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Everything posted by Tom1

  1. People play arma over other games for their realism. Just as their is bitching a moaning about balance and fairness in call of duty, there will be whigning about realism, after all its the reason 99% of us play arma...
  2. Tom1

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    ^ +1 great idea
  3. Tom1

    AI not in foucs ?

    never thought i'd see the day arma players argued over which console is better on an arma thread :/
  4. I want realistic simulation of body armour, this is a sim, not some kids call of duty where everything has to be balanced or "it's not fair". I also would like multiple ammunition types so that Russians can kill USA and vice versa with armour piercing rounds like normal, but standard ball rounds have little effect on armour so guerillas might have to try and steal some armour piercing bullets, use explosives, or use stealth + headshots or lots of bullets to kill NATO and russia.
  5. Well sprinting without using the turbo key is only like 4km/h faster than running (with weapon lowered, [i.e. 2x ctrl to lower weapon, not the stand key + jog forwards from smk 'running']. What I would like to do is change one combination: turbo + running + prone key. I want that to dive prone like in vanilla rather than combat role. Maybe sprinting + turbo key + stand key? I mean sprinting, then diving into prone is a very common move...
  6. I want russian army :( But these rumours of China... Yes please. I feel they were missing from arma 2 (in the editor, even if they had nothign to do with campaign it is always good to have the three superpowers: russian, china and america.
  7. Sweet, I am going to add this to Dev Heaven, if everyone gives it a positive vote then it might make it to the most wanted list of fixes/features for arma 3. EDIT Here is the dev heaven for the shadow fix: http://dev-heaven.net/issues/24867 Also, read through this thread (on realistic wounds, body armour, slightly offtopic but very important for a war sim) and vote up on dev heaven: thread: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?p=2016983#post2016983 devheaven: http://dev-heaven.net/issues/24112
  8. Yes, the invisible men was a good temporary fix but I think along with the shadows issue it needs a permanent, prettier fix.
  9. Tom1

    AI not in foucs ?

    I'd pay an extra 200:D
  10. This shadow extended range feature is more important than you think, check out this thread to see why it is essential this atleast needs to make it into arma 3.
  11. sweet, will post a link to this thread so they can all see the importance of shadows at distance.
  12. Perhaps Sickboy and the rest of ACE team could pick up VME seeing as fromz PLA seems to have (unfortunatly) died ;) It would be cool to see some of the vehicles from ACEX_PLA that don't appear in VME to be usable. Also, ACE values could be given to weapons (accuracy, recoil etc), more detailed weapon optics, more popularity and exposure to the community and frequent updates on six would really benifit VME if you asked me.
  13. (^ MGS pack masterkey needs to be able to use buckshot ammo. Otherwise great mod.) I would like to see realistic body armour (already modelled, but doesn't actually provide realistic protection) that is ACE wounds compatable.* Armour piercing rounds, ball rounds and more (for example, for the 5.56x45mm: m855a1 ball rounds, m995 AP rounds [these would pass through the body armour easilly but actually do less damage to a unit], and mk318 rounds). It would involve a seperate and new damage value in an ammo's config called bodyarmour_damage (like how ACE has vehicle_damage which is seperate to normal damage). The armour has 'health' (after a few shots it becomes broken/inneffective. When ceramic armour is shattered, it can not stop bullets because it is designed to work in one piece [there is an advanced physics explaination that I don't understand :D]) Because it would work with ace wounds, velocity of the round at time of impact is used in damage formula and would allow for rounds to only penetrate or do damage to armour at certain speeds. If anyone knows how to do this and would like to make a mod like this, please PM me, I have information regarding penetration of armour and different ammunition. *If it wouldn't be ace wounds compatable, some improvements to the current AIS module like bleed out times and soldiers providing first aid while medics actually heal would make the mod more realistic than ace wounds anyway :)
  14. First of all, great mod. Thanks mate :) Can we please have a userconfig file with configerable controls. I myself have ctrl as my turbo key and I use it to sprint (sprints faster than 2xw) and I would like to be able to dive into prone from a sprint instead of combat role, which I will think of another key combo for. This would make the controls not only easier to remember for new SMK users but would make it a lot more user friendly.
  15. Tom1

    More accessible mission design

    Arma and OFP (BIS version) are simulators. There is more to realism than just one shot kills: stuff like teamwork, planning, actual mission design and tactics. The current mission designs are realistic, which is what arma players want. MW2 and BF2, while they are fun to play, are not realistic, no matter how much damage the weapons do. Arma will stay how it is to appeal to the more tactical and realism loving gamers, while CoD and BF will stay the same to appeal to those looking for lots of action and instant fun. Arma is a very fun game if you have the right mindset for it and have patience. If you would prefere run and gun instant action, then arma is not for you. I'm not being rude, I'm simply explaining Arma is a completely different game in a different genre to CoD.
  16. Considering the high chance Arma 3 will allow for easier porting of arma 2 mods, making this an open project was a great idea. A Chinese faction would make arma 3 pretty cool :)
  17. Will the ballistic vests themselves offer different levels of protection? For a modern infantry sim I have heard absolutely nothing about body armour, which is strange because pretty much EVERYONE uses it...
  18. I would really like to see some neat future weapons, don't get me wrong. But I also would like my M16s and AKs in the editor just so I can use them if I want. I mean guerillas have got to be using old tech right? No reason why we can't have old and new weapons in a future game. Hell, the Lee Enfeild bolt action rifle was in OA :D
  19. Tom1

    POLL: leaning system.

    Reading through these comments and seeing everyone agree with me, maybe a forth option should be added to the poll: "A system similar to SMK animation pack".
  20. Tom1

    Grenades - Gameplay

    This is from a different thread regarding leaning. "If BIS is serious about CQB being one of their major improvement goals, then perhaps leaning will be useful after all. In this case, I believe that the current system is great, BUT units should lean out about 30% more then they do at the moment. Also, the ability to lean while prone (GRAW 2 style) would be really helpfull and neccesary, and the new roll-over key combination could be [default walkkey] shift + q/e. Also, A cover system like Gears of War or GRAW where you stick to cover is a HORRIBLE IDEA, but that animation pack had a little thing where you could duck slightly to hind behind lower cover. This would be cool in Arma 3. Also, now that we have physics, when a player goes into aim mode near cover, they should automatically 'push up' a little to be able to see over the cover. Many players don't like the idea of being forced to automatically lift up to see over cover, even if it ONLY happens when you are in aim mode (which generally means you are trying to shoot anyway), so maybe that "duck down to take cover" idea I mentioned a few sentences ago could be used to make the player duck back down again even while the player is in aim mode. That little "get down to take cover" feature would not happen automatically though, as many players, including myself, not only prefere but also benifit from the freedom to move in-game how WE want, the only automatic cover system kinda thing would be slightly raising your aim to see over a high wall when in aim mode (I mean who aims down sights if they aren't trying to shoot in the first place) and this can be counter acted by pressing the 'cover' button. " Also with the improved animations, cqb and cover would work perfectly I presume.
  21. Tom1

    Thoughts on using enemy uniforms

    To all of those complaining that everyone will just steal uniforms online, that's the beatuy of arma.... If it works in real life, it will work in arma. If it doesn't work in real life, as long as the opposition are well trainined/ good then it wont work in arma either. If you find a good, dedicated tactical clan and play with them in a public match with objectives, against a public bunch who just pick big sniper guns, ghilli suits, enemy uniforms and abrams tanks and try and exploit the game's weaknesses, you will still win if you play smart and don't break from using tactics just because the opposition isn't.
  22. Tom1

    Grenades - Gameplay

    Yeah, although I don't know how they could get that to work ingame, although if they could get it to work I would really welcome it. You may be able to get by if you are able to throw a nade from a lean instead of pressing the throw button, then snapping out of lean to throw the nade at the wall in front of you killing you -.-
  23. Hmmm. No not really. Rememer insurgents still use rpg-7s and ak47s (64 years old now?) and some might be lucky enough to get their hands on ar15s and even m16a2s. 10 years in the future, maybe ak74s, m16a2s still, qbz03 (?). Remember 10 years techn ology wise is a huge leap, but to actually start mass producing weapons is another story. While in ten years Russia maybe researching and plainnning a new weapon, the abakan AN94 may have only made it to half of the frontline russian army troops. Yes 6.5 and 6.8mm weapons will be cool, but in reality I don't see large armies, even the US swapping over to a new calibre (therefore weapons, and therefore screwing the rest of NATO over [NATO all use same cartridge] and actually mass producing and retraining), especially when their problems with the 5.56x45mm round seem to finally bein ironed out due to the two new rounds, the M855A1 and the mk318 SOST. The AN94 would be very nice to see in the hands of every russian soldier in arma 3, along with America with some updated M16 platform, and China while staying with their QBZ95s, have provided their frontline troops with military standard body armour (they have actually started to order in armour for their troops). Ofcourse, seeing wooden stock m14s or aks or pkms in 2020 would shit me, but slightly updated versions of weapon systems we have now is probably the most realistic outcome, atleast with small arms. Expect to see very advanced coomunication, targetting and all other kinds of sweet tech in the new vehicles though ;)