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Everything posted by enad

  1. This map is so orgasmic, I can't wait to see it with some dirt roads and some more towns/outposts.
  2. One of the best maps for ArmA2/OA to date! Amazing job!
  3. enad

    WarFX : Blastcore

    Absolutely LOVE this mod, but is there anything you could do about the white sparkles or whatever they are that come out when you shoot, It's part of the muzzle flash but looks really strange when shooting down the sight of an Eotech or Aimpoint, ACOG, etc. Maybe tone it down alot for hand held rifles. That's my only gripe. Extremely good job OP. I love this.
  4. Ugly screenshots of AnimalMothers mission SteamRoller (Beta).
  5. copterrofl! What kind of camos are these units even using!? FPDR
  6. Something that should of been in the DLC by default... -_-
  7. Ive installed RTE but I get no @RTEditor Folder...Dunno what to do about that...
  8. enad

    OA desert mercs

    God that's awesome. Can't wait. Any expected ETA? Mebbe Christmas? :D
  9. enad

    Ei8ght Thread

    Is RTE a mod or what?
  10. I think he wants more modern US Army units...
  11. How? There are no Lingor civilians yet! :p
  12. enad

    Ei8ght Thread

    Your FOB Stryker is awesome but I get a bit of a performance problem. Without it I get say...60 FPS, then with it I'll get maybe 40 FPS or less at some times. Any reason for this? It's not like there are loads of AI, could it just be the sheer amount of objects?
  13. That's great! Can't wait to make some missions while I have vacation from work this Christmas! :D
  14. Any ETA on this. It looks awesome as hell.
  15. Would be cool if Ice could configure a new Civvy module to work with his upcoming Lingor Civilians.
  16. enad

    Customizable Characters / Camera View

    Oh god this would be so awesome. +100 to this. I would absolutely love some character customization. Nothing crazy though like changing camoflauges and stuff or crazy colored hair. Just some cool facial decals and things to go on your unit, backpacks and stuff like that.
  17. enad

    Ei8ght Thread

    Awesome. :D Can't wait. Regarding your FOB Stryker... I Can't load in the editor. Seems to be dependent on jsrs_m230.pbo Load the game without JSRS and save the mission then reupload, I'd love to be able to try this.
  18. enad

    Secondary Weapons

    Sniper + MP5 or PDW would be epic.
  19. enad

    Ei8ght Thread

    Liking those WIP shots. Can't wait to see it done.
  20. enad

    Just got my GTX460...New Game...!

    The last thing it would do is go UP over the holidays.
  21. enad

    Nvidia GTX580 benchmark ArmaII

    My i5 750 does fine with my GTX 580. I do have the 750 OC'd to 4.0Ghz though.