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Everything posted by lightspeed_aust

  1. lightspeed_aust

    midrange terrain texture replacement

    I think the thing to keep in mind is that BB created this addon and Nord created his thread/ticket because you both saw the same flaw and wanted to resolve it. You should help each other out to achieve the win. :)
  2. lightspeed_aust

    More Accessible Terrain Creator

    Ok will do.
  3. lightspeed_aust

    More Accessible Terrain Creator

    would this actually work because if so I would prefer to use the cry editor - very easy to use!
  4. lightspeed_aust

    InstaGoat's AI Test Range

    I understand that. I suggested as a mean of testing whether the AI issues could b resolved by better or more effective scripting. I might try and mimic what you've done and see whether results differ.
  5. lightspeed_aust

    More Accessible Terrain Creator

    Yes you will get good and bad maps because some ppl are perfectionists and some are just happy to knock up any piece of crap. But the community will sort out the diamonds from the rubbish. Even with current map making tools, there is a significant gap in level of quality/finish. Providing better tools will just open the doors to new ap makers and raise the benchmark for quality. And make it easier and quicker to create them. A Crysis map editor would be ideal.
  6. lightspeed_aust

    How many man hours to make a map?

    Thank fellas, v informative.
  7. The hit detection is a valid issue no doubt
  8. lightspeed_aust

    SweetFX in Arma 3

    From my point of view, looking at these screenshots, I don't see a significant difference nor improvement between before and after pics sorry.
  9. lightspeed_aust

    How many man hours to make a map?

    I haven't decided on a theme yet and totally understand the degree of variables that could make a project longer/ shorter. Would not be a real location although likely modelled on a real location. Definitely not desert as these have been amply covered over the last 12 months. The question is do I have 6-8 months available. I could complete a new campaign on existing island in about half that timeframe. One thing is for certain, I wont do it if its not done right.
  10. lightspeed_aust

    Digital battlefield and futuretech

    Something to think about - the Javelin. Not available in original Arma, Arma2 but added, say one or two years ago to the joy of all players. Should we not have introduced such a weapon because it was too futuristic? Let's look at the development of the Javelin - (wiki article) In 1983, the United States Army introduced its AAWS-M (Advanced Anti-Tank Weapon System—Medium) requirement and, in 1985, the AAWS-M was approved for development. In August 1986, the Proof-of-Principle (POP) phase of the development began, with a $30 million contract awarded for technical proof demonstrators: Ford Aerospace (laser-beam riding), Hughes Aircraft Missile System Group (imaging infra-red combined with a fiber-optic cable link) and Texas Instruments (imaging infra-red).[7] In late 1988, the POP phase ended and, in June 1989, the full-scale development contract was awarded to a joint venture of Texas Instruments and Martin Marietta (now Raytheon and Lockheed-Martin). The AAWS-M received the designation of FGM-148. In April 1991, the first test-flight of the Javelin succeeded, and in March 1993, the first test-firing from the launcher succeeded. In 1994, low levels of production were authorized, and the first Javelins were deployed with US Army units in 1996. The Javelin was used in the 2003 Invasion of Iraq on Iraqi Type 69 and Lion of Babylon tanks. Thousands of launchers have been sold to nations around the world. Technology in the military progresses everyday, it takes time and it takes testing, but if it's good enough it's implemented and utilised. I don't imagine Star Wars in 2035 but I do see some significant changes.
  11. Hi mate, I'd be happy to help with this. There is an old manual I believe? I will use that as a foundation. I'll PM you if I have questions.
  12. lightspeed_aust

    Digital battlefield and futuretech

    I think the thing that is important to keep in mind is that as things are implemented by one military force, the opposing force will look to match or nullify the advantage in some way. So where if we see new tech implemented by one force we should expect to see a similar variation in opfor. But I certainly don't want to see loss of core gameplay into a sci-fi shooter. I will never use any thermals in game just becoz it's like shooting fish in a barrel and I prefer a fairer fight so to speak. At the same time, surely we can do a bit better with the tech in 2035.
  13. lightspeed_aust

    Digital battlefield and futuretech

    @ scrim Back in the 90's a little innovation called the Internet (you may have heard of it and used it a few times) went mainstream and began transforming the way the world communicates and shares ideas and innovation. Amazing new things are being created, implemented and enhanced everyday. Not all of them will be picked up by the military in 2035 but you can be certain that a lot of the best bits will. ---------- Post added at 10:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:35 PM ---------- http://news.sky.com/story/1047004/mini-drones-army-deploys-tiny-helicopters. £20M for 160 units, I.e. the military will hand over good coin for good innovation.
  14. I think the sinking into the ground (already implemented) coupled with midrange texture improvement will effectively resolve the issue.
  15. lightspeed_aust

    Digital battlefield and futuretech

    Scrim, some people, like yourself, are afraid of change, I see it everyday in the workplace. Unfortunately, those fears won't stop the inevitable transformation so at some point you will just have to accept that it's going to happen. There are too many amazing things happening in the world of technology and plenty of investment dollars in defence for huge changes not to occur.
  16. lightspeed_aust

    InstaGoat's AI Test Range

    Great idea mate. What would be really interesting is to use Robalos ASR AI mod and see how they respond to see whether the issues can/ would be resolved.
  17. I had cloud quality originally on Low and clouds looked terrible and sparse. Once I turned up cloud quality the difference was huge. ---------- Post added at 02:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:40 AM ---------- Help with this plz :)
  18. lightspeed_aust

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    What I would really like is: Some sort of script that populates buildings with objects. There are templates out there which enable mission makers to put down airports or bases, but what I'm talking about is something which assesses all of the types of building in a town and populates the buildings with various objects (like furniture!!) that you would expect to find in certain buildings. This would mean, mission makers wouldn't have to spend hours placing objects, and players wouldn't have to keep entering houses that are devoid of any anything indicates the presence of life. Maybe it can't be done, but you would please thousands of players if it could be done. Thanx Lighty.
  19. lightspeed_aust

    ArmA3 Tweaks request

    try this - http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?151115-ArmA-3-Alpha-Performance-Tweaks-and-Settings-Guide
  20. How do I do this - I couldn't see anything about this ratio in the editor.
  21. lightspeed_aust

    midrange terrain texture replacement

    @fabio chavez aka idiot BB did not ask you to use the addon, he made it and offered it to the community. If you don't like it, don't use it.
  22. lightspeed_aust

    midrange terrain texture replacement

    By the way, I notice that if you run landtex as well it overrides the midrange textures and you will see no improvement. Remove landtex and voila.
  23. lightspeed_aust

    ArmA 3 Alpha Performance Tweaks and Settings Guide

    This was a good help - I thought I had found all my FPS balanced with Quality, however, running through this I gained about another 4 FPS and had better looking visuals!
  24. lightspeed_aust

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    @guusert The Devs aren't lazy which is why the game continues to develop. The FPS in Arma2 ended up running fine for all rigs with some optimization. Arma3 is running fine for many ppl at the moment - I am playing with a slightly older machine and while the FPS aren't extremely high, the game is fine to play and will be improved over time. So just to clear it up - Devs aren't lazy Arma2 ran well Arma3 is playable