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Posts posted by enad

  1. Regarding the pilots and crewmen. That Brown BDU uniform you used for them actually looks really awesome. It also fits the environment in Isla Duala perfectly. Any chance if your not too busy making a few units using that sort of Brown BDU? It looks really cool in my opinion.

    Im really liking these units despite a few bugs such as the glowing textures and the blurry textures from upclose.

    One thing to note is Im happy about finally having a proper US Army Officer with the Army Cap and such. I'd have to use Schnaps desert mercenaries guard unit because that was the only thing that resembled a high ranking US Army Officer.

    So great work! Keep it up!

  2. Heres an idea. I dunno if it has been mentioned.

    You know how Arma 2 has the Ambient civilian module, that makes civilians come about in the towns you visit, if you made an Ambient Zombie module so every town you visited would have a certain amount of zombies depending on the size of the town.

    That would be truly perfect. Would add some much atmosphere.

  3. Actually it should be named just ACE (\userconfig\ACE\). An outdated userconfig would most likely only cause masks and key binds not to work. If the game cannot find the userconfigs, it will not start, giving you a not found error.

    If you are still stuck, I recommend uninstalling SIX updater and choosing to remove user preferences if asked.

    Check C:\Users\tcp\AppData\Local\VirtualStore for any files that belong to arma2/ACE and delete them. This is UAC-protected storage and it may be caching old files.

    Reinstall the latest SIX updater. On your first run, right-click and run as Administrator. No need to delete the whole ACE directory, that won't help. SIX will detect any incorrect/old files and replace them.

    If you run SIX a second time and any files are being redownloaded or unpacked (even though you just updated), you may have a permissions problem. What you want to see is No Updates Found for each mod folder.

    I did exactly what you said and it says Nothing to Update. But its still messed up.

    Seriously, there is no reason why the ACE2 mod shouldn't work for me. Im doing it the same way as everyone else. Why would it be bugged for me but not anyone else and more importantly why would ACEX work perfectly fine but the core ACE mod doesn't work?

  4. Enad altering Alice to use new "faction/nation" is possible. I just switch from CIV/RU to something else I guess? Right now only CIVs spawn, no Russian population :)

    Oh so it is possible. Cool!

    But what do you mean..? What are the CIVs? They aren't the BIS Russian Civilians?

  5. My @ACE\addons folder is 88 Mo big and contain 234 files.

    I suggest you go in your Arma2\@ACE\userconfig folder and then copy, paste and replace the 4 config files inside your Arma2\userconfig\ACE to see what's going on.

    I cut and pasted that whole folder into my ArmA 2/userconfig folder and renamed it ACE.

    @Manzilla- Yes I've done that. I took the userconfig folder inside my @ACE folder and cut and pasted it into my ArmA II/userconfig folder and renamed it ACE. And I reinstalled the updater yesterday...Is that not the newest version??

    @scubaman-First off I don't understand how to submit a bug there. I've tried. And second how will that help me. I want to get a quick fix, why is it working for every other person that uses the ACE Mod...but not me. Its more frustrating knowing I've installed it correctly and nothing SHOULD be wrong.

    A little more direct help would be better.:(

  6. I just downloaded the Six Updater yesterday...Is that not the newest version.

    And my Shortcut its correct! I have all those codes in the Target line. Im not an idiot, I've been playing ArmA 1 since it came out.

    And its EVERY vehicle. Not some. Not one vehicle catches on fire OR smokes after being destroyed. I've asked others and seen videos. Most vehicles do burn and smoke after exploding, especially tanks. Its also annoying when 4 satchel charges only disable a tanks treads...:(

    There are too many features that dont work so I will list the ones that do..

    While reading the ACE2 Features list. These are the ones that work:

    -AI Improvements?? Im not sure its hard to notice. They seem the same though.

    -Attachments. Pretty sure.

    -Blood Trails

    -Grenades. I have them but they don't work like they should..And the Throw Type doesnt work since NONE of the key bindings work.

    -Radio Silence- Override that because I didn't like it.


    -Shotgun Ammo

    Thats it.

    The thing thats confusing me the most is why the hell does all parts of ACEX work but the core ACE Mod doesn't work!? Why!?

    It would probably help if a dev saw my post...

    Am I doing anything wrong in the installation process or what!?

  7. Agreed^. The fences are very annoying. Either remove some of the fences or make more than one opening.

    Sometimes I'll wander into a large fenced in area not noticing the fence and I come to the end to see there is a fence and no way out, now I have to take all the time just to run back to the opening and around the fenced in area. For certain areas is appropriate but it seems a bit overkill in this map.

  8. Can someone PLEASE help me. I've posted several times and no one has even responded to me.

    What am I doing wrong!?!?

    My ACE Mod is totally bugged.

    Ever since the first time I installed it with the help of Dead3yez, it hasn't worked properly. Almost no features work.

    I've tried reinstalling ACE2 twice. I even tried reinstalling the Six Updater to see if it was a flawed version. But still NO!

    What the hell am I doing wrong!?

    This is how I've been installing it:

    -Press 1 in the Six Updater

    -Web client loads

    -Press Configuration, then press Synchronize.

    -Go to Presets and add @ACE @ACEX @CBA etc etc. Then press Update (There was already a slot there called A.C.E Mod Vanilla with all parts of the ACE Mod in it, I've tried using that one and the normal Vanilla one)

    -Click main, then choose the preset you'd like to install or update

    -Click Execute


    Then it still doesn't work properly.

    ACEX works fine. Thats what is confusing me. Why does ACEX work fine but ACE doesnt!!??

    PLEASE tell me is there anything I'm doing wrong or a step I'm missing.

    Please, I will appreciate any help I get. I really wanna figure out why the ACE Mod isn't working for me! The main thing that's bothering me is its causing alot of problems in my game that are easy to notice, for example; Nothing catches on fire even after it explodes. Nothing...Also nothing catches on fire or burns. Another big issue is many times, tanks don't explode now, not even when hit with a Javelin or Metis. Sometimes they will but only after enough time for the crew members to jump out and run to safety. I feel like a Javelin should inflict extreme damage on a tank, leaving no survivors.

    Theres other thing but I cant remember them right now.

    Please help!!

  9. Ok, I'm getting close to the release of Isla Duala v1.0 and I'll soon have ready a new version of Panthera, too. Whats the big news? After more than 20 hours of config tweaking: Alice (Civilians & Civilian Vehicle) modules work on my custom island by simply placing module icons to the mission and I've been able to eliminate almost all of the RPT errors!


    Enad: sent me PM, maybe a sketch what you would actually see on the map.

    Great news and thanks!!

    Not sure if you would know but maybe once someone creates proper African units, is there a way that they could make those units works with the ALICE mod instead of the Russian Civilians. It seems really hard to do, Im just wondering if its possible.

    Also, A sketch of what? The town sizes or the more African oriented houses?

  10. Yeah I really only play on Isla Duala now. Its so good. I'm holding off on some missions because of the update thats coming soon and I want those Afrene Troops and if I'm lucky some African civs.

    One thing I don't like about this map is the towns. I feel like they are too close together and too big. If you go on google and search some images of Africa, You'll see the towns are very small. I'd be nice with one very large city in the north and the south, but all the towns are basically similar in size in this map. Thats my only problem, well and the buildings used don't look very African but its the best you could do. Not your fault. :(

  11. Alright. Hopefully thats not too long! :D

    Offtopic but Icebreakr, do you plan on making any islands after this? If so, you have any idea what kinda setting. I always prefer a desert or arid setting. Looks nicer and better FPS.

    So far your easily my favorite island maker. :)
