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Posts posted by nomadd

  1. ok I have something weird going on. Not sure if this needs to be sent to bug tracker or not. I just updated from steam, ace 3.5. Thought I would try out the new fast roping. Helos do nothing but fly straight up. I dropped all my mods except cba and ace. Made a simple test mission. I put down a helo gave it a move waypoint and first test it moved to the way point, went in and turned on fast roping, helo went straight up. I tried the every combination of the new fast rope, syncing module, clicking box in the attributes in helo and using script "[_vehicle] call ace_fastroping_fnc_equipFRIES". I only used one at a time, not all of them together. Still helo goes straight up. I then went in and removed  ace fastrope from the mission. Replayed and helo still goes straight up. I have not removed the fastrope module from the addons folder but i guess that will be my next step. 

  2. Shuko


     I have been using this on hosted MP games and works great, but a few posts back you were talking about the "queue" system. I can tell you that when playing with friends I have hit the "fast rope" and get a message that I am in the queue but nothing ever happens, Helo is empty and I am still sitting there, So I hit the "fast rope" again and usually it works sometimes I have to hit it twice. We use ACE and I am usually the host , not sure if that makes a difference. Also once I am queued for fast rope the option is still available to hit the fast rope button.

  3. few things i have found. not sure if this needs a ticket or if they have been already posted



    all cup mods




    all latest versions

    Edit: Mods are from steam workshop, not sure if that is important





    if you place russian fed or ChDKZ men in the editor, class names are correct.  When you preview, the men have correct weapons for the factions but uniforms are always CSAT. Other opfor cup factions seem to be fine.


    F35 is about 1/2 meter off the ground when placed empty in editor then previewed

  4. Cyborg111


     I just downloaded this and have been playing around with it. I like that is clean and simple. I have yet to test it in a MP mission, but I am hoping it is more reliable than the support modules from BIS. Plus I love the simple click on map for helo transport. 

    Couple of questions,

    Is there a way to assign the actions to a specific player?

    Is there a way to limit the number of CAS/Artillery calls and put them on a cool down? Also limit the number of rounds to be fired from artillary?

    Again I have not tested this but when a helo is coming in for pickup or drop off can the helo be made invulnerable to damage? I usually try to design missions where no enemy is around when AI helo is landing but sometimes things happen. AI pilots can be absolutely terrible when enemy is around. Hopefully 1.56 will fix this problem with disableai "autocombat".


    Thanks for the script


  5. I have been playing around with the BIS revive. Really like the idea of a built in revive system but I have noticed if you(player) get killed in a vehicle you get no options to revive. You go straight to respawn. Is there a way to over ride this. I am trying to set up a mission that is revive only, no respawn. As long as you are not in a vehicle revive seems to work fine. I basically want a player no matter what damage to-go into revive state. That will then force teammates to do a revive before timer runs out. If timer runs out then the downed player is out of the game. I would like to use the built in revive function but as it is now it makes it difficult.

  6. I have searched but can not seem to find an answer to my question. My friends and I have been playing with ACE enabled , with ACE missions it is great. Medical stuff works fine but last night we hit a problem.

    We played a TVT(BIS stock mission) w/ ace. We had no way of healing. There were no bandages and the FAKs did not work. Anyway to make ACE use FAKs, if they are the only thing available? Or are the FAKS usable and we were just doing something wrong?



  7. First I want to say, I love the mod my friends and I have come back to playing ARMA3 and this mod gets alot of use.


      I have a question/request. I have been making some missions and playing around with trying to get zombies to play possum. What I am gettting at is, usually my mission are just small coop 2-10 players and looking for a way to put single zombies in the mission that look dead but once you get within a meter or so they "wake-up". I am looking to add some scare factor. Walk into a room, 4 dead zombies on the floor think the room is clear but then one stands up. I was able to get this idea to work but it was very hacky and the animations would not work. Zombie would go from lying to standing, no transition. Also had a hard time getting zombie to look dead,compared to really dead zombies. I am not sure how hard this would be to implement. 


      I know the first thought would be shoot every dead zombie on the ground but with limited ammo and when you are being attacked ppl tend to forget to check the dead ones.


      If something like this is doable, great. If it is not then I understand.


    One last thing, this may have been mentioned already. I have not searched the whole thread. Playing missions we have had a few times where friends and I run into a building and zombies hit us through the walls. We cant  shoot them but they are able to still hit us. We have learned to stay in the middle of rooms and usually the zombie with "teleport" through the wall. Not sure if this is even a problem with this mod or a problem with the buildings. 



    • Like 1

  8. eggbeast


    downloaded Unsung and this mission yesterday. May get all my friends back into ARMA3 because of the Unsung mod. We played the heck out of it in Arma2. 


    I noticed this, spammed the log with it


    waitUntil {!isNu>
     8:37:02   Error Undefined variable in expression: ewdb_loaded
     8:37:02 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.DaKrong\ewdb\client.sqf, line 3
     8:37:02 Error in expression <!(isNull (findDisplay 46))};
    waitUntil {EWDB_Loaded == "true"};
    also had this error at mission start. I had enable revive in the params
    if ((!isNull player) and (EGG_sinit)) then {T_Client = true};>
     8:35:42   Error position: <and (EGG_sinit)) then {T_Client = true};>
     8:35:42   Error and: Type Number, expected Bool,code
     8:35:42 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.DaKrong\revive_init.sqf, line 27
    Thanks for the mission. 

  9. It has been quite awhile since I fired up arma3, over a year at least. With all the changes and especially the 3d editor coming me and a bunch of friends decided to fire arma back up. We usually play small coop or pvp games around 5-7 of us. Guess what ...no one can connect. We can all join dedicated servers just fine but not hosted servers. I read through all the posts , I do not want to have to use another piece of software to make arma3 work. BIS needs to fix this otherwise this game is a bust, If Tunngle works that is great BIS needs to implement it then. MP (for me and my friends) is the only reason to we play arma. This is very frustrating, after looking at the dates in this thread this has been going on for a year! and nothing has been done to fix it. 


    I want to be able to simply join my friends for a quick game. I dont want to have to find 3rd party work arounds, spend hours trying to configure my router,firewall etc or manage a dedicated server. I was actually excited to come back and play arma now I am just fed up.





    Well I couldn't let the problem rest and found the solution. The solution took hours and alot of internet searches but here it is. I have comcast internet service. My modem died awhile back and comcast came out and replaced it. What I didnt realize was they replaced just my basic modem with a modem/gateway. I use a netgear r7000 router and that is where the problem was. I was forwarding the ports on the router but the comcast modem was also acting as a router so I was never truly able to foward the ports for ARMA3. What is strange is I was able to connect to dedicated servers just not hosted servers nor could I host a server. The fix was logging into the comcast modem/router and bridging it. I could also just forward the ports in the comcast modem/gateway to my netgear router but I went with the bridge method. I hope this helps anyone else having this problem. Once I found the solution it took a few mins to fix and I can now join/host with no problems. I know alot of folks on these forums are computer gurus and would have figured this out in a manner of minutes but I am not a computer guru so took me most of the day.


    I owe BIS an apology this was not their fault. 

  10. I will be touch and go for awhile with ARMA. I sold my house, so going to be very busy the next couple of months moving my family. ATM I am not sure where we are moving or how long it will be before I have internet again. SLP is free to be used/changed/modified, if you would be nice enough to keep my name attached to it. Once Desrat lets me know if the last fix I did takes care of his problem I will upload the newest version. I plan on supporting SLP but maybe awhile before I can do anything.


    This is another of the things that SLP used to be able to do but was lost with all the changes made to ARMA3. When(if) live settles down I want to look at reimplementing it.

  11. @Desrat

    I took a look and think I might have found the problem (well I found a problem, hopefully this fixes it)

    Replace your SLP_fnc_spawn.sqf with the new file


    Also make sure in your SLP_init.sqf set everything to 0.

    //# of Groups and Group size...Global Values use... -1 in script call to activate 
    //if you are not using paramsarray then set these values to 0
    //_Infgrp_num=             0; 
    //_Infgrp_size=            0;
    _Infgrp_num=                                	0         ;        //Sets # of Infantry groups
    _Infgrp_size=                                	0     	   ;        // Sets # of units in infantry groups
    _Vehgrp_num=                              		0        ;        // Sets # of vehicle groups
    _Vehgrp_size=                                	0        ;        // Sets # of units in vehicle groups
    _Armgrp_num=                             		0         ;        // Sets # of Armor groups
    _Armgrp_size=                              		0       ;      	// Sets # of units in Armor groups
    _Airgrp_num=                                    0        ;     	// Sets # of Air groups
    _Airgrp_size=                                   0        ;    	// Sets # of units in Air groups

    Give this a try and let me know. If this fixes the problem I will put out a new version of SLP.

  12. @Desrat

    I will have to do some testing. To find out why it is throwing that error, in the meantime try this and see if it works

    _infantry = [(paramsArray select 0),(paramsArray select 1)];
    _vehicles = [(paramsArray select 2), 1, true];
    _armor = [(paramsArray select 3),1];
    _air = [(paramsArray select 4),1];
    ["spawn",[0,0],["target_marker",[25,150]],_infantry,_vehicles,_armor,_air,["defend",300]] spawn SLP_spawn;

    Let me know. I will not be able to fire up ARMA3 until tomorrow night.

    ---------- Post added at 05:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:18 PM ----------


    SLP use to have the capability to name a spawned group, but with all the recent changes it doesn't work anymore. It can be implemented again, I just have not had the time to look into the new commands that BIS has put out.

  13. @Desrat

    The tank array is in the SLP_unit_config.sqf. This is user defined. In the demo I have all the BIS class names but you can add or change what ever you like. The only two armors are for opfor and bluefor, nothing is defined for indepentent or civilian. You want to double check your call line and also check the SLP_units_config.sqf and make sure whatever you are trying to call has the _tanks = [] (array) has something in it.

    When you set up the arrays the pilot class is first, then the crew type classes are second
    _units = [ pilot, crew , units....]
    switch (_faction) do 
    case 0: //opfor
    	_Leaderunits = 	["O_Soldier_TL_F","O_officer_F","O_Soldier_SL_F","O_recon_TL_F"];
    	_units =	   	["O_helipilot_F","O_crew_F","O_Soldier_F","O_Soldier_lite_F","O_Soldier_GL_F","O_Soldier_AR_F","O_soldier_M_F","O_Soldier_LAT_F","O_medic_F","O_soldier_repair_F",
    	_vehicles = 	["O_MRAP_02_F","O_MRAP_02_hmg_F","O_MRAP_02_gmg_F","O_Quadbike_01_F","O_Truck_02_covered_F","O_Truck_02_transport_F","O_APC_Wheeled_02_rcws_F"];
    	_tanks = 		["O_APC_Wheeled_02_rcws_F"];
    	_helo = 		["O_Heli_Light_02_F","O_Heli_Light_02_unarmed_F","O_Heli_Attack_02_F","O_Heli_Attack_02_black_F"];
    	_plane =     	[];
    	_boat = 		["O_Boat_Armed_01_hmg_F","O_Boat_Transport_01_F"];//,"O_Lifeboat"
    case 1: //bluefor
    	_Leaderunits = 	["B_officer_F","B_Soldier_TL_F","B_recon_TL_F","B_Soldier_SL_F"];
    	_units =		["B_Helipilot_F","B_crew_F","B_Soldier_F","B_Soldier_02_f","B_Soldier_03_f","B_Soldier_lite_F","B_Soldier_GL_F","B_soldier_AR_F",
    	_vehicles = 	["B_MRAP_01_F","B_MRAP_01_gmg_F","B_MRAP_01_hmg_F","B_Quadbike_01_F","B_Truck_01_transport_F","B_Truck_01_covered_F","B_APC_Wheeled_01_cannon_F"];
    	_tanks = 		["B_APC_Tracked_01_rcws_F"];
    	_helo = 		["B_Heli_Light_01_F","B_Heli_Light_01_armed_F","B_Heli_Attack_01_F","B_Heli_Transport_01_F"];
    	_plane =        [];
    	_boat = 		["B_Boat_Armed_01_minigun_F","B_Boat_Transport_01_F","B_Lifeboat"];		
    case 2: //greenfor	
    	_Leaderunits = 	["I_Soldier_AR_F","I_Soldier_SL_F","I_Soldier_TL_F"];
    	_units =		["I_helipilot_F","I_crew_F","I_Soldier_02_F","I_soldier_F","I_Soldier_lite_F","I_Soldier_A_F","I_Soldier_GL_F","I_Soldier_M_F","I_Soldier_LAT_F",
    	_vehicles = 	["I_MRAP_03_F","I_MRAP_03_hmg_F","I_MRAP_03_gmg_F","I_Quadbike_01_F","I_Truck_02_covered_F","I_Truck_02_transport_F"];
    	_tanks = 		[];
    	_helo = 		["I_Heli_Transport_02_F"];
    	_plane =		[];
    	_boat = 		["I_Boat_Armed_01_minigun_F","I_Boat_Transport_01_F"];		
    case 3: //Civilian	
    	_Leaderunits = 	["C_man_1","C_man_1_1_F","C_man_polo_1_F"];
    	_units =		["Civilian_F","C_man_1","C_man_1_1_F","C_man_1_2_F","C_man_1_3_F","C_man_polo_1_F","C_man_polo_2_F","C_man_polo_3_F","C_man_polo_4_F","C_man_polo_5_F","C_man_polo_6_F"];
    	_vehicles = 	["C_Offroad_01_F","C_Quadbike_01_F"];
    	_tanks = 		[];
    	_helo = 		[];
    	_plane =		[];
    	_boat = 		["C_Rubberboat"];		
    /*case #: //Takistan army	
    	_Leaderunits = 	[""];
    	_units =		["pilot class","Crew class","units"];
    	_vehicles = 	[];
    	_tanks = 		[];
    	_helo = 		[];
    	_plane =		[];
    	_boat =         [];

    If this doen't help or solve the problem, I will probably need to see the error that is in your .rpt.

  14. @R.Flagg

    I will take a look at it. I think I know what is going on. In the demo mission, I show an example of how to use the SLP_markers with editor places units. I am pretty sure this is causing the error. If you want to test this, open the demo mission in editor, in the bottom left corner you will find an editor placed boat. Just delete the boat, see if the error goes away. Of course, this is also just a guess. I will test all this later, cant test anything atm.

  15. ah got it, I will take a look at it. The way everything is initialized now, the waituntils are probably not needed. I don't know why they would throw an error, the triggers get initialized after the init.sqf.


    Been testing some different things and I can't get that error to show up.

    I screwed up in v3.42 and had

    SLP = [] execVM "SLP\SLP_init.sqf"

    I changed eveything in v3.43 to be

    SLP_init = [] execVM "SLP\SLP_init.sqf"

    Make sure in your init.sqf you have

    SLP_init = [] execVM "SLP\SLP_init.sqf"

  16. @MeatballCB

    I am not sure I follow what you are saying. When you tried to call a spawn from the init.sqf you got errors or you are getting errors now?


    EDIT: Your spawn line is wrong. If you are using markers , then the marker name has to be in "" (quotes).

    try this


    SLP_init = [] execvm "SLP\SLP_init.sqf";
    execvm "group.sqf";


    waituntil {scriptdone SLP_init};
    ["BLUEFOR",[1,1,true],["BLUEFOR",10],[3,8],[4,4],[],[1,2],[attack,"city"]] spawn SLP_spawn;

    If you want to send me your mission I will be glad to take a look at it.

  17. where are you execvm'ing the group.sqf? You have the line commented out in you init.sqf.

    You can do this

    SLP_init = [] execvm "SLP\SLP_init.sqf";
    waituntil {scriptdone SLP_init};
    execvm "group.sqf";  

    I personally do not like using waituntils in the init.sqf, but you can do it. Another option is to use a trigger in the editor.

  18. @zdowgg

    Not sure why you are getting an error with the setskill arrays. I have not encountered any errors with that. If you use just the demo mission, do you get any errors? I think, this is just a guess, that when you edited the SLP_init.sqf you have mistake somewhere and it is kicking out the error. A great tool is squint, it will help check .sqfs.

    Squint download:


    ---------- Post added at 03:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:54 PM ----------

    Thanks Foxhound for the update

  19. Newest Version:

    v3.43 posted on front page

    ---------- Post added at 05:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:25 PM ----------


    First make sure you are using the latest version older versions had examples of using paramsarray, which could be confusing if you are not familiar with it. The error looks like you are trying to define global variables for the number of spawns for infantry/vehicles/armor/air but you have nothing defined in the description.ext. If you open SLP_init.sqf, you can edit values. Look for this...

    //# of Groups and Group size...Global Values use... -1 in script call to activate 
    //if you are not using paramsarray then set these values to 0
    //_Infgrp_num=             0;
    //_Infgrp_size=            0;
    _Infgrp_num=                                	0         ;        //Sets # of Infantry groups
    _Infgrp_size=                                	0     	   ;        // Sets # of units in infantry groups
    _Vehgrp_num=                              		0        ;        // Sets # of vehicle groups
    _Vehgrp_size=                              	0        ;        // Sets # of units in vehicle groups
    _Armgrp_num=                             		0         ;        // Sets # of Armor groups
    _Armgrp_size=                              		0       ;      	// Sets # of units in Armor groups
    _Airgrp_num=                                    0        ;     	// Sets # of Air groups
    _Airgrp_size=                                   0        ;    	// Sets # of units in Air groups

    If you are not using paramsarray in description.ext set the above values to 0.

    If you want to understand how to use paramsarray download the demo mission Defend. I will post a link on the first page

  20. Sorry about that StrongHarm, I didn't test SLP_hunt, but I did test SLP_attack and it did not throw any errors. I missed the

    waituntil {|#|SLP_init == 1};

    in both of them. I took the variable out completely, or I thought I did anyway. I will fix the problem and get a new version up. You can try just deleting the waituntil ,see if that takes care of your errors

    ---------- Post added at 07:52 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:25 AM ----------

    I realize making corrections yesterday and drinking rum may not have been the best combination. Anyway here is a new version with the hotfixes. I am going to wait to put it on first page until I get some feed back to make sure it is error free. I have not had a chance to test it.

    new version v3.43


    I did make one change to be aware of in your init.sqf , the line should be

    SLP_init = [] execvm "SLP\SLP_init.sqf";

    Thanks again Strongharm for bringing this to my attention

  21. Newest Version:

    v3.42 linked first page


    -fixed the errors caused by the latest beta

    -added class names for armor

    -the line in init.sqf has changed to SLP= [] execVM "SLP\SLP_init.sqf";

    -call line requires 8 elements now...0= ["nameofspawn",[side,faction],[position],[infantry],[vehicles],[armor],[air],[tasks]] spawn SLP_spawn;

    -fixed bad class name in SLP_units_config

    If you have any problems, let me know. I did not receive any errors while testing.

    ---------- Post added at 07:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:32 PM ----------

    I made a very quick mission for the group I play with. Thought I would put it out here if anyone wants to look at it and see a basic defend type set-up using SLP. I put this mission together in about 10-15 mins, it is no where near complete, nor (for you die hard realism fans) is it realistic. However, it is fun to play with some friends and pretty much all action.

    The host can decide on the # of attacking waves of infantry , the size of the groups, # of vehicles, # of helos. The delay/speed at which the groups will spawn and attack. It also uses VAS and a basic respawn.

    Defend the base, enemy gets to the flag pole, you lose.

    Again, this is just a demo mission not really a "real" coop mission


  22. I just tried the newest beta and got lots of wonderful errors. I have everything working error free (at least until the next patch). I need to do some more testing,just to make sure I have not missed anything. I will also add the new armor/tracked vehicles. I should have the newest version up this weekend.
