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Posts posted by enad

  1. So here wo go. Binkowski, I hope you don't mind if I explain about OMON in a few sentences.

    OMON are the special purpose militia units of the local interior ministry administrations (GUVD). So each city or region got it's own. They don't belong to the para-military Interior Troops (VV) like the BIS MVD (=interior ministry) special units apparently do.

    So all are special units of the MVD but different.

    OMON are mainly used for riot control or as SWAT-teams.

    In bigger anti-terror operations the serve as a kind of back up for the VV or FSB (Federal Security Service) special forces.

    At the hostage crises in Beslan for example, there were a lot of different Russian MVD, FSB and even Army units present. So why not use these great OMON units together with the BIS units. If the situation fits....


    This thread is about 2 years old, what was the point of this bump?

  2. Viktor Troska and James Gastovski.

    Nuff said.

    But more seriously, the Resistance and black ops CWC missions were some of the best styles of missions in OFP that you just don't see in ArmA 2 (what with the sneaking around and scavaging/stealing stuff).

    And I still think BIS needs to return to the 80s (or similar cold war setting) at some point. I'm getting bored of all the hi-tech gadgetry.

    Imagine an HD Remake of OFP on the ArmA 3 engine, I would cry...of joy.

    That would be damn awesome, there's a lack of modern cold war era games.

  3. *Mission you made and play with a certain mod like an Robert Hammers Ammo box for example please dont allow the mission to become dependent on it, and If I do remove the ammo box remove the required mod from the mission currently even if its not there anymore the mod will still be in the textfile for the mission.

    Oh god please this. I hate deleting an addon in a mission so I can play with a friend only to have it still there and required, and then deleting it from the mission.sqm and it still being required.

  4. Checking the website usually helps.

    But if you're lazy..

    OS: Windows 7 / Vista

    CPU: Intel Core i5 or AMD Athlon Phenom X4 or faster

    GPU: Nvidia Geforce GTX 260 or ATI Radeon HD 5770, shader Model 3 and 896 MB VRAM, or faster

    RAM: 2 GB

    HDD: 15 GB free space

    DVD: Dual Layer compatible

    DirectX: 10

  5. BFBC2 did it really well, it'd be awesome to see that in arma (albeit just make the bodys weigh more) most is done clientside anyway... only issue is recovering gear off dead bodies (which you can just do the BF2 style of the kit is dropped separate to the ragdol where the unit was killed before ragdolling)

    Just walk up to the body and click G like you do in ArmA 2..?

    It's not like Ragdoll is going to make dead bodies unapproachable.

  6. BIS has total control over Sprocket, and they are guaranteed to receive the majority of what you pay for your product over there.

    Steam still provides ALOT of the funds to the developers. I remember reading somewhere it's a 75-25% split. Devs getting 75%, Valve getting 25%.

    I can see the problem with Sprocket and I don't really expect BIS to implement Steamworks, but the thing is you don't HAVE to buy it through Steam, you can still buy it through Sprocket, Retail, D2D, anywhere...It will just need Steam to install, that's it. Then you get all the good features of it being a Steamworks title.

    Plus steamworks titles seem to get advertised longer on the Steam homepage so It could definitely affect BIS in a good way, getting more attention to their game.

    But like Jonney said, if ArmA 3 did come with a more user friendly multiplayer with a simple friend system then I honestly wouldn't see a need for Steamworks, though it is nice because I could buy the game retail for less money and still have all my stats tracked and hours logged.

  7. Once again Big Dawg KS sums it up. Before just saying "No steam sucks I hate it!!1"

    Think about how much the server browser would enhance ArmA 3's Multiplayer experience. It would make it sooo much easier and it would actually work 99% of the time.

  8. Put it up on Steam or Sprocket and I'll pre order it :)

    ---------- Post added at 03:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:31 PM ----------

    Put it up on Steam or Sprocket and I'll Preorder it :D

  9. Your all rhetoric, zero substance reply to the matter is the greatest argument for my cause. You're the only one drawing other companies and moral extremes to the discussion, whereas I said how Valve/Steam conducts its business (you can't deny it) and what effects it has (you can't deny them).

    I'm still unclear about the benefits. Is a soulbound non-refundable license a benefit? I don't use Steam features, I just want to play the game and be able to cash it in afterwards, because I'm not a rich boy. Should I really be that happy to give up my rights as a consumer only to get cosmetic features that I never really wanted in the first place? Why is it a benefit that the box that contained my license becomes useless garbage the moment the key is entered into Steam? Why can't the game just be cheaper on Steam? Afterall, there are no middle hands and it's only a data transfer.

    All benefits have been listed in the OP and further by Big Dawg KS. I don't feel like restating them for you.

    Also, I'm pretty sure you can return physical copys of Steamworks games, they just deactivate your copy. You'd have to contact Valve though.

  10. I didn't have to try to counter your arguements because you're arguments are ignorant, you think Valve is like Microsoft or something. I'm not going to argue about Valve being good or bad.

    About the pricing, the good thing about Steamworks, is you can go and buy the physical copy for less than you would on Steam, but have all the benefits you get from Steamworks.

  11. When do you guys think that we´ill get more information about Arma III? I hope that we can get it from E3, read that they signed up for it in may

    "Bohemia Interactive E3 2011 Line-Up Revealed"

    So i hope we can see more of the game there. Anyone else knows if its any date or so for more information about this game?

    If anything, we'll get some info during or after their E3 Presentation. E3 is June 7th-9th, so you gotta be patient till then.

  12. Your thoughts on Valve are so wrong, and it seems your major problem with Steam is that you can't return the game or give away the game, I doubt there's much of a chance for a long time OFP/ArmA fan like you to want to return your game so I don't see how that's such a problem.

    I don't agree that every Steamworks feature would be good for ArmA 3, but nothing would hurt it, and the server brower would significantly improve ArmA 3's MP functionality. No doubt about it.

    I'll will give one thing I really don't like about Steam, which is connected with the ArmA series, you can't choose where to install, so from what I've heard, getting Combined Ops is a pain. What I would do is buy the main game on Steam, then the rest on sprocket so I can install it easily into my ArmA 2 folder and have combined ops working just like that.

    Maybe someone can enlighten me and tell that Combined Ops isn't a pain to get working, atleast I heard mods were difficult to get working with Combined Ops.
