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Everything posted by enad

  1. It may not be as realistic as what you making, but I sure as hell could make a helicopter game in the editor. I'll release it under the name Take on: Enad! It will sell more than any other game ever made to this day. I just got UN-
  2. Just about the best units ever made. Keep it up!
  3. I'll just wait for BIS's next ArmA related thing, no way I'm paying full price for a civilian oriented helicopter game...I could literally make that in ArmA 2 with the current helis we have. Edit: Why no I have cool avatar!?:don 12: Edit #2-Why is a male smiley face ironing his OWN cloths???
  4. enad

    Crysis 2 PC Demo [Download link]

    I Don't buy console games. Which is why I won't be getting Crysis 2.
  5. Let's C ya recover from that. Ooooohhh. Ontopic. What exactly did this patch fix, the highlights were very...minimal.
  6. Well the way I see it is.....It has GFWL, automatic no-buy.
  7. enad

    Post pictures of yourselves

    Well I see that you're vehicle contraption says speedy, now I ask, how speedy are you Adum...? :man3:
  8. enad

    Your top 5 non-BIS games of all time

    Fallout 3 & New Vegas S.T.A.L.K.E.R Series Killing Floor Half Life 2(and it's episodes) Red Orchestra 2(Because I know it will be the best game evar)
  9. enad

    Post pictures of yourselves

    It's Johannes on the left incase you didn't know, sir.
  10. enad

    Post pictures of yourselves

    The title is just the slightest bit creepy.. But here I am! on a less srs note, here I am posing for my Myspace photoshoot! http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj227/teekandchico/SPHOTO35.jpg
  11. wow. I like everything you make lennard, please release those, they look so good..
  12. enad

    UH-1 Huey Reskins

    Well your request would require editing the model, which he can't do. So you're out of luck pretty much.
  13. enad


    Ebanks was captured by the Cyber Police but is still working on his projects in cyber jail on his cyber computer. Don't worry!
  14. Just wondering why they are in that camo? Is it a placeholder. I'm pretty sure no Combine Forces in HL2 had that pattern.
  15. Sweet guns, they look nice, would be good for Snow units.
  16. Damn that Translator is cool looking! Keep up the good work lennard.
  17. Haha pretty awesome. I hope you finish this up, would love to see the Combine in A2! :D
  18. enad

    CSLA for A2CO

    Awesome work! Can't wait to use these.
  19. enad

    JTD Fire And Smoke

    Does this newest version of the userconfig have support for OA trees and stuff?
  20. enad

    littlebird gatling guns accuracy

    thanks oyman i try now!
  21. enad

    OA desert mercs

    lol..that hat is just.... Otherwise, looks pretty good. Gonna be a big download :D
  22. enad

    Purchasing question

    I dont think it would work, but you could buy the two DLCs on Sprocket, I think they work with steam versions, don't take my word for it though.