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About Suomileijona

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    Private First Class

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  1. Suomileijona

    Disabled tanks

    Thanks for your time and help! Especially for the script.
  2. Suomileijona

    Disabled tanks

    When tanks are damaged, can't shoot and can't be repaired they still remain in the battlefield doing nothing and the enemies don't try to destroy them. It's annoying especially when the victory is achieved by killing all the enemies. Is there a script that makes the crew get out of the tank in situation like that? Otherwise I just have to make an empty tank, name it, name the crew, assign the crew as the crew, order them to get in, make a trigger and write "not canfire "tankname"" in the condition field and "["crew"] ordergetin false" in the activation field for every tank.
  3. Suomileijona

    dofollow command

    Thank you!
  4. Suomileijona

    dofollow command

    Works but only when the units don't have waypoints before the move and cycle waypoints. Could I do something that the cycle waypoint cycles only the last move waypoint?
  5. Suomileijona

    dofollow command

    Thanks, I'll try
  6. I made two units a and b and a simple move waypoint for b. Then I made a trigger and wrote "a dofollow b" in the activation field and true in the condition field. Can someone tell me, why a still doesn't follow b?
  7. Suomileijona

    Jam 3 hd

    Thanks for quick reply! Does that mean they are not accurate? Sorry, I'm not English.
  8. Suomileijona

    Jam 3 hd

    Does anyone who has this (http://www.ofpec.com/addons_depot/index.php?action=details&id=51) weapons pack know what means "HD" after some magazines. There are two kinds of mag for every weapon: one is regular ammo and the other is some "HD". I have no idea what the difference is. It's by the way very good addon.
  9. Suomileijona

    Tank wrecks

    Thank You!
  10. Suomileijona

    Tank wrecks

    I would like to put tank wrecks in a town where i start. The problem is that i don't want to see them explode which happens when i put "set damage 1.0" or set their armor to 0. They should be already wrecks when i start the mission.
  11. Suomileijona

    setcaptivefalse when weapon in hand

    Thank you for answering! I meant really that the captives are not set "not captives" until they take weapons in hand (they have revolvers, so enemies don't see them if they are "in back") But this is good enough. I can make them get the weapons from some barrel and keep the guns in hand the whole time. EDIT: Except that upper option. When I use it, enemy notices the weapons when I shoot at them. I'll use it
  12. Suomileijona

    setcaptivefalse when weapon in hand

    http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/currentWeapon Works in Arma2
  13. Is there a way to make captives set not captives when enemies see them carrying weapon?
  14. I looked a post that asked the same question and the script was this: _camera = "camera" camCreate [0,0,0] _camera cameraEffect ["internal","back"] _camera camcommit 0 @camCommitted _camera #camloop _camera camsettarget NAMEoftheUNIT _camera camsetRelpos [0,-5,2] _camera camcommit 0 ?(VARIA==1): goto "camloop" It works but the camera doesn't move and follow the unit. It just watches the unit. It doesn't work if I want the camera to follow a car to another side of island. So how can I do that? EDIT: I took this: ?(VARIA==1): off and now it works
  15. Suomileijona

    1.48 -> goty

    That's great! Thanks for answering! :)