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Ben Endless

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Everything posted by Ben Endless

  1. Thanks for the prompt reply, SNKMAN. Might I just add that the community surrounding this game is pretty awesome as a whole!! I'll be trying out GL4 for the first time in a few moments. Keep up the good work!
  2. I was wondering the same thing as DRoberts69. I use WarFXParticles, and JTD Fire/Smoke....love them. I've downloaded this mod, and would like to layer some of the GL4 special effects into my mod package, but minus the AI tweaks. I'm simply looking for graphical/sound enhancements. Is this possible? I've looked at the "userconfig" sqm's, and they make no sense to me. Granted, I'm fairly new to the series, and to mods in general; but I've been able to make all the others (WarFX, JTD, panthera, TRSound, Hifi) work. I've dug through a lot of this thread, but at this point there's 80 pages of info, and I'd really rather be playing ArmA 2 than spending an entire day digging, and trying to set this up. So, Could someone be so kind as to tell me how I would set up the GL4 mod(effects only), to work in conjunction with WarFXParticles and HiFi sounds...but with the AI enhancements disabled? Thanks in advance for any helpful info.
  3. Hey guys... First off, great mod! I was a fan of the earlier betas, and I just downloaded beta 3 and played around with it a bit. I had a little trouble like some of the others here with errors at first, but removing the previously mentioned .pbos...AH6, PMSD, and UH1...seemed to do the trick. I might note that something about the UH1 .pbo makes "Trial by Fire" scenario a long swim for insertion....no Huey on the deck. I'm guessing it has something to do with the "invalid crewman" error? Anyway, got some weird CTD's before removing those three pbo's...seemed pretty stable after removing. I also played the Eagle Wing campaign. It seemed that the impact (trail offs, more precisely) from the cannon on the AH-64 were drowning out the rotor/engine sounds...as if the engine were inaudible under the "dying off" sounds of the impact explosions? Not sure if I can explain it any better, but it was definitely noticeable by the Peboda Dam. I was also using the TR sound mods at the time...HiFi called later in the command line, just for reference. Obviously, the hit sounds were being played over the engine sounds....just seemed like the trail-off part was cutting out the former sound....to weird effect. Anyway, keep up the good work, guys. Can't wait for the next updates!!
  4. Sorry Zipper, but I'm hoping this is a huge understatement, or just a horrible explaination... I've been looking to do the same thing as Enad (campaign missions in editor, not necessarily EW)...though I must admit, I'm new to the franchise and not overly experienced with the editor, or PBO's, etc..... So I downloaded the tools you suggested. OK, did that. So then I go to C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\AddOns....I find missions.pbo, and missions_ew.pbo (no campaign folder?) Should I mention that these folders look like Arma2 icons, and not folders at all? Which opens my ArmA2 game, and gives me a menu which says "play (insert: mission names), try (insert: orange cone, etc.) As I stated before, I'm a bit of a noob to this. Either way, this doesn't look like the editor, and I'm looking to play with the mission/parameters...not play the mission, right? So I go back and reread your instructions.... So maybe, I think, I'm looking in the wrong place. So I go my c:\Documents and Settings\my name\My Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\my profile, where I DO find a missions folder, empty. There's also a MPMissions folder, and a saved folder, inside of which is a ca folder, inside of which is another missions and missions_ew folder (not PBOs?). These folders contained what seemed to be mission names, and the scenarios, etc... So, I tried moving a trial_by_fire folder to the my_last_mission folder (I used the wizard once, I guess?) Upon opening the game/editor...no spectacular results. I think it safe to say I don't have a clue as to what I'm doing. and So maybe I'm a dummy, but these directions seem to be missing some key ingredients...no? The reason for my interest is because I want to know if it would be possible to play some of the SP only missions (trial by fire, eye for an eye) cooperatively with a buddy, perhaps via a little editing. I've read a few other threads here asking the same thing, but no one's given too definitive of an answer. Could someone provide more clear, consise, step-by-step type directions for a newbie like me.....? I'm not asking for a whole editing guide. Just how do I get these missions from where ever they are, to in front of me where I can play with it, wizard style? Thanks for anything helpful in advance!!!