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Posts posted by enad

  1. Boy is this thread hilarious.

    I didn't think there could be so many uninformed people in one place.

    Obviously I didn't read through the 30 or so pages that sprung up over night, but I can see most of the people complaining have no used Steam in years. I don't see why someone would be against convience.

    Oh and I've seen a new excuse for the first time. People are thinking it's going to impede modding? LOL. Guess you missed that Steam has Steam Workshop which promotes modding and gets it out to a larger audience. It's not exclusive to workshop, you can still have Armaholic, just like Skyrim still has Skyrim Nexus. All it does is make it easier for those who want it to be easier. Steam has never restricted modding, that is damn funny.

    I can't go on. It's clear that some of you are just TOO ignorant to ever have their views change. Have fun not playing ArmA 3 on an easier and more convenient platform!

  2. YESSS ITS OFFICIAL http://www.bistudio.com/english/company/developers-blog/356-arma3-steam-dev-blog

    It will a steam work. finally. my prayers have been answered well done BIS

    Haha it's funny seeing this thread from so long ago. Their plans were very different back than.

    Maybe my thread made a difference? :)

    Anyways, great news. Just another reason to be excited for ArmA 3. This will make joining private coop games much much easier and quicker.

    Next feature we need: Auto-Mod Downloads!

    Absolute STEAMing pile of shite. So we have to voluntarily have a virus on our pc's to own and run the game.

    Not much point of buying a physical copy of the game is there? Similar to ClOD, a physical copy was just smoke and mirrors.

    Lmao. It's 2013, time to take off the tin foil hat.

    This is one of the funniest things I've ever seen. A VIRUS? Is this serious? Oh man I can't even continue typing I'm laughing so hard!

  3. I was reading over my older thread about this subject and saw something about mod downloading through Steam, this was before Steam workshop. Now I think Steamworks integration would be an even better idea for ArmA III.

    If anyone has Skyrim on PC, you've probably noticed how damn easier and convenient Steam Workshop is. It's a simple click and it installs for you to the right directory. This could be done just as easily with ArmA 3, click download and it installs to it's own @Whatever/Addons folder and auto enables it so when you launch the game it's ready to go.

    It may not seem like much but it could potentially bring alot more sales to ArmA III, people may have heard about ArmA 2's modding capabilities but are intimidating about actually installing mods, they think it's a hard process. With Steam Workshop, they will feel comfortable just going into the Workshop and clicking Download on all their favorite mods, not having to worry about extracting/dragging and dropping(Not that those things are hard).

    Some of you may fear it'll take away some of the community from Armaholic or the Official BIS Forums, but if you look at Skyrim, Skyrimnexus is still going strong and has had no problems. People like me use the workshop and Nexus. There won't be any divide in the community because of this.

    This is just another Steamworks feature that I absolutely love. I feel Steamworks for ArmA III would be a great idea stronger than ever now.

  4. I'm curious how much work a separate Steamworks version is, I see ALOT of games do it these days. Even small indie devs, so It definitely isn't costly.

    Steamworks adds only convince for those who want to use it, which is why a Steam only version would be ideal.

    Thinking how easy it would be to join a friends coop game...or Day Z server..It makes me wish ArmA 2 had Steamworks. I doubt ArmA 3 will, but a seperate Steam only Steamworks version is a great idea..

  5. Main reason I hope to get into this Alpha is to see how much it destroys my computer. I have a bad feeling my 580 won't be able to run it very well...

    Hopefully BIS have become Optimization geniuses within the past few years and are able to make ArmA 3 playable, and not cause computers to implode.

  6. I'm really looking forward to everything.

    When I think of ArmA 3 I get most excited about the 3D Editor, being a editor guy...The reason for that is because I haven't seen a whole lot of footage on the new PhysX stuff, just some early videos from last year.

    I look forward to everything that PhysX is going to improve, but the possibilites of a 3D Editor make me drool :butbut:

  7. Please make ArmA 3 absolutely nothing like Bf3. That joke of a game can rot for all I can, but we all know EA will milk it for all its got.

    Ontopic, I would love to have really good sounds by stock instead of having to wait for a sound mod. I'm sure BIS will impress with ArmA 3. I've got my hopes up. :D

  8. Since ArmA 3 is going to be a bit more 'Mainstreamed' or 'Streamlined' so it's not treated as roughly by reviewers and new comers, how do you guys think this will affect sales? I don't see many hardcore fans like myself being too turned off by this. I know I'm not.

    Do you think it'll get over 1 Million sales? What about 1 Million Preorders?

    I'm thinking will the attention ArmA 3 has been getting at E3 and Gamescon sales will shoot up signifigantly, I wouldn't even be surprised to see extremely high pre order numbers, 500k to 1 Million wouldn't surprise me honestly.

    Hopefully BIS works real hard on ArmA 3 and really makes it worth it and makes those pre orders mean something!

    Anyways, a question for everyone. What do you think the sales will be after say..6 months of ArmA 3 being out?

  9. Pure arrogance. Like saying that everyone over 2000 posts will say something stupid like this and is an idiot, because most do. (Example)

    You know, I worked my way up to 2000 posts just so I could say that, It makes me sad when people insult my hard work. Ya see, had to have that 2000th post 'cool-ness'

    You're pretty cool too don't worry.

    Sorry, I should rephrase what I said "ArmA 2 Free brought in enough people who ask stupid questions" Is that a little nicer for your eyes?

    On a serious note.

    I've had enough of your disingenuous assertions!


  10. Its the closest thing gamers will get to a console experience with ArmA.

    Aaaaaand no one that plays ArmA would wan't that to happen.

    ArmA 2 Free brought in enough idiots, I can't imagine what would happen if they opened it up to more audiences. :man3:

    *BIF needs to fix that dancing man, his background does not match the new forums color*

  11. So excited for LA Noire to be on PC, but would of really loved it if RDR came to PC. I think it's because RDR sold enough on console they didn't see the need for it on PC. Rockstar is kind of known for their PC cash grabs, especially after GTAIV PC.
