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Everything posted by riouken

  1. While this is true, if your going to be creating lots and lots of cars then you might not want to clutter up the mission namespace. If your only going to have a few of the objects and then you could just make it global.
  2. You can either pass the local reference to the script directly: [color=#3E3E3E]_car = "jeep" createVehicle (getpos location); [/color] 0 = [[color=#3E3E3E]_car] execVM "movecar.sqf";[/color] Or if your move script will not run until later you could save the reference into an array to pull out later: [color=#3E3E3E]_car = "jeep" createVehicle (getpos location); [/color] mylistofcars = [[color=#3E3E3E]_car];[/color] then later: _car = mylistofcars select 0; _car setPos _newpos
  3. You have to when you place a marker down on the map, it is dependent on what chat channel you are in as to who can see it. Ie. If you are in group chat(or you typed last in group chat) then only people in your group can see your markers. Its a "feature" in arma, has nothing to do with domination.
  4. The way your using it works fine for setting text but to update text in controls(ie buttons) then you have to access them like this: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?128910-Dialog-IDD-amp-IDC&p=2074703&viewfull=1#post2074703
  5. He could just check if they have the weapon and if so remove it. _soldier=_this select 0; while {alive _soldier} do { sleep 1; //to avoid too intensive looping if (_soldier hasWeapon "M24") then { _soldier removeWeapon "M24"; Hint "Your not allowed to carry that weapon."; }; };
  6. This really should go one forum down in the Addon Editing Forums. When you re post this down there please post at least some of your config or no one is going to be able to help you.
  7. Yes just overwrite them, you do not have to delete them first just overwrite them with lbAdd.
  8. I don't know about the sp gui, but I would like to help you make one demonized. I will pm when I get home this afternoon.
  9. riouken

    Working LHD Elevator

    First I would not use "control" as a var name. It is reserved, it is used in arma as a ui object , I am astonished it works at all like that. Second you will be creating the elevator on the server, but it you have the controls to move the elevator in this: "LHD\elevdown.sqf" that will not work, you are calling that script locally from an addaction. That means that the vehicle(the elevator) is local to the server and the script you called is local to that player, there is no way for the script to interact with the elevator. Your addaction should call a function to send a command to the server to execute "LHD\elevdown.sqf" on the server.
  10. riouken


    You could use http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/findDisplay to check if it is active, but you will need the Idd of the gps or the others. I am not sure what the idd is for the gps, maybe someone else knows what it is or where to find it.
  11. Here is some working code that I am working on for a random mission system, similar to side missions in domi. It is still a work in progress and I have not commented it to well, but you should get the picture.(Im sure sickboy or xeno could provide some better examples, as I am still a little new to scripting with CBA events.) I have done some things with MPF in the past, addactions, messages and markers. But I find the CBA events to be much more powerful and easier to work with. To top if off they create less net traffic. The only downside to the way im doing JIP is that it is sending the the array of data for each mission twice over the network, once from the cba event and once for the PV. But I don't know of a better way to do this, and I have tried to limit the amount of data being sent. I have three init's one for the server, one for the player, and one for jip. server init: player init: Player Jip:
  12. You can use multiple random spawn points: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/description.ext#respawn That will respawn them at one of the points randomly. If you want to pick a specific location for each one you will need to use a script. Here is a very good easy to use vehicle respawn script: (I haven't tested it in TOH but it should work with out to much trouble.) http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?76445-Simple-Vehicle-Respawn-Script
  13. @Demonized Nice test, due to the wording I was under the impression that you could only evaluate two values.
  14. Yes the first logic is not right, the (or) command can only evaluate two values. Your first code should look like this: wincon and ((M1A2Acon or M1A2Bcon) or (LAV25Acon or infantrylosscon)) You have to break it down with () into sections of two that can be evaluated.
  15. riouken

    Dialog ctrlText issue

    Why don't you post what you have and we can see what the problem is.
  16. riouken


    Use BIS_fnc_destroyCity
  17. Could you give some more info on what you mean by player group selections?
  18. Try using a boolen variable to start the second trigger: first trigger: onActivation [color="Red"]mypubvariable1 = true[/color];tskObj5 setTaskState "Succeeded"; taskhint ["Dog Tags acquired !\nTask Complete", [0.600000,0.839215,0.466666,1], "taskDone"]; Second Trigger: condition field mypubvariable1
  19. You could use http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/nearRoads to try and script in placing waypoints only on roads. But that is not an easy task.
  20. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/toString http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/to http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/toArray http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/toLower http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/toUpper ---------- Post added at 09:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:09 AM ---------- You can also reformat it as a string: _myage = 100; _myagestring = format ["%1",_myage]; hint _myagestring; http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/format you can also do it with str as Muzzleflash pointed out. lol I almost for got about str.
  21. I would take a look at this: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=120389 AI convoys are not an easy task. That script has some random options, but if its not enough post up what you have so far and I will see if I can make it more random for you.
  22. Its in the config, you would need to make an addon that overwrote the games(or ACE's) config values. More info: http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&id=101207 But I think it would be a lot easier to just provide a boat or set up a script to "stow" their gear in their ruck and then ford the river, then have them unstow their gear. You could just save their gear to a variable and add it back when they get to the other side.
  23. They are already in your game files, here is a helpfull post: http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1308626&postcount=2 "ca\modules\dyno\data\scripts\objectMapper.sqf" "ca\modules\dyno\data\scripts\objectGrabber.sqf"
  24. Sorry I cant test it right now, but this should work, Just select the highcommand groups from your hc bar like normal(f1,f2,etc) then activate this sqf with an addaction or trigger. It will work even if you select multiple hc groups. hcstopfnc.sqf _myselectedhcgroups = hcSelected player; _selectedhccount = (count _myselectedhcgroups) - 1; for "_i" from 0 to _selectedhccount do { private ["_tempgrp"]; _tempgrp = _myselectedhcgroups select _i; {_x stop true;} foreach _tempgrp; };