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Everything posted by lightspeed_aust

  1. lightspeed_aust

    Invasion 1944 V3.0

    just wondering if anyone knows if there were static objects like radars in the original/current mod - I've just dloaded the A2 version but cant see any.
  2. lightspeed_aust

    Invasion 1944 v2.6 (CO)

    first of all - brilliant piece of work this mod - amazing dedication to produce this. my question: are there any static objects in the mod such as radars or other? I couldn't see any but then I may not be looking in the right place. thanx
  3. lightspeed_aust

    N'Ziwasogo A3 terrain (Released)

    so will you add grass to the orange dirt?
  4. lightspeed_aust

    N'Ziwasogo A3 terrain (Released)

    really, really nice for a beta mate - outstanding effort. the only thing I would change as a priority is where you have the plain orange dirt ground in all the towns, I thought the dry dead grass that you had in very small patches around the towns would be best used over most of the towns with occasional patches of the orange dirt dotted around the place and probably more green grass dotted around the place. more farms and fishing areas would be nice too. and I often think that places like this would be prime for oil and gas - so some refineries dotted around the map run by multinational companies would make sense too. besides that it's really nice feel so far.
  5. lightspeed_aust

    New Terrain N'Ziwasogo (Wip)

    Chances of getting access to a beta so I can start porting campaign over?
  6. lightspeed_aust

    New Terrain N'Ziwasogo (Wip)

    So this is an African setting. Are there African units (opfor) in development yet? I have a campaign in progress at the moment on Lingor which I will port across to this map if it's to be dry soon, and if the African characters are available.
  7. lightspeed_aust

    FHQ TaskTracker

    Works fine for me on dedi
  8. lightspeed_aust

    FHQ TaskTracker

    ok something im having trouble with at the moment: I have 2 tasks to kick off the mission and they work just fine - I also have two markers on map called task1 and task2 so players know where to go to complete the objectives. Upon completion they both are marked as completed - fine. At this point I want to create task3 and I create a marker with a script which looks like this: sleep5; _marker = createMarker ["task3" + str (random 1), getpos can1]; _marker setmarkertype "mil_pickup"; _marker setmarkercolor "colorGreen"; (Note you may be wondering why the f* I have can1 here - the only way I could get the f* marker to go where I wanted it was to place an object (yes, you guessed it, a can) on the map and then attach the marker to it's position lol) Then within the trigger I create the new task: [ west, ["task3", "Head to the <marker name='task3'>LZ.</marker>.", "Head to the LZ", "Head to the LZ", getmarkerpos "task3" ] ] call FHQ_TT_addTasks; The marker appears on map. Check. The new task is created. Check. However, the new task waypoint does not sit inside this newly created mark, instead it shows at bottom left corner of the map. Now I am definitely no coder, but I have been hacking away for years to make shit work and getting the real coders like you out there to fix my shit when it don't work - I need your help again please. Thanx Lighty. ---------- Post added at 02:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:55 PM ---------- ah I seem to have a fix - although again, it's prolly considered more of a hack then good use of code. I place an invisible marker called task3 over the can and then when I create the task and marker it shows the waypoint sitting at the can. coding for the win!! lol
  9. lightspeed_aust

    Task Force Arrowhead Radio

    Ok well we will try it out at our clan, we have had a number of issues with ACRE in the past.
  10. lightspeed_aust

    Task Force Arrowhead Radio

    So I'm probably not the only person wondering about this. I'm interested to know why we would switch from ACRE to this mod. What are the advantages?
  11. lightspeed_aust

    JUMP please!!

    Posters who continue to push The idea that a jump = BF need to get the fuck over it and find some new material seriously.
  12. lightspeed_aust

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    great video dcal - and top notch again OS!!
  13. lightspeed_aust

    FHQ Debug Console for Arma 3

    one thing - do not add static weapons - they do not work and make your screen black and you cant get off weapon. vehicles seem ok.
  14. lightspeed_aust

    FHQ Debug Console for Arma 3

    Not your fault :) I think the workaround would be to merge merge.mission with play.mission after each update and play.mission will retain each merge. Should be fine :)
  15. lightspeed_aust

    FHQ Debug Console for Arma 3

    I had an issue with the 3d editing. If I save to mission.sqm after placing a few objects, it works fine. If I then go back into the mission and add more objects then save to clipboard and paste, it overwrites the original objects and I lose them. So it seems I would have to add all of the objects before saving because I cannot add more at a later stage. My camera also not working to move forward/backwards.
  16. anyone having issues? not working for me. never had issues in Arma2 but now no good.
  17. lightspeed_aust

    setpos not working?

    that last one worked a treat - and awesome looking FARP as well! Attention to detail - I like it.
  18. lightspeed_aust

    setpos not working?

    Ha I think I just realised my mistake. I was testing height just in open space so it was just falling to road lol. Will test it above the table I want to drop it on. I am certain in the past it would hold its height regardless of any collision object being in place.
  19. lightspeed_aust

    setpos not working?

    trying to set the height of intel to sit above a table but bloody thing just wants to sit on the ground lol. I feel like its a stupid error ive made but ive used it a 1000 times and today she wont play nice.
  20. lightspeed_aust

    ASR AI Skills

    A question and I should know better by now robalo after watching you modding this all these years :). If I am going to make a mp coop mission do I add asr_ai to the mission folder, ie, to init. File? Will this then activate asr_ai to everyone i server? Or does the ded server have to run it? Thanx.
  21. Excellent! I'll have a closer look at this now, would be hugely popular by majority of gamers to get even a little furniture in all these buildings!
  22. How difficult would it be to replace the loot with furniture so there would finally be some furniture in the buildings?
  23. lightspeed_aust

    [WIP] Cupcake's Medical System

    like the sound of this - current system too basic and some of the mods are way over the top for us. something with some simple complexity (like that term?) is what we're after. will watch this closely.
  24. lightspeed_aust

    ZAM Glasses

    Interesting mod and looking forward to further development. But that last vid was terrible! Swivelling head back n forth the whole time! Please consider in next vid :)
  25. lightspeed_aust

    Speed Of Sound

    BB beat me to it - anyone who wants to sledge someone else's work deserves whatever he gets. Give BB some infraction credit points. :)