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Everything posted by lightspeed_aust

  1. I was thinking the other nite how I used to spend a great deal of time filling buildings with objects to bring them to life when creating missions. Would be nice if there was some sort of tool/template that could determine what type of building type you are tying to fill with objects and then auto fill it with furniture in the appropriate positions. Or on a larger scale fill all of the houses in a town. Taking it one step further, you could then create two or three variations of the building objects layout. Certainly way beyond my skillset but perhaps someone knows if its possible. Would mean a lot less time wasted on trying to bring life to empty buildings and more time making missions. I know there are scripts which can spawn military bases and airports so it leaves me with faint hope.
  2. lightspeed_aust

    Populating buildings with objects...without manual placement?

    well the furniture does exist from Arma2/OA just needs to be imported and I don't mean fill the entire map but just a specific AO for a mission. Was never any impact from adding static objects in Arma2.
  3. lightspeed_aust

    Vegetation Texture Pop-Ups Still Ugly

    I was just playing with an Arma veteran and we were commenting on the fact that the popups have virtually disappeared now so not sure what you're seeing.
  4. Excellent Shay, I'm sure to have many more questions as I become more familiar with this wicked tool :) I had some success with it - I'm sure the system will improve. The weather effect def not working properly - storm doesnt create clouds overhead although it did rain.
  5. Got it working now with six thanx. A couple of questions on the mission making. If I move a zone, will all of the units and groups that were originally spawned there relocate to the new position? Can I give orders to units that are already spawned? Like set waypoints or change their behaviour?
  6. Hi I'm giving 'Play with Six' a go after trying Six Updater - seems to be pretty easy to naviage but I have a couple of questions. 1) Can I launch my own server/MP game from Six or only join existing servers? 2) If I have installed mods previously which are already sitting in my Arma3 folder, do I have to redownload them via Pw6 or will Pw6 see them in the folder and update them directly? Thanks and just want to say you're a bloody legend SB for this tireless commitment to Arma series. Lighty.
  7. well i can create the zones and tweak some fog, etc but Clouds and Storm aren't working and I cant spawn any Infantry or vehicles in individual or group. I could place ammobox using 3d editor.
  8. I have added the addon and started a MP game and can see the MCC modules too. But....I am not getting the Action in the menu. I have CBA addon too. Thoughts?
  9. lightspeed_aust


    Nice addon mate - I have actually replaced the other stance addon with this - top notch.
  10. lightspeed_aust


    is that last midrange texture supposed to be a funny? coz the pic im seeing is strange.
  11. lightspeed_aust

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    I did a second test in MP today, update from other day when I said that over time the GPS gradually drop off. Today after the fps had dropped to about 12 fps I started adjusting video options down to see if fps went up. Virtually nil improvement on fps which would in sp have gained me another 10-15 fps.
  12. Thanks mate, for someone like me who has a passion for mission making but no longer the time to spend building them b4 playing them with my clan, this is perfect! Spent several hours last nite testing the Arma2 version and its bloody brilliant!
  13. lightspeed_aust

    MCC Sandbox - The Mod

    been testing this tonite - absolutely love it!
  14. lightspeed_aust

    MCC Sandbox - The Mod

    Hi shay gman, really looking forward to introducing this mod to our server for Arma3, any eta for arma3 release? Thanx Lighty
  15. lightspeed_aust

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    My two cents.... Running Fraps when joining a server and Fps started out at an acceptable 35-45 frames, gradually the performance degraded for all players in the server down to 21-22 over a 30 min period. Another 30 minutes and we were all getting about 12 Fps. Lighty
  16. lightspeed_aust

    Terrain Improvement (dev branch)

    I had a look at Bad Bensons work and if its any indication of what the island could look like with the additional midrange textures using the logic map, it will transform the look of these maps from good to spectacular
  17. lightspeed_aust

    midrange terrain texture replacement

    no hit performance whatsoever and it is definitely a big improvement, however, it's a little generic. but i will be using this for now.
  18. Nice addon, only thing would be to limit what could realistically be pushed by weight. But they may be too difficult to sort oit
  19. lightspeed_aust

    Terrain Improvement (dev branch)

    excellent work mate - would improve the look enormously and also hide opfor better at distance (versus now where they stick out)
  20. lightspeed_aust

    Volunteers for helping out?

    I think the new forum is a gr8 idea
  21. Played MP today and looking around in vehicles all the other players heads were bent right over into their knees.
  22. lightspeed_aust


    yep excellent addon - first time ive used it. recommend it.
  23. There's more to it then that and I'm not an expert but this is what I do know. You swith to the GL using F. Then you lift up gun to look through sight and use Page Up/Down keys to adjust sight up or down to increase the range (trajectory really) which the grenade will be launched allowing of course for the elevation to the target. Someone else here can give a better explanation than I but hopefully it makes a lil more sense. :)