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Posts posted by nomadd

  1. Nevermind, I think I figured out what was happening. Ignore this post.


    I love your spawner. It is wonderful for doing ambushes.

    I was wondering if you chould tell me what this error is

    2010/03/26, 20:10:07 Error in expression <ts _newGroup;

    _spawnUnit = (_unitsGroup select _loop);

    if (_spawnUnit == leader>

    2010/03/26, 20:10:07 Error position: <select _loop);

    if (_spawnUnit == leader>

    2010/03/26, 20:10:07 Error Zero divisor

    2010/03/26, 20:10:07 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.isladuala\scripts\murk_spawn.sqf, line 286

    I found it alot in my .RPT when I was checking a mission for errors.


  2. TR,

    I have noticed I keep getting this error in my arma2.rpt.

    Error in expression <factor[0.3, 1]) min (rpm factor[1, 0.3])>

    Error position: <>

    Error Missing )

    Error in expression <factor[0.3, 1]) min (rpm factor[1, 0.3])>

    Error position: <>

    Error Missing )

    Error in expression <factor[0.3, 1]) min (rpm factor[1, 0.3])>

    Error position: <>

    Error Missing )

    Error in expression <factor[0.3, 1]) min (rpm factor[1, 0.3])>

    Error position: <>

    Error Missing )

    Error in expression <factor[0.3, 1]) min (rpm factor[1, 0.3])>

    Error position: <>

    Error Missing )

    Error in expression <factor[0.3, 1]) min (rpm factor[1, 0.3])>

    Error position: <>

    Error Missing )

    Error in expression <factor[0.3, 1]) min (rpm factor[1, 0.3])>

    Error position: <>

    Error Missing )

    Error in expression <factor[0.3, 1]) min (rpm factor[1, 0.3])>

    Error position: <>

    Error Missing )

    I did some testing and found that it only happens when I load the TRWV mod. It doesn't seem to effect game play. It is when I check my .rpt for errors. It has been spammed to hell. What I posted is a small fraction of what is actually in the arma2.rpt.


  3. @woodstock

    Hey, if revive stopped working it maybe something in your init.sqf. I have found somethings block the

    "server execVM "revive_init.sqf";"
    in the init.sqf if they are processed before it. Try moving the "server execVM "revive_init.sqf";"closer to the top. I don't know why it happens but I have seen it happen in my missions.

    Also make sure your markers in the editor match the ones in the revive_init.sqf.

    If you are not using all four then be sure to remember and clear the name in the revive_init.sqf.

    Hope this helps


  4. Well I have tested (as much as my time will allow) and I can't figure it out. Sometimes the AI is just insanely fun/good to fight ,othertimes I can walk up to an AI and they just stand in place looking dumb. I have tried dropping mods etc, etc I have also played with the skill and precision settings.

    The problem seems to be mainly Machinegunners and snipers from what I can tell. AI with just rifles seem to work fine. I don't think the problem is Zeus. It is a conflict somewhere. I just have to find it.

    Luckily most of the time everything plays well


  5. @woodstock

    first thing I see is


    _no_respawn_points = 3;

    _Base_1 = "Mobile";

    _Base_2 = "Insertion";

    _Base_3 = "Medvac";

    _Base_4 = "Chopper";

    "_no_respawn_points" should be 4 not 3 , since you are using all 4

    there maybe other problems but I am heading out the door and out of time to look.


  6. I have been using the addon for months and love it, but I have been seeing some pretty bad accuracy with the AI. The worst seems to be snipers and machine gunners. I have stood about 15-20m from a Russian machine gunner and he never hit me. I am running CBA,ACE,ACEX,ACE_SM,GL4 (yes I disabled the AI difficulty in GL4) as my main mods I also have misc mods for islands, vehicles,etc. The AI inaccuracies are recent. I know this is not much to go on. I will try and do some more testing.

    One last note, I have been doing a lot of mission making on IslaDuala so it may be something with that island. I will try and test some on Utes and Cher.

    I would love to get this resolved. This is a great mod.


  7. @Madmike

    Not sure if this will help but I have found in mission making that putting certain things before "server execVM "revive_init.sqf";" in your Init.sqf will cause the revive not to work. I have no idea why this is ,but I try to keep "server execVM "revive_init.sqf";" near the top of the init.sqf.

    If you are trying to run GL4.sqfs (the userconfig sqfs) from inside your mission folder and you put the

    waitUntil { !(isNil "GL4_Global") };

    [] execVM "GL4_Settings\GL4_Global.sqf";

    like Snkman says , before the server execVM "revive_init.sqf"; Revive will not work. I have tried it.

    Hope this helps.


  8. @snkman

    Sounds strange...

    In single or multiplayer? What exactly have you all done with the helicopter?

    Did you request it and fly around with it?

    Where have you been as you have the cancelled the helicopter request? Inside the helicopter or somewhere else on the ground?

    I was editing a mission(went into preview) when I was testing this. I will test in a MP game and see if it makes a difference.

    I had requested the helo, flew around, landed, got out, and told the helo to move back toward where it came from. Then I cancelled the helo. At that point it just stopped in midair/midflight. I also tried it where I got out and cancelled the helo. The helo just stayed where it had landed.

    I will try it again to night in a MP game.

    I am running CBA, ACE ,ACEX, ACEX_SM ,GL4 , ZuesAI and VFTCAS mod to keep the AI pilots from crashing into everything.

    I will also drop my mods and try it.

  9. Norrin,

    I love this script it has added so much to my mission design. I have come across a problem though. Maybe, you can reproduce it.

    I host and play from the same machine. When my friends and I get in the helo and goto fast rope destination works great, but if I die before the helo gets back to base . The helo just stops in mid air and I lose control of it when I respawn/revive.(I am using your revive/respawn btw not sure if this matters). To get around this problem, I just hide until helo is ready again. But one time I was shot as soon as I hit the ground, of course, no one else was hit.

    Also, when I am doing mission design/test. If I fast rope/set destination. Then die before the helo gets back to base. I will never get the ability to call for extraction. If I go back to base and get in the helo I get the option to set fast rope destination though.

    I usually need to call the helo multiple times in missions. So if I lose control of it it forces a restart.

    ATM I am using ACE,GL4 and ZuesAI.

  10. Snkman,

    Thank you for the reply. Sorry it has taken awhile to post back. I tried all these different settings like you suggested.. I tried increasing the sleep time. I tried putting this at the top of the Init.sqf and at the bottom. Found at the top some things below it like revive.sqf would not load. No luck with anything I did. No matter what it always uses the settings in ARMA2\userconfig\GL4\. And yes I only used first set or the second set not both together in the Init.sqf.



    waitUntil { !(isNil "GL4_Global") };

    [] execVM "GL4_Settings\GL4_Global.sqf";

    waitUntil { !(isNil "GL4_Local") };

    [] execVM "GL4_Settings\GL4_Local.sqf";

    waitUntil { !(isNil "GL4_Random") };

    [] execVM "GL4_Settings\GL4_Random.sqf";



    waitUntil { !(isNil "GL4_Global") };

    sleep 0.1;

    #include "GL4_Settings\GL4_Global.sqf";

    waitUntil { !(isNil "GL4_Local") };

    sleep 0.1;

    #include "GL4_Settings\GL4_Local.sqf";

    waitUntil { !(isNil "GL4_Random") };

    sleep 0.1;

    #include "GL4_Settings\GL4_Random.sqf";


  11. Anyway to expand on this? I would like to set in my mission, that if a player kills say 3 civilians, then that player will be killed. Set a penalty for killing civilians.

    If that is too hard to code, then make it so if 3 civilians get killed then the whole team gets killed and has to respawn. I would like something to deter killing civilians but I don't really want to kill the whole mission becuase one player decides to shoot the civilians.


  12. snkman,

    I have put this code in my init.sqf and added a GL4_settings folder to my mission folder. With copies of GL4_Global.sqf, GL4_Local.sqf and GL4_Random.sqf in the gl4_settings folder. When I load my mission and play it, the mission is still using settings from the GL4 in my main ARMA2 directory.

    I am hosting and playing from the same computer, not sure if this is a factor. I would like to be able to change GL4 settings from my mission folder , so I don't have to change the files in ARMA2\userconfig\GL4 every time I load a different mission. What else do I need to do? I have search this thread but did not find the answer.


    waitUntil { !(isNil "GL4_Global") };

    #include "GL4_Settings\GL4_Global.sqf";

    waitUntil { !(isNil "GL4_Local") };

    #include "GL4_Settings\GL4_Local.sqf";

    waitUntil { !(isNil "GL4_Random") };

    #include "GL4_Settings\GL4_Random.sqf";

    BTW Thanks for all your hard work on GL4. Me and all my friends that play love it.
