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About craul

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  1. Adding a ruck works like adding weapons. For the loadout: http://ace.wikkii.com/wiki/Features_of_ACE2#Mission_Editors_4 might help. I'm currently at work, but if necessary i could post an example later. regards
  2. craul

    Seal team six 3

    Nice to see that it helped, have fun (mission 4 is awesome)! :-) btw: as Tonci pointed out: So, if some errors with the game pop up, it is usuall usefull to have a look at the so called rpt file (arma2.rpt) wich is located at the appdata folder (i.e.: C:\Users\<your name>\AppData\Local\ArmA 2\). I wasnt aware of that too, but find it very usefull meanwhile.
  3. craul

    Seal team six 3

    Looks like you got the same problem as me a while ago. Was also playing option 1. Not sure if sick got the time to fix it yet. If not, the following might be the solution to you: You'll find it there: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=6748 regards
  4. craul

    Seal team six 3

    Thx for the hint, wasnt aware of a RPT-File :-). Still to new to arma. Finished the following 3 missions without finding any bugs. Every single of them is a complete new challenge which requires different tactics. I think thats what makes them standing out. Craul
  5. craul

    Seal team six 3

    So finaly its time for my first post :-) Thanks for these great campaigns sick, I do really enjoy them! The mission i liked most so far is the second in the third camp (the airport-inflitration). Took me hours to complete. I wasnt able to do it without firering a shot*, but i finaly made it out alive :-) (Note: Played version 1.0, dont know the mission with the update now) * Operation Eagle Recover (4th mission) would not load but crashed my system. So i unpbo'd and found out that FFAA ARMAS is required. I was suprised as i am playing option one. Maybe i missed it but i thought FFAA isnt required at option one. Well with FFAA enabled, now it works fine. Keep the great work on Sick! Craul