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Everything posted by lightspeed_aust

  1. lightspeed_aust

    Emita City

    my comment after brief look at the vid is that the grass does not seem to match the green texture of the ground.
  2. lightspeed_aust

    MP fast rope script addon

    ;chopper_move.sqs _heli = _this select 0; _group = group _heli; ~2 _heli flyInHeight 40; _waypoint0 = _group addWaypoint [getMarkerPos "WP1", 15]; _waypoint0 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _waypoint0 setWaypointSpeed "Normal"; _waypoint1 = _group addWaypoint [getMarkerPos "WP2", 7]; _waypoint1 setWaypointType "MOVE"; exit[/codE] create a .sqf with this code and drop it in your mission folder.
  3. lightspeed_aust

    Ghost Recon - Island Thunder campaign

    No m8 no tweaking
  4. lightspeed_aust

    Cliffs, abseiling and caves

    Would love to see these three added. Abseiling down a steep rock face to get into a strategic position. And also one or two cave systems.
  5. love it - works perfectly
  6. so i have chopper 1 and in the init field i would put chopper1=group this so then i have a trigger with this in it: null = [chopper1,(getPos this),250] execVM "BIN_taskPatrol.sqf" ??? I really am not a scripter as you can tell lol
  7. is it posssible to set this in a trigger so the chopper remains grounded until he is called in to action?
  8. Just want to know the best method for this. Upsmon not effective, waypoint seek n destroy looked good set to combat. But is there a better way?
  9. lightspeed_aust

    7 satchels and one Radio tower

    use a game logic and destroy it that way - set the damage of the closest id to 1.
  10. lightspeed_aust

    Cliffs, abseiling and caves

    I was thinking mOre in terms of cliff face, real cliffs which you can't walk, slide down.
  11. lightspeed_aust

    Stealth Kills?

    You don't use knives irl, you use a silenced pistol. No knives plz
  12. Hi guys - I have a mission where you need to knock out two arty batterys. How can I get them firing off into the distance at an object - firing once every 30 secs to 1 min. Also what other objects would be near the arty unit to simulate an active battery - Im guessing some ammoboxes and a couple of extra men to load/unload shells. cheers Lighty
  13. lightspeed_aust

    Ghost Recon: Podagorsk

    Getting closer to a release now - beta testing progressing well. Two ACE missions prepared. I'm currently working on a remake of Village which is looking really good and all objectives working as planned plus fastrope insert and extraction by chopper. Just tweaking the briefing and then I'll place the rest of the AI. A quick beta test and that makes 6 out of 8 missions ready for release. So far - Stronghold (based on Caves) Swamp Docks Farm Castle Village still to come - Airfield Tank Depot and maybe one or two more.
  14. lightspeed_aust

    Ghost Recon: Podagorsk

    Gr8 feedback so far - some have said better then Island Thunder and I can say that my learning from those missions has made these more polished this time round. And most importantly, they do stay true to the GR feel. ---------- Post added at 10:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:23 PM ---------- And to get your tastebuds dripping, here is the Teaser Trailer for the Podagrosk Campaign - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lo6hVg_peKo&feature=player_embedded Thanks to my mate wombat50
  15. lightspeed_aust

    [ADO] Tigeria

    Old Bear this looks top notch. Can't wait for the full release.
  16. lightspeed_aust

    Taviana Island for ArmA 2!

    On a side note Martin, given that you have created a tunnel, does this mean you can create caves?
  17. lightspeed_aust

    Taviana Island for ArmA 2!

    @ Martin You continue to blow me away with your high level of detail.'no to the leaves IMO in the city, but yes to them in rural areas.
  18. lightspeed_aust

    FDF Podagorsk 1.1

    Stay tuned for Ghost Recon: Podagorsk Campaign....only a few weeks to go!
  19. Hi guys I have been running through the weapons in Class Thread to see which ones have NV scopes as I h8 the fact that most of the scopes cease to work once you try to use them at night (zoom = black screen). So wondering if anyone has done the research and knows/has a list of the suitable weapons for NV. Or what rifle/scope would you prefer to use at night? (Note: I really don't like the thermal scopes - it's like an unfair advantage for the missions I am creating). Thanx Lighty.
  20. lightspeed_aust

    ShackTac Fireteam HUD (STHUD)

    Hi dyslexci You think there is a possibility of incorporating a digital compass or compass of sorts into the HUD? I tried to use digital compass and blend it with HUD as an example but alas my coding skills are lacking.
  21. lightspeed_aust

    Taviana Island for ArmA 2!

    I noticed when viewing the beta that while the city was plentiful, outlying areas were quite barren. Will you be developing those areas?
  22. lightspeed_aust

    Mission Editor Question

    I would expect you to do some research first
  23. lightspeed_aust

    Ghost Recon: Podagorsk

    Ok time for another update - I'm working on Missions 7 & 8 now - and so far I can see 9 or maybe 10 in total for this campaign. I have been going back through all missions and changing the units to suit this environment and also changing weapons and working out a good set up for the Ghosts for night ops of which there will be 3 night missions. Wombat my mate and the man behind my Teaser Trailers has dusted off his Arma 2 and we are playing around with concept now designed to get the taste buds dripping. I have the services of silent_op to do some beta testing and conversion of kits to ACE and ACE medic systems. thanx mate. And finally, the crew at Legion of Sparta will also assist with beta testing while Fatal Papercut shoots some live action for ingame movies as he did so well in Island Thunder. Not long now Ghosts...not long.
  24. lightspeed_aust

    Weapons with NV?

    thanx guys - good information there. i think i will use that FN FAL for stock Arma2 and the HK for ACE.