There is a thread on 1.05 Benchmark Mission Results
Can you advise what FPS you get in multiplayer compared to those 2 benchmarks.
Will FPS in person vs. person MP (no AI) be equal to Bench1 results and CO-OP MP equal to Bench2 results? Or they will be lower and if lower than by what percentage approximately?
I have studied this thread but very few give their figures for FPS in MP and probably after .04 and .05 patches recommendations may have changed a bit.
It would be nice to know how the benchmarks relate to MP performance for those who does not have the game yet.
I plan to upgrade my system for ArmA and would like to know that rig would give me 35+ FPS in PvP MP and 25+ in CO-OP. I have got an idea that I do not necessarily have to spend on i7@4Ghz and quad sli/cross (I hope so as I can not afford it before summer maybe), but there are many different opinions and not enough figures as people often do not mention their resolution, patch version and mode they play in in this thread.
What are your expectations regarding Operation Arrowhead performance? I know BIS said that the requirements will not change but... Is it worth waiting for its release before upgrading (playing ArmA I meanwhile :D)? Is it expected early 2010?
Thank you for your help.