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Everything posted by Tom1

  1. Welcome Back. Yes the release on the VME forums was quite buggy for me, some of the .pbo files did not work for me, but i got the vehicle pbos and use this mod frequently. When bugs are sorted out, this will be a great mod. 2 questions though. Will this mod be ACE compatable? Are you going to put moving parts on the weapons? Some of the machine guns have ammo belts that dont move when you fire the weapon. But it is looking very good an I am anticipating the release:)
  2. try making the waypoints completion radius bigger... Also there is a setHeight command out there somewhere that starts the unit off at that height, instea of just telling them on the next waypoint to fly at that height. I don't know it though, i deleted that part from my mission long ago and desperatly need it back:(
  3. i am using ace and acex and i just chucked all the pbos in a @rws_weapons folder and i replaced @acex_sn with @rws_weapons.... I dont know why this is orking for me because i havedone everything wrong. I thikn you have to delete the hk416s and 17s OR make a seperate folder like @rws_ace, then put the ace pbos in there ande remove them from the original folder.
  4. Are you planning to release the sonic cracks with konrads opfor weapons slade or seperatly?
  5. Tom1

    Zeus AI Combat Skills

    oh ok, aslong as the higher trained ai that i give a high percentage on the slidder are more accurate, it is cool with me, but is it possible to change their tactics, eg, russians will flank and supress whereas militia will attack front on? thanks for reply btw, and how do i edit detection range? it is great now BUT i would like to make it more difficult. spotDistance[] = {0, 0.2, 1, 0.4}; I understand this is just the required skill setting for any ai to have the corresponding probability of spotting someone, but how do i change the actial distance at which they spot, also, can i use multiple sets of numbers or just 2? Thanks in advanced. ---------- Post added at 13:47 ---------- Previous post was at 12:16 ---------- how do i edit the hpp file though.... i know what i want but it wont let me edit the file. I am using arma pbo viewer btw. ---------- Post added at 14:25 ---------- Previous post was at 13:47 ---------- also, where do i go to change the distance the ai actually engage from?
  6. loving the ak74u sound, that's the only gun i ever use as OpFor:D BTW, what is going wrong with the AK, I am sure there are heaps of high quality vids you could refer to if you arent happy with sounds you have now, after all, if you find or make a better sound later, you can always just add it in;)
  7. Tom1

    Zeus AI Combat Skills

    i found a setSkill command BUT it seems to increase precision values and stuff more related to that rather then inteligence stuff like formation, attack as a group, supresive fire and flanking. It is my understanding now that the 'skill' in the difficulty and cfg menus/files is intelligence but the 'skill' in the editor is stuff like precision courage etc, so i think Tonci87 may be correct and precision does multiply (cfg value x precision value included in setSkill array from the slider in the editor..). I am just thinking outload but if anyone would like to confirm this it would be appriciated. Is there anyway to make militia attack front on in loose formation while proper soldiers fight in formation and flank and supress etc? This would be cool:)
  8. Tom1

    Zeus AI Combat Skills

    MULTIPLY?:o ur pulling my chain right....... I am not seeing a difference really... @Protegimis, can you please explain the difference and effects of adjusting skillFriendly/Enemy=xxxxxxx, percisionFriendly/Enemy=xxxxxd and also the skill bar in the editor. I am currently under suspicion that the skill slider adjusts percision not intelligence (skill), while this is ok wih me, is there a way to change the 'skill' (intelligence) of an individual unit/group, and or faction rather then just side? Probably not function but you should be able to setSkill of a unit shouldnt you? Please reply asap i have heaps about this mod being great and all, i just want to get it working properlly. I am running ACE btw but aparently with latest version (i have) it works fine.
  9. Tom1

    Zeus AI Combat Skills

    um, n00b question but if i have all the reccemended settings (precision 0.5 - 0.2 and skill at 0.98500001 for both east and west), but in the editer i have guerillas on 0.5 skill, regular infantry on 0.8, specila forces at 1, shit like lingor/cdf/taki army (not militia, they count as insurgents) at 0.65 and finally armed civilians (and other ex-civs who have taken up arms from other mods) all at 0.2 skill on the skill level slider in their editer 'box' (when you double click). Which one overrides which or do they sorta of merge and meet halfway or will they cancel each other out or something :confused: Im thiking he editer cancels the config out and the config is just a basis, but i would like to be sure. Thanks in advanced.
  10. I have never noticed that before though, i think the ai were just missing, if not, it could be covered/fixed with an update after all the good stuff comes out:D
  11. @megagoth1702 i have for one and i believe that these sounds are very good, although the first video was a better exaple because you didnt have to hear crappy vanilla opfor sounds, which dont have that distant 'plop' echo like the blufre ones do, only thing about the first video, i was hearing gunfire, then the crack? I hope that the gunfire before the cracks was just inaccurate fire and not the same bullets that cracked... Butyes sounds very realistic, can not wait:D good luck to Konrad on OpFor sounds, keep it up:)
  12. :bounce3: i want :bounce3: i want :bounce3: i want :bounce3: :D
  13. Tom1

    Thirsk Island

    yo how do i change the colour of the fog logic like i would a module? Im tying to make a misiion where after ur arty levels a forest you go in and kill survivors, i get the trees to fall down BUT im looking for a slightly grayer haze effect, is this possible?
  14. how do i destroy all objects (including trees, actually, trees are all im looking for, but it's a forest:D) in a marker area?
  15. is there a way to knock down all trees in a marker area? I just did a mission where you are going into a forest after you arty striked it.... i am using a good fog effect and il look into making its colour more hazy, but i want certain trees to be knocked down, the map is thirsk, there are over 300 trees to knock down, individual IDs could get really tedious and i might miss a couple...
  16. Anyword how Konrad is going on OpFor weapons? This is coming along really well, i can see it becoming the most popular sound mod of arma2, or any game for that matter.
  17. i came buckets. Your sound mod >= Chuck Norris :D
  18. actuall the m60 is missing a reload sound/empty 'click' sound when you try to fire an empty belt. Update in your own time though, dont rush to do everything at once:P
  19. i am making a campaign and wanted to only allow units to spawn if they didnt die in the previous mission(s) and i set up a variable and i even got a hint saying "it works" that is activated by the exact same condtion of presence of a soldier and yet the soldier still wont spawn. Can somebody please help me. ---------- Post added at 19:15 ---------- Previous post was at 19:10 ---------- wait i think i got it, check if a unit is dead and only if they are then define the variable;) ---------- Post added at 19:24 ---------- Previous post was at 19:15 ---------- nope ot working, halp pleeease:(
  20. i dont think i have heard any bugs other then the ones listed beforw and most of them have been fixed. Sorry if i sounded impatient, i was just asking if it was possible for a n00b like myself to fix it while i wait:D. Great to hear it's coming along though, looking forward to it.:bounce3:
  21. for now just put in the sonic cracks pbos from your sound mod, eg acex_sm has acex_sm_c_sound_wep_crack.pbo and acex_sm_s_sound_wep_crack.pbo and their own respective bisigns. Funny hearing vanilla ak74s with ace cracks and the distant popping noises though:p p.s. if im a n00b at mods and all, so this is most likely going to sound stupid, but if i copy paste the mk16sd pbo, open it and change all the mk16sd class names to the m4(a1)sd classnames will it change my m4 sounds to the scar light sd sounds?