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Posts posted by enad

  1. Tanks blow up and catch fire fine for me using latest ace build :)

    Are you sure its not some other mod causing it?

    Yeah Im sure. Because even when I run ArmA II with nothing but ACE2. Its still fucked up.

    Its not just that. 90 percent of the core ACE Mod doesn't work. About 13 of the features work and there all the small ones. ACEX works fine so does ACEX_PLA...But the core ACE mod doesn't work. And not one person has attempted to help me figure out whats wrong.

    I know I've installed it right. I got step by step directions by Dead3yez and his is working perfectly. I've tried deleting all contents of ACE and ACEX and trying to reinstall again. But nope it still doesn't work.

  2. Before I say anything, I need to mention that I DID use the Search function first. But just a bunch of random threads came up.

    So the question is. How do I get Campaign Missions in the Editor.

    Im interested in messing around with the EW campaign in the editor.

    I looked around in my Main ArmA II folder. Didnt really see anything. I see a pbo file called str_ew_directorscut but my thought on getting campaign missions into the editor would to just take the campaign mission sqm's and move them into a folder in my ArmA II other Profiles User Saved folder. But I dunno.

    Some one help me out. :)

  3. Empty --> Ammo --> RHhk416. Or something similar to that.

    Should work with 1.05. Works for me.

    One thing I wish you could do with replacement packs is make them for certain units.

    For instance, it would be really awesome if we could get a replacement pack for these guns but have them only equipped to say, Binks Generic Special Forces units. Im not really sure if this is actually possible, I doubt it, but that would be very sweet.

  4. Along with none of the ACE Features working, I have a particularly annoying problem.

    When I shoot any tank with a Javelin Missile or any equivalent launchers, it never destroys it. All it does is disable its treads and the crew pops out. Another thing is nothing explodes any more!! I put 5 satchels on a tank and all I see is the explosion from the satchels and the tank its black, no smoke, no fire. WTF? Surely thats not realism, I understand not everything catches on fire when destroyed but not one vehicle in the game explodes or catches on fire with ACE2.... Please help..

    Another thing, any chance you guy could make a replacement pack with those cool desert camo special forces M4's?? They look so awesome. And they are the one thing that works for me, the weapons. Nothing else... :(

  5. Awesome Mr.Burns and WazZzaaa!!

    Incoming! Newly released screenshots of Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Sinking!


    Heres a real Screenshot.

    All Medium settings. AA on High.


    I dont play at those settings anymore. Im usually on the island Isla Duala and I put all my Graphics to max besides a few and turn the 3D res up to 133% and AA on low. It looks great and I still get awesome FPS.

    Its not that bad either in woodland maps thanks to patch 1.05. My past two screens were 1.04

  6. In Arma 2:

    Blufor in the 3d editor is labeled USMC and CDF and Opfor is labeled Russia and insurgents? makes more sense to have made up forces and names like your island?


    ah-64 should not be used but a more false helicopter that seems similar like your pick-up truck(off road tan) in Arma 2 that is similar to model brand but is not exactly the same.

    The ah-64 should have different guns than original, different load-outs for ammo for public gaming.

    Well its supposed to be a Military Simulator. Any person with a 6th grade education can figure out what that means. They try to simulate the military. Therefor all weapons, vehicles and factions are authentic to the real military they are based off.

    Ontopic-I hope BIS leaves out a few features that they will tell us about just because I want to be surprised when I check out the editor. Like if I start it up to see some sort of PMC Units. That'd be so awesome. Small things make the initial feeling of the game better. :p

  7. Ahh. I just call it the ACM Module. Ambient(A) Civilian© Module(M) hehe.

    I've heard ALICE around and figured it had something to do with the Ambient Civilians.

    Ontopic: Really loving your island. I'm holding back on making some kickass missions for your update and the release of the Afrene Troops/any other type of militia you release. How far along are the troops anyways?

  8. I love having the ACM module working but the Russian(White..)Civilians just look weird. Out of place. Really gonna need to figure out how to make some new civ units. Wish I could :(

    By the way, Icebreakr what do you mean by "- desert houses that spawn ALICE module civilians now" ?? So its spawns random houses now? And what does ALICE mean. I've been wondering for awhile and never got around to asking.

  9. Great looking map. Definitely gonna be one of the best environments for ArmA II. Looks so real! Great job. And those screenshots and videos look really nice. Keep us updated.

    Japanto was nice but was very empty. Maybe this will have a few more settlements or open spaces for us mission makers to ADD settlements.

  10. I have @JTD after @WarFXParticles.

    I've uninstalled JTD since it didnt work. I'll try using it again and seeing if it works.

    I really appreciate your hard work and I would love to use this mod. I had it working when it was first released and then WarFX came out and it didnt work then suddenly It worked but JTD smoke doesnt...So weird.

  11. Yes we NEED a replacement pack! This is by far your best weapons pack for ArmA II!!

    And who ever makes the sounds. PLEASE consider making a sound mod. These sounds for the AK pack are absolutely insane! They sound so perfect. If a replacement pack comes out, is there any way so it can be a sound replacement also?
