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Posts posted by enad

  1. I'll do the same, and I am not concerned about the money I forked out, or the fact that people got it for free.

    Still, it's a disappointment how little was in the DLC, especially compared to BAF which was a lot better.

    BTW, I really liked Operation Skalisty, especially in co-op ;)

    +1 Exactly how I feel.

    I don't care that I spent the money, it's just not what I was expecting. I would of rather spent my money on something better, but that's not the point. Compared to BAF, this DLC is just...sad. It's just not on the same level.

    Map is waaaay to small, units are junk basically as Binkowski said. Yet to try campaign but from what I hear its not amazing. :(

  2. Wow. Just checked out PMC DLC and its....really not that good....

    Units look worse than some community made addons, its basically old stuff thrown on some old models, and they all have fucking balaclavas. :angryfire:


    Map is cool but it's about 1x1km.... FPDR and it lags alot too.

    Seems the campaign is the only thing left. Gonna try that later this week.

    Would be cool if the PMCs were more desert oriented instead of the majority of them wearing stupid navy blue or something.

    Overall, this DLC should of been free or $5. Not nearly worth $10, while BAF totally was. If you, BIS, could produce some more DLCs with units the quality of BAF and the maps the size of Takistan, then we'll be getting somewhere.

  3. Sad to hear about the map. :( :(

    Was really hoping BIS would give us something nice in this DLC....

    Anyone else think BIS should take more time with the DLCs so we can get more content(more units, larger maps especially)? I think BIS should work on the next DLC till May or something, so when it comes out, we get our moneys worth with loads of new units, a large terrain, good long campaign.

    It's the maps in the past two DLCs that have bugged me. What's the point of such a small map. ArmA is a large scale game, so why give us maps it takes 5 minutes to run across!? From what I've seen of the new map(Still downloading 1.56 Patch, been two hours since I started the DL) it looks really cool, but everyone says it's tiny. :(

    Not good.

  4. Edit: And another question. I bought both games on Steam, and when I click on Operation Arrowhead, I have the option to launch Combined Operations as well as OA standalone. Does this mean that the combination was done for me?

    And if I combine them the manual way, do I lose the ability to play them separately at times?

    I think that means they are combined. Might wanna check in with someone who has them both on Steam, I got A2 on Steam and OA on Sprocket and they combined flawlessly.

  5. i have no interesst on this dlc - and bevor i maby buy this - i will a fix from the last dlc -

    secont channel for waorrir aps thermal sight.

    fix the over HE ammuniton

    Fix Driving sound

    maingun muzzleflash bug

    no copilot seat in merlin

    no aviable pilot slot in merlin in editor.

    im very angry of bis - when you think testing your stuff bevor relaise it ??


    over 3/4 of the community will arma2 units on AO level and not new DLC

    bring it on one level and make it as a dlc patch i will buy

    I don't really understand what you're saying at all, but most of those things were fixed in the BAF Patch...Might wanna stay up to date before complaining on the forums in broken English.

  6. You'll get a huge performance boost over the demo. Demo ran like crap for me but now the game runs great!

    I suggest you pick up Combined Ops, which includes two full games for the price of one, ArmA 2, and the huge expansion Operation Arrowhead. Maybe even get the DLC bundle, PMC and BAF. :)

  7. combining them is quite simple (it's not perfect but we plan to improve this in patches after 1.56)

    I never had any issues with combining both games at all. I got ArmA 2 on Steam, then OA on Sprocket and they merged automatically, I did nothing. I've been purchasing all the DLCs on Sprocket aswell and it works perfectly.

    @Maturin, as long as you keep PP effects low then you should be alright. But maybe it's time to get a desktop instead of trying to game on a Laptop? :)
