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Everything posted by ben_s

  1. I think we should all just pull off and wait until gamplay, THEN we can start bashing the game... After all, We shouldn't judge a game before its even released yet :rolleyes:
  2. haha, I hear you on that one :) Not much point of getting it at all, just go for CoD4 if you really want a CoD style game.
  3. ben_s

    Dawn of future planet wide Mil Sims

    Perhaps this engine could be of good use, but how much does it compromise on to allow its features?
  4. If anyone can run ArmA II on full max settings, inside a industrial town place, and still get 40+ FPS. I will just faint.
  5. Hahah, Xbox magazines wouldn't know ArmA existed. :) Well, theres not much we can do until its got gameplay footage/demo (if it gets a demo ... ) Until then we can only predict how much it will be over-hyped.
  6. Well, whatveer happens, we won't know for sure for another year, until release....
  7. No idea what the actual game will look like, its not even same engine anymore. Anything could happen.
  8. Yea, Theres no "real info" just pre-rendered shots of imaginary scenarios..... again... *sigh*
  9. If they didn't put the OFP name on it NONE of it would have happend. As then alot more people wouldn't have got suckered in by false details of it being like the original OFP.
  10. I will wait for ArmA III
  11. ben_s

    Budapest beat Paris with 70 billion Pixels

    Oh come on, thats cheating :p
  12. The consoles could easily handle another CM game on their engine alot better than what they're letting on. Yet it still wont allow us to get to the level of ArmA on the console. What CM need to do is split the game, so that we get essentailly 2 games, one for consoles. And another, much better (no offence to anyone, but since PC's can handle more things, I think we deserve more things) one. But I doubt CM will even try doing the above.
  13. ben_s

    So many black soldiers?

    Oh come on, this topic is just childish. Blacks and Whites are now just the same. Does it matter if ones black and ones white?
  14. ben_s

    Walking the Amazon river from source to mouth!

    WOW Thats one hell of a walk
  15. And thats all that OFDR was meant to do, bring money to CM. Im still not 100% sure if the next OFP is exactly the same, or whether they actually care about the game now, like its racing games. You get what I mean? Yet, Im not going to bash the actual game, or praise it, until I get gameplay footage.
  16. ben_s

    OA or ARMA II

    Yea, 5-6 seconds of placing a few modules on map, for a battle thats as intense and as long as you need it to be. Awsome things they are
  17. Yea, we can all agree that DR failed badly, and they used the market to their advantage. The actual gameplay doesn't have a set market. Which was stupid. But EGO2.0 engine Is used in F12010 from CM. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TEyFFE3el9E Which just shows the potential of a engine like this. Not just the graphics, but all the physics and weather and envirmental effects the game has. But I dobut CM will use ANY of the things ego2 lets you do. Hell, Im not even sure WHO this new OFP is aimed at from CM. well, im bored and gonna go play arma......
  18. CoD4 was good, past there they started to downgrade the series of CoD... I doubt BlackOps will live up to its older games.
  19. ben_s

    Military Discussion Thread

    The top one looks like a cheap and tacky AUGA3, or Tavor.
  20. Listen, Ego engine is a pretty good engine, but a good engine is usless with a crappy dev-team. And since this new OFP from CM is using same dev team, I doubt its anything good. The fact they're using it as a console game, is just the biggest mistake. Hence why CM will never reach the state of games that BIS can make. And the HALO comment was at the fact that most games follow the HALO/COD theme, the fact there are a few games like ArmA and OFP (CWC) is great. The fact CM (try to) make this type (sort off) is good (for consoles at least) But, as said many a time, its nothing on what ArmA will be, or ever was. Also, the new OFP doesn't use same engine as DR, which is why I am waiting to see what kind of a console port they throw out. I do not trust CM to make a good game, I do not expect them too, why would I? Yes, you're correct about their support to the games. Thats shocking, They don't tell the community anything and they don't support the game post-release. Which is why I wont be getting this game, or at least until its dirt cheap. Especially after their only 4 man Coop junk. With them going they were focusing on COOP I expected them to go at least 8+.... Just goes to show why console ports fail really.
  21. yea, OFDR was a big disapointment, whether you like it or not, it wasn't what you expected. Yea, the Gun sounds in 1st person were SHOCKING. The only 2 parts of OFDR they got right, are the enemy and friendly AI outside your fireteam and the sounds.... Neither of them you cna see from 1st person very easily.... :( Stupid codemasters better stop showing us those "target renders", and give us ingame footage. Why can't they be more like BIS and just do things right? ... ---------- Post added at 03:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:36 PM ---------- Potentally, In the hands of CM its got no chance. PvP I do not like in most games, Hence the CoOp. Please, Ive not said CM are better than BIS. Just that their tools are. They have the POTENTAL to create a good game. Which is why Im sat waiting, to see if they mess it up... again. But with the same developer team and with Sion in charge again, I doubt it. But time will tell, and before I start trolling and bitching about RedRiver, im going to wait to actually see gameplay, unlike everyone else here. Obviously, its never gonna beat BIS' works like Operation Arrowhead, and the good old Cold war Crisis. But it will certainly beat things like the HALO market....
  22. ben_s

    Budapest beat Paris with 70 billion Pixels

    You say that........
  23. ben_s

    Javelin Missle Sound

    "Made in USA" gotta love some youtube comments at times :D
  24. Looks very well modeled, too. The sights, the attachments and the weapon itsself. I just gotta say, BIS did a great job with those.
  25. ben_s

    Javelin Missle Sound

    BIS did very well with the javlin sound. I played it side-by-side my game, and couldn't have told which was ArmA and which was Real.. awsome sounds.