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Everything posted by Reimann

  1. Possible, but not likely. I'll take you up on looking over yours if you get really stumped.
  2. Of course triggers have information on who is in them. The game will check everything that is in them, which is useful for a great many things. But it's not an efficient way to do this. It seems addAction is purely local, including any script called from it. A radio trigger works, though I needed to call it to an object rather than the player, despite being able to call the object to the player: trig setpos getpos player; _pos = [(getpos trig) select 0, (getpos trig) select 1,0]; wp = grp1 addWaypoint [_pos, 0]; I have used a waypoint, but I'm sure there are other methods that I'm not about to test right now. 'trig' is the name of the trigger with the radio in it, which calls the script, and helo1 has grp1 = group this in its init.
  3. When entering objects with lines within them (ie. trigger statements, adding a unit's init, etc.) via a script, wrap double-double quotations around things which would have single double-quotations in the editor: "task1 setTaskState ""Succeeded""" JIP.. I suppose wrap it in isServer tags so you only have one trigger and add publicVariable to broadcast the variable within the trigger. As before, and in response your PM - you need to broadcast the change in variable, else it will only exist for those that triggered it. "task2 setTaskState ""Succeeded""; task2done=true; publicVariable ""task2done""" Then have a script run from init (or within it, but that's just messy), to change mission parameters (ie. setTaskState, new task, spawn new units or scripts, etc.) if isNil varName { do stuff; } else exitWith { other stuff; }; Also, even besides the double-double quote marks, yours are all over the place. I've never used taskhint, but to re-iterate the single double double quotation marks and all: _trg1=createTrigger["EmptyDetector",getPos Gorka]; _trg1 setTriggerArea[200,200,0,false]; _trg1 setTriggerActivation WEST,NOT PRESENT,true; _trg1 setTriggerStatements ["west countSide thislist <= 2", "task1done=true; publicVariable ""task1done""; nul = [objNull, ObjNull, task1, ""SUCCEEDED""] execVM ""CA\Modules\MP\data\scriptCommands\Taskhint.sqf""",""]
  4. I'd recommend you download Mr Murray's Deluxe Editing guide, and read through chapter 10. Or steal someone else's GUI. I haven't made one myself yet, so all I could offer is a countdown timer script with the number flashing on screen. There's a huge difference in work between a number and a growing bar, which I don't think is as functional as a number anyway - but people do prefer the lights and gaudy things over concise information and functionality.
  5. Reimann

    JIP question

    A trigger, requiring isServer and whatever condition you want met, and on act. varName = true; publicVariable "varName" Have a script run from init.sqf that includes an addPublicVariableEventHandler to update tasks and fix markers and whatever...
  6. Markers are local. Just use the position of the player, rather than creating a marker there.
  7. Ah - I spawn units by script and don't use the subordinate module, which is why it is a little different.
  8. Try this enableSimulation false
  9. Reimann

    JIP question

    I'd recommend the trigger changing a variable and making it public. JIPs will pick up the latest variable value if it has been broadcast with publicVariable, and have those connecting check variables to update tasks.
  10. {_x addEventHandler ["killed", []execVM 'killed.sqf']; } forEach allUnits;
  11. Leader's init: this join grpName For HC: player hcsetgroup [grpName,""];
  12. A killed eventHandler would be more reliable and more flexible.
  13. Terminating a script: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=95816
  14. On detection, create a group west and join the civs to it. Making sure 'guerilla' is hostile to west, of course.
  15. Bookmark the Biki: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/High_Command Adding group under someones command <HCO> hcsetgroup [<group>,""]; Where: <HCO> - Person, is the Commander man <group> - Group, the group witch you want to add So one Example: player hcsetgroup [Razor_team,""];
  16. I'm fairly sure it uses the waypoint index, not the name.
  17. varName = ([_pos, 0, "C130J", _grp] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle) select 0;
  18. Reimann


    If it's just at mission start, it could always go in init.sqf, rather than each init field: player moveInCargo varName Won't work for AI, of course.
  19. _unit = ([_pos, 0, "UAZ_INS", _grp] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle) select 0;
  20. Reimann

    [TvT48]Little Things

    It should run fine as 4v4. If it looks under-populated you can take over an AI fireteam or eight. I don't know what a fragstick mine is, but I thought the US already had a somewhat difficult time of it. Is it an ACE thing? While ACE changes every day I'm hesitant to use it.
  21. There being a complete lack of PvP gaming where I am, I thought it might be useful to have a mission that was designed to start with fewer numbers than would be required toward the end (named from the old saying) to get PvP servers started. I have put together a mission that begins as an infantry patrol, and as objectives are completed and new intel received, new equipment is dropped in, culminating in a combined arms battle at the finale. The US team begins at the Nizhnoye docks, there as part of the CO-IN ops to patrol for insurgents, search for weapon caches, and generally fly the flag while denying the area to the enemy. Hearing of the foot patrol, the local cells quickly converge on the area to ambush the marines. There is no magic box. Players will need to work together using their starting weapons to defeat the enemy, rather than relying on the one-man armies of DMR/SMAW warriors of dom/evo fame. Later, command will deliver launchers and vehicles for both teams. The insurgents, as natives of the area, have a base respawn, moving with the course of battle, as they trickle in from their homes or cells. The marines on the other hand will receive waves of reinforcements as they are available, brought in by boat, APC, huey and finally HALO. This is a beta, so of course feedback of any nature is welcome. Bugs, balance, weapon choices, briefing notes and so on. Anything you think is relevant I'll take on board. DOWNLOAD
  22. The code you want is this setpos [ getPos this select 0, getPos this select 1, z]; in the init. The first two variable being x and y. I don't use the 3d editor, so can't give you any tips there. Variables given in [square brackets] are parsed to the called script (in the example you gave). The book you're after is Mr Murray's Deluxe Editing Guide, dodgy English version: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=4848
  23. You might be better off using setWaypointScript instead of triggers.