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Everything posted by ben_s

  1. They're just games bugs i guess. This shouldn't be in this thread either really....
  2. Sorry, It doesn't work for me. Just got around to trying to today. (was away from my PC that day) And I place the files it says in the places the readme says. And it says come up with "This plugin is not compatable with the current version of Notepad++..." What version does support it? (i downloaded latest) -=EDIT=- I downloaded a earlier version. And now i get this error : "Couldn't load an important ressorce: ArmAScript.xml Expecting it in: [===================] " But ive already placed it in there, and the file is there. Im now just confused :confused:
  3. Thanks, i will look into that. :)
  4. ben_s

    Do BIS play ARMA much ?

    Haha, hopefully you will get your wish come true :cool:
  5. Sorry for late reply. Say, placing a new screen, like adding an action, and when activated a new screen appears that will have buttons etc, then when I press a button, it will run a certain script or something. Im not sure if that would be counted as a mod or a script. :/
  6. ArmA II should only show joinable servers. Or have options to only show servers with same mods / no mods, too. As it needs that.
  7. ben_s

    Do BIS play ARMA much ?

    What about other BI guys... come on. Spill, we want to know :)
  8. Guns do actually have quite a kick in them when they chamber something like the 7.62x51 or 7.62x31, its what makes the AK-47 so very inaccurate. Because of the large round. (the SCAR-H fires the 7.62x51 which is larger than AK-47's)
  9. Yes, In real life you have to combat the recoil by moving it back. Games automaticly do this. But ArmA will now make the player do it. Making it more challenging.
  10. ben_s

    deserters ?

    I think the best thing you can have is the surrendered men then follow you, keeping with whatever mode your in, so you wouldn't have to command them. Then when you arrive at a outpost, or a US base or patrol or something. You can give the POW's to them. And then they are looked after.
  11. I think the game would benifeit from having both. A menu to contain each and every command. like we do now. And then a radial like BF2 or "that other game", for more common commands, like regroup, hold fire, open fire, formations, engage, move etc... So during battle its easy to give simple orders whilst not having to stop and go through a menu. Which is one thing i find really annoying. As you can't keep your weapon on a target, whilst you tell your team to "open fire", without mucking it up... Then, they would have to get the actual menu correct. The old going through many submenu's is bad.. like in "that other game", ArmA II, with its many command, and the ammount of contex-sensitve commands, would need a new type of radial. But should still be easy to use, and quick to learn. As thats the point of a radial. And all suggestions ive seen here, just makes the radial a complex tool to use. It needs to keep it simple... like in BF2 or "that other game", as lets face it, you can give orders or commands very quickly in those games...
  12. ben_s

    Town generator

    I would have thought the ability to generate a random town, with a dynamic AI battle in cooperation would end with some very intesting battles...
  13. I thought this game was about realism and the feeling of war. Wouldn't having a option to just magicly change recoil going to kill the game.
  14. ben_s

    Knife proposal

    I think best option would be use a bayonet on weapon. During house-to-house fighting, a bayonet would be a great thing to have. Turning a corner. You see a guy running at you. No time to aim weapon.... The bayonet is still used today by many armies. This is the closest we should get to osmething like this in ArmA Obviously, BIS would have to take out the "insta-kill" properties of it, and make it more realistic. But it would be cool
  15. ben_s

    Knife proposal

    The knife is another one of those "cool features, but stick to fixing bugs and adding more important stuff first" things.
  16. ben_s

    ArmA 2 AC130

    I think the AC-130 Gunship would be a nice addition, but I wouldn't really rate it high. Having it would be cool, but its over-rated.
  17. Thanks for that, will try looking at it now. The SQF syntax is pretty odd to me, so this will help alot.
  18. ben_s

    Close quarter AI

    That was a reply on a thread not long ago... I think it applies here, too.
  19. ben_s

    ArmA 2 AC130

    lol, You know what I meant when I said that. :D But yes, im down with having a proper AC-130 model and stuff. Instead of ones added by the community. No offence, but most things are 10x better when BIS do it themselves ;)
  20. ben_s

    Dam when will DI optimize towns and cities

    Ok, that does make sense. So, the more powerful your CPU the better performance is with the AI when there are more of them... :) or something like that?
  21. ben_s

    Knife proposal

    I think we don't really need a knife. But, most weapons do allow bayonets. And say, having to go into your gear and putting it on would be the best option. There are still loads of reports of people in iraq and afganistan where they have killed in CQB with Bayonets. So it is realistic. Perhaps stopping it being a "insta-kill" weapon, but more of a disabling weapon? Where say he ends up on floor bleeding out, but can be revived... but cant shoot or anything? Lots of ideas to try and balance it out.
  22. ben_s

    ArmA 2 AC130

    Good point. Lets get rid of them too :D
  23. ben_s

    ArmA 2 AC130

    But would the US Army use the AC-130 for just everyday combat?? I dont think its a high-priority thing that this game needs. As a transport plane. Then yes, but not as a gunship.
  24. ben_s

    Dam when will DI optimize towns and cities

    This game is litteraly ahead of its time. BIS should take the next 3 years to wait for gaming to catch up with them. :D