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Everything posted by lightspeed_aust

  1. lightspeed_aust

    Emita City - Arma2CO Island

    That looks bloody amazing
  2. lightspeed_aust

    Ghost Recon: Podagorsk

    Nice one thanx :)
  3. lightspeed_aust

    Coop Tournament

    Love the scoring concept!
  4. I would be happy to try it out, I think the main thing I always wanted was mission maker input to showcase their mission making skills. This is your creation and is valid and worth trialling at least to see how coop players feel about the format.
  5. lightspeed_aust

    Ghost Recon: Podagorsk

    That will be fixed in patch as well as a number of other fixes for farm. No river crossing. No friendly fire after heli obj. Field cleared of 90% of wheat to remove lag. Will upload new file replacements in a couple of days, I'm interstate now.
  6. lightspeed_aust

    Ghost Recon: Podagorsk

    Well 4 of us got it handed to us today in coop on farm. Noticed that the wheat fields lag really badly so will need to fix that somehow, maybe grass cutter over it
  7. ok my plan is to have missions with several objectives - some easier some more difficult - I don't think it's really appropriate or realistic to have another team playing the same mission on the other end of the map. interesting concept but not really what im looking for.
  8. lightspeed_aust

    Ghost Recon: Podagorsk

    Thanx crimson, I will fix chopper friendly fire issue and water crossings then repack campaign
  9. @ Iceman77 I suspect this is more about you promoting your dynamic mission script then about the tournament but let me try to explain to you in simple terms why I don't think that will work: Alpha Team inserts into the dynamic mission and get Objective B as their mission with 20 AI spawned on the map - they score 100 points. Bravo Team spawns into the dynamic mission and gets Objective A as their mission with 35 AI, get their asses handed to them, and score only 20 points. Alpha Team says "Yay - we won!" Everyone looks puzzled. Tournament is deemed to be a failure. The mission MUST be the same for every team to be give equal chance and equal challenge to all. Random patrols would be acceptable but AI numbers must be the same overall. I have posted a thread in Editing forums and have been advised that it should be possible to keep the mission secure until a team plays it by keeping a file required on the server where it is to be played and enabling mission on client side to be enabled. Don't ask me to explain the details - I am not a propellor head. :)
  10. I am running several threads in tandem
  11. Wrong thread m8 - this is for testing rc2 not for requests to add/fix other issues
  12. lightspeed_aust

    Ghost Recon: Podagorsk

    Yep no worries. You will have to learn sp from others as I only play coop sorry
  13. I have a mission or two where you need to destroy an empty friendly vehicle as one of the objectives. (basically to prevent enemy from securing avionics flight data). Problem is in SP as soon as one of the friendlies plants a demo and destroys vehicle, the friendlies treat the unit as an enemy and kill the Demo Specialist. What's the work around for this please? Thanx Lighty.
  14. lightspeed_aust

    Coop Tournament

    ok thats interesting. Each mission will be done in a Ghost Recon style with several objectives to be completed in any order in the mission. Objectives will have different points awarded based on difficulty level. Teams must consider risk/reward (harder objectives = more danger) if they don't think they can complete all objectives they head to extraction. If the team gets wiped out then they receive 0 points for the mission despite the fact that they may have completed some objectives. Effectively the team must reach extraction at which point the score is calculated. Bonus for time can be added. Number of players killed could deduct score. Possibliilties are endless really.
  15. lightspeed_aust

    Ghost Recon: Podagorsk

    have requested a fix in editing forums - will patch mission shortly. still want answer on number of AI too high or low. fixing AI water crossing now.
  16. lightspeed_aust

    Ghost Recon: Podagorsk

    That's really strange that friendly ai would shoot you for blowing up an empty vcl. For sp and water, I will move insertion across water so no crossing required. And if sp prefer I can tone down number of ai?
  17. The scoring triggers have been sorted for me and fire perfectly - very easy now to monitor scores. Also, am getting some assistance with keeping the mission file secure so that teams can't see how the mission runs prior to insertion. I will not set about planning the mission campaign and preparing some professional briefings. I believe I may have access to a server for hosting purposes.
  18. lightspeed_aust

    Request: Tournament Scoring Script

    yep works like a charm thanx!
  19. lightspeed_aust

    Mission Security - is there a way?

    ok well that sounds very positive - i will need some assistance with this if anyone is interested to help. my hope is i can get this to a professional level and perhaps get some endosement from BIS in the way of gifts for the teams who display outstanding coop skills.
  20. lightspeed_aust

    Request: Tournament Scoring Script

    ok thanx mate - i will test this out tonight. maybe not tonite - i am proposing to my gf. tomorrow nite.
  21. lightspeed_aust

    Ghost Recon: Podagorsk

    Hmm interesting I will check it out. No issues with them crossing water? Or bridge? I Wondered if ai would have a problem with that too.
  22. lightspeed_aust

    Jungle Wars: Island of Lingor

    i am sure Ice will make sure it fits but yeh aquablue or similar would be wrong imho.
  23. I am reviving this thread bcoz it is still something I want to do and think would be well-received by the coop community. There are some issues with doing this - mainly the fact that once you provide the mission to one team then they have the file and can pass it around. How to get round this - thoughts? two ways to mitigate chances of cheating, not perfect but fairly effective) - 1) add in the observer who can follow the action and provide feedback on player performance (do they look like they're cheating? like they knew where enemy and objectives were?) 2) provide only a small window in which all teams must do the mission - say 24 - 48 hours - so even if teams get the mission they don't have a lot of time to prepare themselves to cheat their way through. There are some natural mitigations that take place anyway - 1) Friends won't give there other friends in different coop team the missions becoz they want to win themselves. 2) Even if you know where all enemy are on a mission - they can still kick your ass - I know this through mission testing. :/ :) If this gets traction, I would like other mission makers to provide their own missions as well as missions I can make - there is a format to it which I would provide to the mission makers.
  24. lightspeed_aust

    Jungle Wars: Island of Lingor

    @ J-Guid If you are going to put 'Insurgensy Dev Member' into your signature you might want to consider spelling it correctly (Insurgency). ;) Sorry back on topic.
  25. lightspeed_aust

    Ghost Recon: Podagorsk

    Yes mate vanilla