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About mark2000

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  1. Yep. that's basically what I found out. There WAS one weapon mod I had that even this solution never cured of the bug. It was some M24 SWS addon that also had a standard Remington 700 included in it. I can't give any specifics because I deleted the file already. I never liked the m24 that much anyway. Sorry if I placed this in the wrong section by the way. Since all the addons I use had the same problem even after following the work-arounds detailed by the authors, I thought that the problem was already in my part.
  2. You were right. I downloaded an M4A1 mod pack specifically for Resistance and it didn't have the Muzzle flash glitch. I really like the other guns I got though so I'd still like to fix them if possible. I think I found a solution for them so I'll be testing it later. EDIT: Great! It worked! AWESOME! So...... I guess now I have to figure out how to use all these stuff I have without having to make my own missions. =/
  3. mark2000

    Greetings from the F.N.G.

    Thanks for the help.
  4. I'm having a problem with all the weapon mods I'm using. It seems that they always have that permanent muzzle flash bug regardless of what Display Device I am using. Are there other methods for fixing this bug? I am playing the GOTY edition btw.
  5. mark2000

    Greetings from the F.N.G.

    Hello everyone. New guy here. I have experience playing ArmA a few years back but I'm still pretty new with the actual OFP scene. Why I didn't just buy ArmA 2? Because my 2.8Ghz P4 with 2gb DDR RAM and Nvidia 7600 ancient piece of crap could barely run ArmA1 even at the lowest resolution and I shudder to even think about playing ArmA2 with it. Hence, I'm planning to go old-school with my PC gaming habits until I can get a new PC. Anyway, enough rambling from me. I can easily do brief research when it comes to ingame knowledge but I still do have a few questions, namely: 1. Is this board the most active one for OFP community mods and general discussion? 2. What site has the most complete database for OFP mods? 3. What community add-ons can you recommend to improve the game in general? I'm also a big fan of sniping so what are the best mods that relate to that aspect of the game? I know I'm asking a lot but given my lack of information about this game's community, all I could do was browse through filefront without any given goal and all I could find that captured my interest were a ghillie suit that also increased my stealth rating and a sniper AI that is actually competent at scouting withing 2000 meters. I would really appreciate any help I can get. :)