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Everything posted by Dominges

  1. It is. You have to install only one latest beta.
  2. froggyluv, it has 896 mb VRAM. And it's more than enough with 1280x1024 resolution. He is also using low AA, so VRAM is not a problem here. [Topgun], vSync can kill some fps in SLI-configuration, so yea, better to disable it. You can also turn down HDR, i personally don't see a difference between different HDR levels, except major fps drops on high. You can also try to alter this: GPU_MaxFramesAhead="1"; GPU_DetectedFramesAhead="1";
  3. MavericK96, yep, there was very often driver crashes only with arma in 2009 (and some in 2010), i remember that epic cup of rage. But then something changed (arma? drivers?), and crashes is gone.
  4. I'm sorry, what? This is complete BS. Latest drivers are pretty good, last time i saw driver crash with arma was in early 2010. Even in the most problematic configuration (Quad-SLI, got second 295 two months ago) i never saw any driver crashes.
  5. Dominges

    ACE for OA 1.13

    student, first video -- ask mission author, nothing related to ACE. Mission author just placed static weapon incorrectly. Second video -- random interpolation glitches. Nothing related to ACE also. Check your internets/report to CIT. Last video -- height-indicator probably telling height above sea level, not actual height above ground.
  6. Hello everyone! Are there any (ex)owners of GTX 295 Quad-SLI configurations? What is the best behaviour should i expect from Quad-SLI? With one GTX 295 i'm getting ~70 avg fps in OA benchmark, with two -- ~71 avg fps. Is that normal behaviour? Running AFR2@4GPU mode for arma binary. Is arma that bad at such SLI configurations? Or is it drivers fault? Or maybe arma so much CPU-dependent, that for Quad-SLI it will need some insanely fast CPU? My CPU is i7 2600k, tests were performed at stock frequency.
  7. Dominges

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    What happened to HK416/417 sounds? Where is ACE compability? There is no sounds for them in archive.
  8. Dominges

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    J-Guid, anywhere? That's first time i mirrored something on my FTP. And it was only a temporary source, before miltiupload mirror was up. Btw, FTP generated 20 gb upload traffic, that's quite awesome for only a few hours (:
  9. Dominges

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    http://www.multiupload.com/MGWTYMBEWR Multiupload mirror is up! Also ftp now without limits, full 50 mbit ( http://i0.simplest-image-hosting.net/168bf183b2abe8bc9188aacc163dd507/497.png whooo)
  10. Dominges

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Meanwhile, i fired up the FTP with 4 mb/s speed limit: address removed since it not needed anymore
  11. Dominges

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Uploading to multiupload now, 42% already. ETA ~15-20 minutes.
  12. This mission is just masterpiece. Atmosphere is amazing. Darkness, flashlights, creepy ambient music, zombies and FEAR. I give it 9.5/10 Also, reporting some little defects/bugs: Reporter can instantly deploy/dissasemble campfire. I suggest make assembling/dissasembling campfire take some time (10 seconds, for example), and also make cooldowns after assembling/dissasembling it. For example, you assembled campfire, and you can dissaseble it only after 60 seconds. And same after dissasembling. And maybe add limited amount of uses to it. That would add more realism and fear. Also, there was a bug with "Take bandage". One player died with 3 bandages on him. I pressed "Take bandage", and recieved 3 bandages in one time. And "Take bandage" button did not dissapeared, i clicked it several times -- voila, ~90 bandages. RPT is perfectly clean, though.
  13. Dominges


    Old_Painless, there is example mission comes up with cindercity, with script that randomly spawns AI in buildings. That's efficiently enough, i guess. Also, i've done some more testing with vanilla AI. They do see player through killhouses, and they do walk through closed doors. That's kinda sad.
  14. Dominges


    With vanilla they don't shooting through walls (don't know if they actually "see" player through them). Vanilla AI so awesome, they just standing at their buildingpos's forever and don't shoot at all, except you walk right in front of them. Unable to test "AI walk right through doors" with vanilla, because AI don't move at all. Edit: Well, for rainbow-six-like mission that's awesome, i guess. Tacticool and stuff. I'm fine with it. But if Mondkalb will suddenly find a fix for non-vanilla AI. that will be awesome as well.
  15. Dominges


    Mondkalb, I'm using ACE + ASR AI + FindCover/GLx/netcode/sys_AI modules from zeus, i don't know the behavior with vanilla AI. That may be the case.
  16. Dominges


    Very awesome buildings and island, nice work! But there is one problem, which may be gamebreaking. AI can see through killhouses. They see you through walls, and instead of walking to the window or exiting the house, they just sitting inside and shooting the wall. Also, they can walk right through doors.
  17. The PersistentDB (Just the right thing that Welcome To Hell was talking about) will suit perfectly for this purpose. And also, dynamic spawn of AI for the win, with the caching scripts like CEP AI Caching The correct usage of PersistendDB in JIP scripts will probably solve long catching-up and desync problems as well. The key to 24/7 game is also control of everything. Like cleaning up dead bodies/dropped weapons and stuff that can "accumulate" until server gives up.
  18. Dominges

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    -Paladin-, no, they don't have own exe's, and they build-in with patches for OA. You launch arma2oa.exe, and get OA and lite versions of BAF and PMC. DLC's is just content, engine updates comes with OA, in this case.
  19. Mellanbror, No. Then you using CO, you using OA binary. You only need noblur for OA. It's not dependent on map or anything like that
  20. Dominges

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    There is also mysterious arma2free.exe profile. I saw some terrain destruction in one of VBS2 features videos, but can't find it. Anyway, features from VBS probably never will be in arma-series.
  21. Dominges

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 76815

    I think it partially fixed. Anyway, you can use VFTCAS mod for this
  22. Dominges

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Well, anyway, this doesn't happen in 1.0 RC. some little rpt errors/warnings: Conflicting addon CA_Dubbing in 'ca\dubbing\', previous definition in 'jsrs_radio_chatter_c\' Cannot load sound 'jsrs_enviroment\sfx\houses9.wss'
  23. Dominges

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Found very weird bug. Take DMR, shoot from it, and then.. all weapons now have DMR sound (only in single-shot mode). And yea, this happens with 1.1 patch
  24. JonPL, idk. well, i choosed non-standart way. Removed all this files from I44 modfolder: because i'm already using latest CBA (extended eventhandlers), don't like jdt clearhorizons (i think this is shitty mod), and already have @DAC (DAC includes map editor upgrade also). using beta 74123 (jayarma2lib not available for latest 74640, so i waiting) and all works. ACE2 + GL4 + Zeus AI + WarFX and some other mods.
  25. Awesome mod. works perfectly with CO+beta, and also with ACE and another ****load of mods. (i'm crazy, yea)