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Ben Endless

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Everything posted by Ben Endless

  1. Ben Endless

    Escape Chernarus (Mission Release)

    Excellent mission Engima!! My friends and I have had many a fun and unique escape attempt thanks to you. To answer your question, there does seem to be an awful lot of armour in the most recent version. And could somebody please, please, PLEASE port this mission over to Fallujah 1.2??? (...with extra bonus points if you could incorperate the LoBo Gulf War units!!) I can just imagine the possibilities....:):):)
  2. My buddies and I have been playing this (Chenarus Cipher) through Combined Ops startup recently, and have noticed some funny behavior since patch 1.57. For instance, when playing in Spec Op mode, upon landing at the start of the mission, we're getting 2 to 4 AI squadmates popping up, when they are obviously unwanted. One of our human players got on a motorcycle, followed us out toward the AO, and when he disembarked the vehicle, he was back at the initial ammo crate, his previous self now an AI standing next to the bike. Also some (not constant, but noted) desynchronization (day for some, night for others). We are running a few mods (CBA, Blastcore, HiFi, JTD), but all are current versions, and we are all running the same exact pack of mods...I don't think it has to do with the mods, as they have all worked with this mission in the past. I'm guessing it has to do with changes since the previous patch. Is there any chance this mission could be double checked and possibly updated? This mission is a favorite among many, but appears to be quite broken at the moment. This possibly might be a good time to incorporate the new weapon suite from OA into the crates, as well.... I realize this was originally written for ArmA2, but I would suppose that most players play through a Combined Operations configuration at this point, if for nothing but the engine upgrades. Or maybe an ArmA2 Version, and a Combined Ops version, giving people a choice? Also, I am aware of Cipher: Valley of the Takiban...we play this from time to time as well, but prefer the original for the environment, and for it's "complete" status. VOTT is a nice port, but never felt like it had been...well, finished. It would be nice to be able to play this version without constant bugs forcing us to restart, and it would be nice to see VOTT actually come around to the state of completion that the original had (before the patch). I wish I could do this myself, but I personally have zero scripting skills. I realize that this is a free add-on, and mission makers are free to do (or not do) what they please. I'm not making any demands. This is more of a plea. Can anyone fix/update this wonderful mission?
  3. Ben Endless

    BD MultiGunFix

    Greetings! I'm not sure exactly how or why, but this mod screws up the ARMEX (multiplayer armory) that was released with the latest patch. When this mod is enabled, all the players spawn on an EMPTY AIRFIELD...no ARMEX to be seen. I spent a few hours tonight trying to determine which of the mods I was running was causing this bug, and MultiGunFix would appear to be the culprit. Just thought you'd like to know. Cheers.
  4. I was wondering if it might have had something to do with the latest patches. I have an NVIDIA GeForce GTX260...a halfway decent card. And my view distance is about 3600...a bit high, I know. But hey, at least I'm not crazy! I'll play through ArmA2 for the time being. It's an acceptable solution, now that I know it's an issue with the mod/patch/video card, and not my own stupidity. Not sure if it's a game issue, or a mod issue specifically, but it might be something the Unsung team would want to take note of. Anyway, thank you guys. Here's hoping that the next patch (which should be here by the 24th, along with the PMC), or the next Unsung installment clears this up. Everything is just SO much more convenient through Combined Ops. I appreciate the fast responses, as well!
  5. Well, now I'm really confused. I have Arma2, patched to 1.08.74450. And Operation Arrowhead (Combined Ops), patched to 1.55.75445. And BAF, which I've run the latest hotfix patch for. I have several other mods, so I'm about 99% sure my mod folder set-up is correct. The other mods I usually run are CBA (and CBA_A2 for ArmA2 only), WarFXParticles/Tracers, a Digital Compass mod, a Full-screen Night Vision mod, and HiFi sound mod. So here's what's weird: Unsung mod will run through my ArmA2 start-up...with or without all my other mods enabled (I tested both ways). When running through a Combined Ops start-up, my Combined Ops STOPS RESPONDING (needs to be shut down using the Task manager) everytime I start up an Unsung Mod mission, basically right when it becomes "playable". Epicenter plays the cutscene, loads the briefing, then hangs when I hit continue. Lowlands loads, then hangs right off the loading screen. I don't get the cut-scene. Poison Ivy loads, then hangs right off the loading screen. In all three instances, I get a black screen that says "receiving". I go to task manager, which reports that Arma2/OA has "stopped responding". This happens everytime I go through a Combined Ops startup. I've tried Combined Ops with CBA and Unsung only, same issue...the program stops responding. Unsung seems to work as it's supposed to through my ArmA2 start-up, even with all my other mods enabled. And all my other missions work with Combined Ops, even when Unsung is enabled. This "recieving" issue only seems to happen on the Unsung missions, through Combined Ops start-up. I've tried to re-download/re-apply the mod through different mirrors to make sure it wasn't a corrupted file. I have re-downloaded and re-installed all the latest patches. Still, the issue persists. Now I hear that others are running through Combined Ops with no issues, and I'm totally at a loss. What gives? I'm no programmer, so I don't know exactly what's happening here, but am I the only one having this problem? Is there anyone who can point me toward a solution? I mean, if it's just me, I'm probably doing SOMETHING wrong. But I've checked and double-checked, and even triple-checked. And others are now telling me this should work. Again, it seems to only affect Unsung, and only with a Combined Ops start-up.... I just don't get it. Please help....anyone?
  6. Quick question, guys.... I downloaded and installed the mod and the first patch last night. I got all my mod folders set, and went in for a go. I tried Epicenter first. I watched a cutscene, had the briefing load, and when I hit continue.....nothing but a black screen saying "receiving". My game had frozen. I rebooted, and tried the other two missons.....straight to the black "receiving" screen, in both instances. Another reboot, turned off all of my other mods (none that I was running should have interfered, but just to be safe). With nothing running but CBA and Unsung, again the same black "receiving" screen. Now, at this point, I should probably mention that I was running through a Combined Ops start-up, so... Just for ha-ha's, I went and added Unsung to my (old, original, long time untouched) ArmA2 modline (along with all my other mods), and started up through ArmA2. And wouldn't you know it, the mod worked!!! So my question (which would appear to be answered) is: Is this an ArmA 2 ONLY mod, that will not work with Combined Ops? And if so, why does it say "for ArmA2/OA" everywhere and all over in the readme, and on the sites where it's available for download? Will it only work ArmA2 stand-alone, or OA stand-alone, but not Combined Ops? And if so, how does that even make sense? Sorry if this comes off as harsh, or if my question is stupid. It may be my own mistake, or just not specifically enough implied, but...I'd really like clarification. I just pissed away two hours trying to figure out why this wouldn't work, just to finally get it working too late to do any actual playing. Talk about frustrating. I'll let you know how my first day in the 'Nam went....tomorrow, I guess.
  7. Ben Endless

    BD Tracer Lights

    Wow, that was fast! Thanks for the heads up! Will definitely be grabbing this one soon.
  8. Ben Endless

    BD Tracer Lights

    I'm planning on giving this a try once the "beta patch" requirement is rectified by the next official patch. I used to "beta patch", but the frequency of new builds made it difficult to keep up (from a "playing with my mates" standpoint, anyway). Perhaps this already answers my question, but for the sake of clarification.... I typically play with WarFXParticles, and OpticalSnare's Tracers mod. What I'm wondering is, will this overwrite/negate that tracers mod (as sound mods sometimes do)? Or will this actually enhance OS's Tracer mod? Or is this somehow bound to the default BIS tracers? Hope I don't sound like a dummy. This definitely looks !!!! Thanks in advance.
  9. Ben Endless

    New recoil, please make it go away

    -1 for the new recoil. Played some co-op last night, and the AI is still firing accurate 10 shot bursts from a standing position 200 meters away. It's quite obvious that they are unaffected by this new, horrible dynamic. I'm constantly dying because every time I return a shot (semi, from a crouch), my M4 is aimed 15 feet over their heads. This is total crap. For those who want to argue realism: I can concede that a gun kicks when it's fired, but it also comes to rest after the kick. Maybe not exactly where it was pointed, but at least on the relative elevation. This new recoil is more like "catching" your gun at the peak of recoil, and that's where it stays....so much for gravity or the laws of physics. For all you real life shooters (yes, I'm one), everytime you squeeze off a round, are you really PULLING DOWN to get you're sights unstuck from the sky? This new model more accurately represents a swift upward kick in your stablizing arm's elbow than a gun firing. And it's curious how your muscles lock once the apex is reached...the sights have to be manually LOWERED (not just re-aligned). My buddies and I lasted half a co-op mission last night before we reverted to playing ArmA2 1.07...simply to get away from this new, awful recoil. I'm all for realism, and in the sake of gaming, I also like to have fun. Anti-gravity recoil, and guns that only kick up and never come to rest, isn't realistic, or fun. I can see how this would even the playing field in PvP, and the old recoil may not have been perfect, but this just doesn't work. The AI now have the ability to lay down massive firepower on you, while you're harmlessly popping shots off above their heads, and your guns doing it's best "flagpole" impression. Boo for this. -1 recoil.
  10. Just started replaying with some buddies...Arma2 stand alone, version 1.07. Can confirm that when playing cooperatively, the campaign will not advance past the Harvest Red mission. Using a campaign I opened singleplayer, me and my buddies played from beginning thru to One Week Later. Everything worked great up until the end of Harvest Red. Had to use my earlier (SP) unlocked campaign to play Razor Two. Razor two went flawlessly (well, we missed one piece of evidence, , which seems to have disappeared), and then after sucessfully , it wouldn't advance again. Used the opened campaign again to advance to One Week Later, and it had no idea we , even though I/we had accomplished this in both instances. After a year on the market, it's disappointing to see this still not functioning. BIS...are you out there? Can this be repaired? A great campaign...I'd love to share it with my friends, but they're not the Singleplayer type....:(
  11. I've run into the same issue. I played Harvest Red Co-op with a buddy awhile back (patch 1.04 and 1.05), and at first we couldn't make missions advance past Harvest Red. You'd hit continue, but no Razor Two. To remedy this, I had to play through each mission past Harvest Red in singleplayer first, to unlock the next. Then we could play it in co-op. It was fun at first, but quickly became a chore. And yes, everytime we got to Bitter Chill, it seemed to totally ignore our previous campaign behavior. (you're wondering why your SOL with NAPA, even though you've been a friend to them up until this point, I'd bet) I never found a work-around. I was hoping by this point, with all of the new content that BIS has been pouring out, old content like Harvest Red would at least be working properly. I've convinced some buddies to pick up Combined Ops, and we were hoping to give Harvest Red another go-thru. We might be changing our plans if it's gonna be "same ol' problem" crap. Is there anyone out there with some useful Co-op Harvest Red info? Can this campaign be played properly co-operatively? Or is it still a buggy, non-functioning mess? Any help is appreciated. I've been trying to open my gaming clan's horizons a bit, but it tough to hold their interest when I have to keep making excuses as to why things don't work....... Wouldn't advancement of the campaign fall under "basic game component", and at least warrant a look at if it's broken? How is ArmA2 at 1.07, and the co-op is still all borked? Please BIS....FIX THIS. While people are still playing your game. Oh, and +1 for the original post.
  12. Ben Endless

    Someone please make this

    If you're looking for more singleplayer chopper missions, check out W0lle's OFP Mission Pack at Armaholic. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=5743&highlight=W0LLE I think it contains about 18 really fun singleplayer scenarios, but 3 in particular - Smash the Base, Ground Attack, and Ground Attack 2 - are all chopper missions. Not much, but a start. +1 for the thread, though. I would agree that there is a distinct lack of good "pilot" scenarios out there.
  13. Thank you, sir. Got it now. :)
  14. Ok, so just for clarification (as these last 5 pages have me confused): If I play Arma2 alone, use @CBA 0.4.2; If I play Operation Arrowhead stand-alone, use @CBA_OA; And if I play Combined Ops, I need both? I was under the impression the OA expansion would help us all get under the same umbrella, but as it turns out, it just makes 3 out of 2. And now I'm a little lost. I've been playing ArmA2 stand-alone (with friends), and Combined Ops (SP), using @CBA, WarFXParticles, Tracers, TangoRomeo, HiFi, and JTD.... Everything has been running fine except for the "spinning flames" while playing Combined Ops (and yes, I'm aware that it's another mod doing that, not CBA). Anyway, just double checked my @CBA version.........0-3-1?!?! I guess I'm behind. So, what do I need to download, precisely? And what do I do to avoid all this problematic stuff happening to these other guys? I'm grateful for any direction, here...... Also: It might be nice in the future to edit @CBA current version and update information into the first post on the thread. There's no way a mortal man can check this thread every single day, or should have to read through 30 pages of forum to find out a newer version is available. Just a friendly suggestion. Cheers.
  15. @froggyluv I realize this. I'm running CBA because I have to...to make WarFXParticles (as well as a few other mods) work. CBA is a necessity, not a choice. I'd like to run GL4 concurrently, but without GL4 AI. Since this CBA auto-initialize, no matter how I set my CORE (you've seen both examples), I get GL4 AI. Before the "auto-initialize" of 1.1.77, I could actually turn them off. So my question remains... What is this "auto-initialize" actually starting up? Is it starting up the AI I am trying to shut down in my CORE? And if so, why doesn't disabling the "auto-initialize" do anything? IS this "auto-initialize" simply an added feature which breaks the previously added features? A switch that doesn't switch anything? A "FORCE GL4 AI" mode? And most importantly..... How do I disable the AI now? I do like the visual/sound effect portion of the mod. I'd like to retain that part. I'm ok with the bleeding/burning/backblast effects. I'm still trying to keep the "vanilla" experience as far as core gameplay goes..... Why won't the GL4 AI disable since the latest update? Is there something more to know/do? Anyway, great mod. I only wish it worked like it worked a week ago. EDIT: If this is the case, than please disregard my previous post. It would seem the next version will work like it used to, and that's good enough for me! Anxiously awaiting the next update!
  16. Hey SNKMAN, So, I'm still having problems disabling the AI enhancements since 1.1.77. I would still like to run GL4 as a Special FX only... I set up my CORE userconfig like so: This is how you told me to set it originally. This setting worked with 1.1.75. Since 1.1.77, even with the userconfig set this way, I have seen AI throw smoke, imitate dead, enter empty vehicles, and do a few other GL4 behaviors. I should mention I'm also running CBA (for WarFXParticles, and HiFi). So I tried turning off the "CBA auto-initialize", and made the userconfig this: This seems to have no GL4 at all. No radio chatter. Nothing. Should I revert back to 1.1.75? I was very happy with the mod, until this most recent update. Now, I can't seem to set it how I want it (FX ONLY!). Why can't I disable GL4 AI? What does CBA Auto-Initialize actually initialize? What does disabling it do? Someone, PLEASE HELP ME!!!! Also, I know I mentioned it previously, but the broken radio chatter volume is........urrrrgh! I have it set to an acceptable (low) level in the userconfig, but everytime the radio chatter kicks in while something is loading (like in the amory for example, or if the mission starts in a vehicle), the volume setting is ignored and the radio-chatter becomes deafening!! I've tore off my headphones on about 10 occasions in the past week due to unexpected LOUDNESS! I don't mean to be a complainer, but 1.1.77 has seemed to break more than it added/fixed for me. I'd like to use this mod, but the current version has me so frustrated I'm wondering if it's worth it? What do I do? Anyway, great mod. I only wish it worked like it worked a week ago.
  17. Hey SNKMAN....another question: About this CBA auto-initialize... I still want my GL4 to be set up as an FX mod only, with no AI enhancement. When I updated to the most recent version 1.1.77, I set up the userconfig like you had instructed me to previously. I didn't touch the CBA auto-initialize line, though... Since then, I've seen AI throw smoke, and maybe possibly call reinforcements (not sure)? Also, I still have the HQ Radio feature...not an issue really...what would it do (assuming I have disabled friendly and enemy AI features)? or... Is CBA now re-initializing automatically what I had assumed to shut off? Also, I can confirm the broken radio-chatter volumes. I haven't forgotten about the "snapping-twig" sound files for you, either!!! It is a work in progress!! I should have a few to send along shortly. I'm still loving the mod...though since .77, I'm not so sure it's under my control anymore???
  18. I'd be glad to help in any way I can, mate! HiFi is another of my favorite mods at the moment, Mark XIII. I was actually pondering the other night how HiFi and GL4 would coincide once HiFi goes final...? As I mentioned earlier, all of my current mods are of the special effects/sound type (well...so far). I'm relatively new to ArmA2 (installed on my system about the same time patch 1.04 was released), and even newer to the mods, but ArmA2 has continued to amaze me for six solid months. It just keeps unfolding, and expanding, and blowing my mind, again and again. Anyway, love the HiFi. I latched onto the GL4 just recently to fill some of the gaps in the current HiFi beta (in particular the shell whistles, etc....projectile sounds), as well as layer over the excellent Tracers/WarFXParticles by OpticalSnare. These three (OpticalSnare, SNKMAN, MARK XIII's) mods make ArmA2 KICK so much ASS!!! I'll also layer Tango Romeo's Vehicle sounds earlier in the command line to fill in the vehicles not in the HiFi beta...nothing personal ;)...just to round it all out. :) Not that anyone is particularly interested, but: @CBA; @Tracers; @WarFXParticles; @GL4; @TRVehicleSounds; @HiFI; @JTD Smoke/Fire, Fat Rain, and Flies; if you are. Plus, now that I'm finally feeling like I stand a fighting chance against the default BIS AI, it's exciting to know I always have the GL4 AI enhancements (not to mention ACE2) to blow my mind YET AGAIN sometime in the near future. I've been PC gaming since 7 or 8 years old, when I had my Commodore 64. I've owned my fair share of computers and consoles, alike. I've played all the Battlefields, and all the COD's...even MW:2 (which is a steamy pile of excriment, I might add). I've always considered myself more of a military enthusiast/gamer than a "first person shooter". I stay away from the HALOs, Quake Wars, etc. At the moment, I'm a 35 year old man, and well...my point being, ArmA2 is the first MILITARY game I've played, as opposed to SHOOTER in a war-type enviroment, and I frickin' LOVE IT! I plan on sticking around for awhile. This seems a truly fantastic community! You gentlemen are all doing great work here...AND ALL FOR FREE! For the love of the game!! Words can't explain how awesome that is to me. It's an attitude that is very much in stark contrast to all the Infinity Wards of the world, and their hatred of the "hardcore" gamer. Then there's the "modularity", and the way you guys are all doing your own things, mod-wise, and yet working TOGETHER, as opposed to trying to outdo one another... I'd really be honored to contribute. Like I said before...it'd be a way of saying thanks. And if it improves the quality and immersion....well, then we all win!
  19. Yes this should simulate twigs. Well it's really hard to get a realistically twig sound from somewhere. I wanted to go to the nearby forest myself and record one but i don't have anything to record it in good quality. You can disable this "feature" only by removing the "GL4_Sound_FX.pbo" vecouse it is made config based. But if you remove/delete the "GL4_Sound_FX.pbo" then you will lose all features which are based on this .pbo SNKMAN, I've been playing with the mod more over the last day or two. I really love the twig effects....they work exactly right! I am still not too fond of that particular sound sample, as I mentioned before, but I would rather put up with it than disable the mod....the immersion and situational awareness it adds are superb! Thanks for the directions, but I will not be disabling. Now, as for the sound itself: I actually do have access to quality recording equipment...a friend of mine is a professional audio tech by trade, and also a fellow ArmA2 player. I was speaking to him about this very mod/sound today. If you would let me know your audio file requirements, I might be able to provide a few "twig snapping" sound samples for you. Actually, we were talking about doing just what you suggested...going out to the forest and recording it! I hope I don't seem too pushy, here. This game, coupled with your (and a few other's) excellent mods, is pretty much the main staple in my gaming. I plan on using this mod for years to come, so anything I can do to help you would just be my way of saying thanks. Anyway, if you would be interested, please let me know: File type? Maximum file size? Any other requirements? ...and I'll see what I can do!!! Thanks again for the prompt response!
  20. Ben Endless

    JTD Fat Rain

    Just a random question: No bisign for this or the flies? I realize these are probably only local effects, and may or may not work in MP, but... Just wondering if there's a difference (between bisign and no bisign pbos)? And if not, why not do it just for consistancy's sake? Anyway, cheers. I'm a big fan of Smoke/Fire, Fat Rain, and the Flies. Stellar work, sir!
  21. Greetings again, SNKMAN. I DLed the latest version of your mod a few days ago, and am enjoying it immensely!!! Just one question/comment: I've noticed when running or crawling through wooded areas, there is a "psht....psht..psht..." type sound, randomly. I'm assuming it's meant to simulate twigs and branches snapping underfoot, as it seems to happen most frequently in the woods, only occasionally in fields, and never on roads. I know this going to sound nit-picky, but: I live in a heavily wooded area....I know what snapping branches sound like, and that is not it. While I enjoy the effect (and the clever way it was implemented, I might add), I'm not crazy about that particular sound effect. My issue is that this "snapping twig" sound really sounds very much more like a nearby suppressed gunshot...had me really looking around at first. So I started paying attention to when/where I was actually hearing it. At one point, I was leading a squad through the woods, and it sounded like a hundred distant snipers. Although I've heard it described as "clonky-tonk", I personally don't see any issue with the vanilla foot-fall sound effects in ArmA2. My question is: Where do I go to disable this "twig" sound? It's driving me a bit nuts! And my comment would be: Fantastic mod, SNKMAN. A brilliant add-on. Perhaps if any future versions emerge, you could make that "snapping branch" sound a little more organic, and a little less mechanic! Then I could enable it again!!! LOL! Keep up the good work, brother man!
  22. Ben Endless

    WarFX Particles

    Guess I knew what I was doing after all. :ok: That's a mild relief. Thanks.
  23. Ben Endless

    WarFX Particles

    Just to clarify, is the .bikey file a needed one if you're just running the mod? I was under the impression that the key files were for running a server that supports the mod. I keep a thumb drive with all my "raw" mods on it (to keep them seperate/safe). In my programs/bohemia/arma2 folder, I put the "@mod-x" folder, inside of which is an "addons" folder... ...and inside the "addons", I put my .pbos and .bisigns. Now, inside programs/bohemia/arma2 is another folder called "keys", which is where I've been storing all my .bikeys... thinking if I ever host a session, that's where they'd need to be. So I'm asking: (AnimalMother92, or whoever knows) Who's right here? What do the keys do, and where should they be? No disrespect. Maybe I misunderstand your post. I just thought I had that part figured out, and my understanding conflicts with what was written above. Thanks.
  24. Holy crap, that was a fast answer! Kudos to you, SNKMAN. This game, these mods, and more so this community impress me, yet again! Many thanks. :)
  25. And I also have a few more questions for SNKMAN... I set up the mod per your instructions, for Special Effects only, no AI enhancement. It seems to work very well. I noticed some new arty sounds I had never heard, as well as some new dirt clods flying around. Very nice indeed. I'm gonna have to play with this, minus the WarFXParticles mod, so I can better see what the specific effects of GL4 are...but they seem to play together nicely. My question: While using the GL4 mod in singleplayer, I've noticed when I get minorly wounded, I now have a "First Aid" option in my action menu, to heal myself. I'm assuming it's part of this mod, as it's never happened without GL4. Can I disable this "heal" option, while keeping the GL4 Special Effects? At this point, I'm only looking to enhance game atmosphere, not actual gameplay. I went through the userconfigs...saw nothing about it. Is it a part of the blood effects? Also, I didn't notice much in the way of camera shake/blur (near explosions) while using the mod. I was under the impression this was part of the effects... maybe I'm thinking of ACE2? Is the "shake" tied at all to the head-bob setting? I have mine very low, though not all the way off. Could this have something to do with it? Thanks again!