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Posts posted by enad

  1. I think this concept is even more important for infantry. I hate looking over and seeing my team mate get shot and do nothing just stand there and continue to fire, or not fire. Doesn't get down or head to cover. Just keeps doing what he's doing until he gets shot more and dies.

    For me that is one of the MAJOR Ai issues. I mean its just annoying. ATLEAST make the AI move to cover or go prone. Do something than just stand there.

  2. *You mean "Whole". Hole has a different meaning.

    @LJF-My system specs are the following:


    Asus Rampage Extreme X48

    4Gb DDR3 @1447Mhz

    Q8200 @3.0Ghz

    1 320Gb Internal HDD

    1 80GB Internal HDD

    1 360GB External HD

    Runs ArmA II real nice at 2048X1152 with almost fully maxed settings.

    I wish I could run fully maxed. :(

    But I will be upgrading over the summer once the prices of Nvidias new FERMI cards drop. :D

  3. Those editor tabs that Flash Thunder mentioned earlier would be really, I mean REALLY nice. Im in the editor 98% of the time and having an option to choose the layout for a unit would be SOOO helpful. I cant understand those long scripts, so right now Im stuck with placing down a ammo crate and giving each soldier his weapon then telling him to pick it up. Very time consuming. Another editor feature that would be helpful would be something like you can exit the mission and add some things in a then continue the mission. That would be great.

    I gotta agree with all the things being said. Plus, the new wallpaper for ArmAIIOfficial's Youtube page is great! I would LOVE to see some spec ops guys in that sort of layout. :o
