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About Shim13

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  1. Thanks Gnat. It works now. I'm betting it was the one small spelling error that you pointed out. I'm going to go back through and see if any of the other things you said to change had an effect. Though if it was just that one error.. I'm gonna go into a corner and cry. But I didn't know the class name had to be the same as the P3D. So I learned something :D Thanks again.
  2. Ive got a problem with mine. I just can't get it to animate. There are some flaps on the back of the model that I want to rotate up as the speed increases. I originally had the source = "speed"; but it didn't work. I rewrote the config to the tutorial to where its a user action, but still nothing. Any one have any ideas? Nothing shows up in the RPT either.
  3. Shim13

    US Soldier Template

    Thank you very much. Has saved me much heartache.
  4. Ok, I've managed to get my base model to show up in game.That is without any LODs what-so-ever. But when I start to input the memory points and rez LODs, the game crashes when loading up from the editor. I figured it was something wrong with my P3D, so I tried putting the example soldier in its place and still the same. Is this a config issue? -nothing shows up in the RPT either.
  5. I found the problem. I was using BinPBO and it wasn't packing it right. I don't know why. CPBO works good though.
  6. Hi, I have just recently started to dabble in addons and I have run into a snag. I have made a new infantry model based off the BI example model. The skeleton and and such are the same, so all I had to do is reference the game soldier (at least that's my reasoning). But right now my main issue is getting the thing to show up in the editor. It's nowhere in the menus for units. I believe that this could be a problem with my config. I would really appreciate any help on the matter. -please disregard the blank entries. I plan to input values later, but right now I'm more concerned with getting the model in game for test. class CfgPatches { class SW_Trooper { units[] = {"sw_inf_storm"}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 1.0; requiredAddons[] = {"CACharacters"}; }; }; class CfgFactionClasses { class SW { displayName = SW; priority = 1; side = TWest; }; }; class CfgVehicleClasses { class SW_Trooper { displayName = "Trooper"; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class Man; // External class reference class CAManBase : Man { class TalkTopics; // External class reference class HitPoints { class HitHead; // External class reference class HitBody; // External class reference }; }; class SoldierWB : CAManBase { class TalkTopics : TalkTopics {}; }; class SW_Trooper_Base: SoldierWB { side = Twest; indentityTypes = ; faceType = ; model = "\shim_sw\test.p3d"; portrate = ; picture = ; icon = ; scope = private; faction = SW; vehicleClass = "SW_Trooper"; cost = 80000 ; camouflage = ; accuracy = ; genericNames = ; class HitPoints : HitPoints { class HitHead : HitHead { armor = 0.85; }; class HitBody : HitBody { armor = 1; passThrough = 0.8; }; }; class TalkTopics : TalkTopics { core_en = "Core_Full"; }; languages[] = {"EN"}; class Wounds { tex[] = {}; mat[] = {}; }; }; class sw_inf_storm : SW_Trooper_Base { vehicleClass = "SW_Trooper"; displayName = "T-142"; scope = public; side = TWest; model = "\shim_sw\test.p3d"; picture = ; Icon = ; weapons[] = {}; magazines[] = {}; }; };