the most fun and intensity I have ever had in a tactical FPS and get the community sharing the fun and getting to know eachother better. now i just want BIS to put some prizes together to add a lil sumthin. does AS intend to build some missions for this - or should i organise the first mission set (say 3-5)? plz PM me if you have any ideas for the missions or if you have some comms where we can work out the finer points. straight up - i would plan not to make the missions too difficult first time round so that teams have a better then 50% chance of completing. then start building the difficulty level as the missions progress. love this shit!! ha ha
  7. lightspeed_aust

    MBG_Buildings_3 - European Theatre

    really nice mate - we are lucky to have you here at BIS
  8. lightspeed_aust

    Ghost Recon - Island Thunder campaign

    yes i know its not working as hoped - what im in the process of doing is making a MP version only - and SP only version. revive works fine in MP but SP is shit. will take a little time though as i dont have a lot of time and want to make sure 1.1 is free of all the bugs
  9. This is my plan - to host a coop tournament to test the skills of coop teams. However, for the integrity of the tournament I dont want players to be able to see the mission b4 they play it. Is it possible to build the addon but keep a key file or files server-side so that the missions only run on this dedi? Thoughts? Would be great if this can be done so we can get some tournaments running - that side of things I have done several times b4 in Ghost Recon so i have all those details figured out already. Just need to protect the mission from prying eyes. Lighty
  10. that is a fair proposition and obviously in the case of Arma2 it seems to be the only option bcoz files in Arma2 are dloaded to client in order to play the mission. i think you are on the right track with all of the above and really the only way to see if it works is to create and test it. i am currently working on some refinements to the missions i built recently to improve the realism and once this template runs missions the way i want i would look to create 3 missions to test this competition format. very curious to know more about the Alpha Squad addon and how it enhances realism - any info on that Gnome?
  11. lightspeed_aust

    Ghost Recon - Island Thunder campaign

    i talk to Ice regularly - no harm done here. ;)
  12. lightspeed_aust

    Ghost Recon - Island Thunder campaign

    i dont think you packed the mgb buildings and plants into one folder did you? :) would be better for new Arma2 players to have one dload not separate ones.
  13. lightspeed_aust

    Ghost Recon - Island Thunder campaign

    with Lingor - just put all the addons into the @Lingor folder - not sure why Icebreakr dint just pack them all in there himself but I dont question the master. :)
  14. lightspeed_aust

    Ghost Recon - Island Thunder campaign

    check page 1 for mirrors - i will update now
  15. lightspeed_aust

    Ghost Recon - Island Thunder campaign

    ok - so the question is should I implement ACE2?
  16. lightspeed_aust

    Ghost Recon - Island Thunder campaign

    ok here we go - Mission2 I will check to see why Chopper dint show up - someone else has this issue. Mission 3 - Pilots and Book are always present in the map - you have to look around - check the plane carefully for Book. And Pilots will pop smoke in future editions and should generally be easier to find. Mission 4 - the Briefing says destroy all Air Assets and the Radio Tower doesn't it? But I will change that to make it easier (just destroy planes) in future edition. The Weapons Cache is always there but again you have to look for it - try the road - look around that general area - will fix for 1.1. The Revive is kinda pissing me off too - so I will continue to look for a better option. Enemy Spawns? Not sure what you mean - no enemy spawns into map it is all there on the ground. If I remove Revive, I will cut back on AI numbers so its not as difficult. I will move chopper further away for Mission 2. I keep the material from previous missions on the map - takes hours to add it and you never know if you will use it again - has no effect on the other missions or fps. Those markers not changing colour - I will think about that - should be easy to sort out. And red oval marker - oops lol
  17. lightspeed_aust

    Server side mission possible?

    the question is - once its transferred does the player then have the complete file to hand to anyone else? imagine there are 20 coop teams involved with 2 or those teams from 1 clan. 1 clan could play the mission and pass off the file for their other team to get a cheat look/play b4 insertion. i need to prevent this if possible.
  18. lightspeed_aust

    Ghost Recon - Island Thunder campaign

    just so you have an idea of what will change - i will swap the FR out with Special Forces. The helo will change to one of ADukes. I will be using FastRoping on at least one mission. Enemy numbers will be tweaked, as well as, probability of presence. More weapons will be available during the insertion phase - about a minute or 2 while the chopper inserts fex to allow players to change several weapons - there will be a choice of 3 RPG styles, a few rifles, a couple of heavy machineguns, more smoke n frags, a few sniper rifles etc. This should mean the classes should still remain fairly in tact but you can still do some customisation. Medic to be fixed - not giving multiple heals in MP from what i am hearing. What else? Oh yeh, general feeling in SP that you are along for the ride bcoz your AI spot the enemy b4 you see them bcoz AI see through grass. Similar problem in MP whereby you are getting sniped at by AI that you cant see through the grass. This is an engine limitation and may result in me removing grass completely which I tested and does not really reduce the immersion factor but does mean you can see them when they can see you - its a fair fight. More things to do but this is a list so far.
  19. an upscaled GR Tank Map - do share!!! This is one of my thoughts and i will post this in mission editing section. If you get the base of the Tournament Mod to download but some critical files are held on the dedicated servers that are hosting the tourney. so alone the dload is useless and does not allow you to cheat - when you jump on the server you can now play the mission.
  20. Yes, I am waiting to get slapped for not searching properly - but so far I have not found what I'm looking for or if it can even be done. I have a bunch of specialists in my Ghost Recon units - AT, Demolitions, Marksman etc. They all use specialist kits which I designate in units init line in the editor. But...I would still like to give units a small amount of weapon customisation b4 mission starts. For example, the AT Specialist could take a SMAW, MAAWS, M136 or Javelin. However...and this is the key, I don't want any other unit to be able to select that weapon. Has it been done? Can it be done? Thanks Lighty.
  21. lightspeed_aust

    Unit Specific Custom Loadout

    sounds interesting - i was thinking while inserting by vehicle - give players about 1 minute to pick b4 drop off. does anyone know of this script Egosa speaks of?
  22. not sure which version of upsmon you are using but my armor work correctly all the time - im on 5.0.7
  23. this will take some time to prepare, however, i think i will prepare a trial run of no more then say 3 missions to see what the uptake is like, work out the logistics of hosting this type of event, figure out how to reduce the instances of cheating or sharing missions, etc. depending on how the 3 missions turn out - could pave the way for another bigger tournament with more coop teams involved, more missions, more intenstiy and more fun. i would also hope that someone perhaps even Bohemia might jump in and offer a few prizes to the best squads. ---------- Post added at 12:08 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:06 AM ---------- i wonder if Bohemia would throw in prizes to a Ghost Recon style tournament lol - i can feel a name change coming already. Arma Recon? Armed Recon? hmmmmmmmmmm ill sleep on that one.
  24. lightspeed_aust

    Ghost Recon - Island Thunder campaign

    noted 2nd Ranger - i will fix that issue although i did actually always leave 2 AI at the Polling Center just in case. but not fair to fail you on the objective after i have already said you succeeded - i will delete the fail trigger and the appropriate time during the mission. i want to enhance this mission for next release - i think it could do with a little more development during the mission.
  25. hello Harntrox - wots happening? still modding? good question Foxhound and I haven't yet worked out the logistics of running it, however, the most important thing is that it is for fun and we aren't paying money to play so nothing to lose really. i would at first thought - look at securing support from some dedicated and honest Arma2 server hosts who might then help administer the tournament. things to figure out yet but i am a believer....