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Everything posted by lightspeed_aust

  1. lightspeed_aust

    Dont lose weapons in water crossing

    good thinking mate - thats certainly a fix of sorts. but perhaps someone who did ACE2 scripting knows how to stretch the default time out - i am not a scrpter unfortunately. this is ideal for maps like Lingor or any place with small river crossings - you should be able to make those crossings without losing kits irl.
  2. The hardest thing I believe when making missions or campaigns (and between Arma2 and Ghost Recon I've made between 60 and 100 missions) is getting a good story to tell. Once you figure out the story then you will know whether it will be one long mission or one campaign with multiple missions. And if your story is good then noone will care either way - if the story is weak or far-fetched then it won't be well received by the players. I have done both and in my opinion one is not better than the other to produce and to from the opinion of the players who played. Good luck with it. Lighty.
  3. lightspeed_aust

    Ghost Recon: Podagorsk

    the 7th mission is complete - this was not one of the originals but certainly in the vein of a GR mission and a great challenge. one to go and then release of vanilla Arma2 MP followed by SP campaign. then i have someone who will likely convert to ACE2 version with ACE2 medic and kits.
  4. lightspeed_aust

    Ghost Recon: Podagorsk

    close ppl close
  5. lightspeed_aust

    Orienteering Mission

    bloody gr8 idea - im sure a lot of clans could use it for trainining purposes - how to use compass a map, read terrain, triangulate, use terrain to your advantage. etc.
  6. lightspeed_aust

    ArmA 3 Maps

    Will arma2 islands slip straight into arma3? I would like to see them with even better graffix
  7. lightspeed_aust

    Jungle Wars: Island of Lingor

    lookin forward to it mate. any news about whats in 1.60?
  8. lightspeed_aust

    Taviana Island for ArmA 2!

    Absolutely, it's the only island with a city made for the Russian campaign.
  9. lightspeed_aust

    Taviana Island for ArmA 2!

    Im thinking part 2 of my GR remake of the original will be here - first 6 missions on Podagorsk then several on here.
  10. lightspeed_aust

    Ghost Recon: Podagorsk

    Outpost got an update - another hour or so of work - the AO was a bit too big before (too much hiking to objectives) so I have cut about 500 meters off it. And update to Swamp which is also ready now. on reflection, time away has actually made me come back and realise some improvements I can make to the missions so all good really. Three more to update then I will pack and release the first 6 missions. Farm is now ready to go. 5th mission - docks is ready. This weekend I wrap up 6 and release first part of campaign.
  11. lightspeed_aust

    Jungle Wars: Island of Lingor

    The sth east looks gr8 for sea salt farming And fishing. Both of these would add a lot. or Mineral Mines - might explain why there is not much greenery left there - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heavy_mineral_sands_ore_deposits gives the Ghosts something more to fight for in that region. ;)
  12. lightspeed_aust

    Jungle Wars: Island of Lingor

    Yes I would like to see a remote radio tower compound in sth east plz.
  13. lightspeed_aust

    Ghost Recon - Island Thunder campaign

    hi guys sorry - not forgotten - unfortunately one of the down sides to making missions like anything labour intensive is that you burn out - i just could not bring myself to open editor and patch. but i will be very shortly - in line with Icebreakrs big island update - i will fix all the annoying bugs in the missions and then turn my attention to Island Thunder part2. can i say give me about 1 month for the fixes - just finishing off GR:Podagorsk missions. Lighty.
  14. lightspeed_aust

    Ghost Recon: Podagorsk

    put a good couple of hours into village today - it's ready to go really - just testing it a few times to make sure it flows well and is a worthy remake of the original. then heading back to fine tune some of the other maps that have already been beta tested. then i think i will release the 6 that are ready and aim to add a couple more later.
  15. lightspeed_aust

    Jungle Wars: Island of Lingor

    well personally - i loved the swamp to the sw - made for a gr8 night mission especially with the huts. also the old dirt runway further nw made for a fantastic mission in Island Thunder. yeh, the whole island could have been done in jungle but i like some variation without having to load another map. cant wait to do a couple of new missions in the dry region se - with a new campaign - Island Thunder 2.
  16. lightspeed_aust

    Jungle Wars: Island of Lingor

    Sour to gaze upon? Like lemon sour, or sour gummy worm sour?
  17. lightspeed_aust

    Jungle Wars: Island of Lingor

    fantastic work Ice - I am inspired to revise Island Thunder missions and add Island Thunder part 2 - I hope you will be keeping the Duala desert feel to the sth-east.
  18. lightspeed_aust

    Ghost Recon: Podagorsk

    gr8 news!! i have found all bar one of them - but that one was still in early development so not much lost there at all.
  19. lightspeed_aust

    Ghost Recon: Podagorsk

    by the way - got some very interesting news. a coder (will remain nameless for now) has developed a script whereby you can team switch in MP - sounds good. anyways, i will work to get something out - life goes on. i had done so much work on about 3 other missions - spewing that I lost them - but I guess main thing is the ideas I got from those are not lost and will find there way into other missions.
  20. lightspeed_aust

    Ghost Recon: Podagorsk

    very depressed to tell you all - that I had to reformat my PC and I could have sworn that I kept all my mission files but cannot for the life of me find them...have checked everywhere. i have managed to dig up via email from beta tests that i had sent out - Outpost, Farm, Docks, Castle, Swamp and one other but cannot locate the others...faaaaaaark. i will get over my depression and make sure to get out final versions of these in the next couple of weeks + update Island Thunder so the missions work flawlessly (if thats possible in Arma2). apologies.
  21. lightspeed_aust

    Ghost Recon: Podagorsk

    you should check out Island Thunder on Lingor
  22. lightspeed_aust

    Ghost Recon: Podagorsk

    sorry ive been caught up with real life lately (go figure!) - not as much time available nowadays to do this stuff but.... i will set aside some time to try to wrap up this campaign in the next few weeks. apologies. Lighty.
  23. lightspeed_aust

    TWIRL_Hide v 1.0

    fantastic idea - let's hope the BIS devs jump on this and implement it in Arma3
  24. lightspeed_aust

    Clafghan Map 20x20 Beta Release

    stunning piece of work
  25. lightspeed_aust


    @ Mondkalb If you can figure out how to make the ultimate natural killhouse (a cave with two or three different entry points and a few internal caverns where AI could camp then you will make my world). Still love all your other work though - but the cave man, the cave!