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Everything posted by zombo

  1. zombo

    Monsters, zombies and so on

    so in the release there will not be SQF files only PBOs files
  2. A melee attack , A more inteligent IA , NO MORE BUGS , NOT MORE USSR ,RUSSIA . I would like to see England , China ,Irak, Iran,Germany , maybe USA but with new vehicles like f16 or f18 new weapons etc . a real country, a real city, No more repeated vehicles like T-72 or BMP2 or 1 they are in the game since OFP1 , MORE NEW ONES LIKE T95, more realistic air fly, more ships submarines, more realistic weapon sounds and scary,the ak47 and ak 107 in arma 2 sounds like toy guns for me ,more betters graphics a conboy waypoint and no more robotic voices and so on ... :smile: sorry for my bad English :)
  3. zombo

    Monsters, zombies and so on

    when you release this it is going to be easy of download and install ? or its going to be something like ACE 2 mod ? please make this very easy to download and if it is necesary give us a guide to install all those zombies scripts in the release and the last question is this going to be a big release like 2GB ? (I do not now how to install a script in my ARMA 2 can someone give me a guide were this is explain ?). :) sorry for my bad English
  4. this is going to be a RTS or a FPS ? what about a DAWN OF WAR mod ?:)
  5. zombo

    Monsters, zombies and so on

    yes SLX has a knife animation .
  6. zombo

    Monsters, zombies and so on

    me too !! this mod is going to kick ass !:pet12: (no offense:))
  7. http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?game=0&cat=news&id=1981 I WANT THAT ANIMATION IN MY ARMA2 NOW!!!:cool: at least it's better than a man sitting in a chair with a floating mg.
  8. nice work . I cant wait to the release :D
  9. I would like to see a world war 1 mod .
  10. zombo

    what we have to do peace in world

    wars are becoming more bloody. we were creating new technology to kill us each other . THE PEOPLE IS BECOMING MAD!!!. in the world war1(1914 to 1918) like 15.000.000 of civilians and soldiers died in a stupid conflict of who as the more powerful country at the end of the conflict they said that this war will end all wars , and 21 years later in 1939 to 1945 like 60.000.000 of soldiers and civilians die again in another war call "world war 2" and now the USA is sending more troops to irak so for me the war will never end who nows maybe we are very close to another"world war " for water or fuel . dont forget the cold war we were very very close to a nuclear war . sorry for my bad English
  11. zombo

    Monsters, zombies and so on

    is this going to release soon ?:)
  12. @vilas hello vilas thanks for your work on this tank really appreciate it.:) this tank is not for the mod malvinas because this tank can not get into service in that war by other military reasons. yep the cannon of the TAM("Argentine Medium Tank") is very similar to the Leopard 1. the turrent was builded arround the Rheinmetall 105 mm cannon . the turrent has too a coaxial machine gun and one anti-aircraft cannon in the tower, both 7.62 mm and 6,000 cartridges. that is what i can found of it . here are some pictures that it would help you whit the turrent : http://media.photobucket.com/image/Torrevistasgenerales%255B1%255D.jpg/ara-202/VC%20datos/Torrevistasgenerales.jpg http://www.armyrecognition.com/Amerique_du_sud/Argentine/vehicules_lourds/TAM/TAM_argentine_08.jpg http://www.armyrecognition.com/Amerique_du_sud/Argentine/vehicules_lourds/TAM/TAM_argentine_07.jpg http://www.armyrecognition.com/Amerique_du_sud/Argentine/vehicules_lourds/TAM/TAM_argentine_12.jpg > 100kb here some General Characteristics Crew: 4, commander, gunsmith, loader, driver. Armor: 70 mm Main armament: 105 mm Rheinmetall, APFSDS-T HEAT-T, HESH, HE, HEP-T, Canister, Smoke, Trace. Secondary armament: 2 x 7.62 mm machine gun MG SLAP. Suspension: torsion bars. Speed: 75 km / h. Range: 550 km/650 L, 1 000 km (+ tank). i hope this help you in that turrent , sorry for my English
  13. "please delete this it was a accident "
  14. i would like to see big cities like Washington d.c or New york or even Berlin devided in two sides the comunist side and the democratic side , that would be great for a war mission like " world in conflict "(game) were the ww3 start .:rolleyes: here a picture of world in conflict : http://www.todotecnologia.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/world-soviet-assault-1594.jpg sorry for my English:bounce3:
  15. zombo

    Monsters, zombies and so on

    I can only say one thing " VERY NICE WORK ".
  16. Hi all . can someone make this tank "The Tanque Argentino Mediano ("Argentine Medium Tank"), or TAM" . The vehicle was developed by a German and Argentine team of engineers, and was based on the chassis of the German Marder infantry fighting vehicle. http://www.defesanet.com.br/imagens/argentina/tam.jpg http://www.dintel-gid.com.ar/Image/TAMhistoria/tam24.jpg http://img225.imageshack.us/img225/5426/tamcamuflajexb1.jpg and I would love to see the "Mirage III" and the "Dassault Mirage 2000".:) http://www.veafotoaqui.com/images/Mirage_2000C_3.jpg