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Everything posted by enad

  1. Damn vamskd, you got goooood. :) Nice work man.
  2. I've been working on a small 3 mission mini campaign since Lingor came out. It still needs some polish but its essentially finished, hopefully I can finish tweaking it and release it. :)
  3. Uh, isn't that just the SLA camo? I was hoping for something a bit more original :P Why not some DPM mix or something? Would be a little more feasible than SLA camo.
  4. sweet, can't wait to check it out! :)
  5. enad

    Video Card for medium settings ?

    Another thing to invest in is good RAM, I just went from 4GB DDR3 1333mhz to 8GB DDR3 2000mhz and damn, my FPS is SO much better. For example, in a mission of mine on Lingor, I would get say 35-40 FPS at the beginning scene, now its almost always above 55 FPS. It really is awesome As for a GPU, go GTX 460, it will run at mostly high settings and only costs about $150. Amazing deal for a great video card. About the CPU, don't waste your money on an i7, go i5, i5 750 or 760, it's better for gaming anyways. :) Good luck!
  6. I feel like a airstrip would look very out of place on a map like this. Plus I can't really think of many scenarios where you'd need a large plane landing in the Tora Bora Mountains :P
  7. Thanks for that BOTA, got it working in a mission of mine and looks great. http://oi56.tinypic.com/104fggy.jpg :D
  8. +1 some one needed to put an end to vilas' useless rants. Vilas, while some of the things you say I agree with, but you need to STOP saying everything or everyone that is not 1000% accurate is "cod-ish", just because BIS wants to add new guns to the game does NOT make it "cod-ish." Plus almost every single post of yours is advertising your work, if you like your work so much why don't you make a new arma instead of bashing every single thing BIS does with THEIR game.
  9. Sounds like a cool and new idea Cow :) Almost a bit like an RPG type gameplay. Though I'd rather play as a grunt, more so than a leader.
  10. This sounds awesome! +1 to this. Any African themed DLC would be great in my eyes. Maybe BIS would finally, add some more variety(and quality) to African American faces. :)
  11. enad

    Battlefield BC2: Vietnam

    There's In Country Mod for RO2 being developed. So that should be a realistic Vietnam shooter if thats what you looking for. Personally I love BC2 Vietnam, alot of fun, just needs more maps and guns.
  12. enad

    OA desert mercs

    God those are so awesome, release em already! :D Can't wait Schnaps. Keep it up.
  13. enad

    ARMA 2 for 7.49€ only today

    Steam is great, I don't see why anyone has a problem with it. Everything works perfectly fine for me with steam.
  14. enad

    Screen tearing?

    I think 3500 is enough for most maps. Turn on Vsync and tell us if that was the problem.
  15. enad

    What is the state of the game now?

    Runs fine for me on an i5. So obviously, you're doing something wrong. Quit trollin.
  16. enad

    What is the state of the game now?

    Buy a new computer then..? Don't blame the game because it is too demanding. People should realize they're going to have to shell out some cash to thoroughly enjoy a game like ArmA 2. :)
  17. Damn that's some awesome sales, if I didnt have OA and ArmA 2 already I would totally buy that!! :D $30 for two full games, jeeeez.
  18. enad

    Zeus AI Combat Skills

    Hi, I have a pretty annoying bug I found with Zeus AI ACE.(Haven't tested with regular versions as I use ACE mostly all of the time). All AI placed without a move waypoint or something similar will seem to go into combat mode and walk around and climb ontop of the nearest thing or go inside the nearest building, if not near a building, they will walk all the way to the nearest building, this is seriously screwing up most of my missions I'm working on, but I can't live with out Zeus AI. :( If you could please release a hot fix for this or tell me something to change in the config, that would be much appreciated. Thanks
  19. Yeah would be cool if you could upload it somewhere, I only use Six for ACE2.
  20. enad

    ION, Inc.

    +1 to that! Pretty please?
  21. enad

    Screen tearing?

    I got a similar system, no noticeable screen tearing even with Vysnc off. I can see it sometimes on the map desert but its hardly noticeable, maybe turn on Vsync?
  22. enad

    OA desert mercs

    Oh god that's too fucking awesome. Why are you so good at making such epic units!?!? D: